Monday, 05 October 2015 10:30

 Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran, in talk with Farshad Golzari, the reporter of Ilna News Agency, replied several questions relating to Iraq and Kurdistan Region such as political geography of KR, Kurds’ relations with central governments during history, Adorno’s recent talks- the ex-commander of American Army Headquarters about disintegration, Kurds’ resistance in Kubane, Turkey’s elections and its perspective, the event of Suruc terrorist attack and … . The matter of reformation being pursued by Heydar Al-Ebadi, the Prime Minister of Iraq, was the center of the talk.

Insisting on the affirmativeness of the reformations plan of Iraq has been put the Prime Minister, he declared: any plan that is put as a fight against corruption should be deemed positive. In my opinion Heydar Al-Ebadi expressed braveness to announce the plan. However, if this plan was put with all groups influencing on forming Al-Ebadi cabinet, it would be more powerful. Now we witness a disagreement in Iraq not just limiting to Kurds or Sunni but Shia,; the events happening arise questions that who has been asked for advice and guide and what the main aim of this plan is, or whether the plan is a coup or a reformations plan. In my opinion in following weeks there may be greater problems in Iraq, in a manner that we may see a political clash.


Pointing that this plan should have been more studied by the Prime Minister before being announced, he stated: the reformative plan is good but it seems that Al-Ebadi has made a mistake; It is meant that before the plan being announced he should have talked and discussed with main and important sides and forces of the country and then announced the reformative plan. All say that reformations and fight against corruption is good but what is now being put is that Kurdish population of Iraq share with the government of this country and has participated to form it. We need to know that when it is announced ministers have to be decreased, there are three Kurdish ministers, even among the deputies who are supposed to be expelled or their number to be decreased, there are also Sunni and Kurds. Thus this should be noticed that the role of the parties which have helped the government to be formed ought to be considered.





Thursday, 20 August 2015 04:30

Raymond Adorno, the head of command headquarters of land forces of America army has recently said that the Disintegration of Iraq is the only solution to end the crisis in this country. The reporter of Jame Jam Press, relating this, had an interview with Mr. Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Iran of which as followed:


General Raymond Adorno, the head of command headquarter of land forces of America Army has announced disintegration is the only solution to accomplish the rapprochement between Shia and Sunni. Why has this put again now?

It is long time that the disintegration of Iraq has been being put in Medias, but I think it should be done by people and organizations’ satisfaction. To do so, Kurds, Arabians, Shia and Sunni have to make a decision that nobody has the right to give any ideas about this from out of the country. America thinks if Iraq get disintegration, the people of each part can fight better with ISIS and combat this terrorist groups, however, the disintegration of Iraq and the security concerns of the region relate to just Iraqis.  


Can we say that America seek to disintegration of Iraq?

I can’t say with bluntness that America are looking for disintegration of Iraq, but after World War I and the fall of Ottoman government, the region got separated. In fact America is seeking to preserve its benefits, and go to everywhere that it has benefited.


Do Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Zionist Regime seek to disintegration of Iraq to penetrate this country and they want no strong central government to present?

I cannot say that Turkey and Arabia are looking for disintegration of Iraq, but is Zionist region to supply its benefits followed the disintegration of Arabian regions and the Middle East. In my opinion if central government is their ideal, they will not have any problem; since they want Sunni to overcome Iraq as at Saddam Hussein time, but when they see that Kurds share the destination of Iraq this is tough for them.


Has the betrayal of some inner groups to take ISIS not been an artificial work to make Iraq disintegrated?

The betrayal of this people causing ISIS to overcome the region and Kurdistan, was the betrayal against humanity and Islam, and I dare to say that Kurds has performed better to fight against ISIS.


What is the phase of ISIS position and of fighting it?

Sunni has cooperated ISIS to a high extent, and this has caused that fighting against this group has got more difficult. Of course the position of ISIS in the regions of Kurdistan is not good, for %95 of the regions occupied by this terrorist group has been freed. ISIS present more in Falluja and Al-Anbar the Army of America and Iraq has not been able to have an outcome in these regions yet; however the second stage of freeing Al-Anbar has started.


Why do Iraqis opposite to corruption in their country?

Nobody dares to be opponent to reformation and fighting against corruption in Iraq; of course this is a fact that these attempts are made to act to decrease the authorities of one side and one’s domination on others. Many interpret these attempts as coup, but I personally support reformations.


What can government do about this?

If government has a complete cooperation with political groups in Iraq, it can fight against corruption. This matter is not limited to fire just few authorities or remove the deputies of the President but the government has to monitor the ministries more which are given great budgets, like electricity, commercial, health ministry and municipal which have to offer more services to people.  







Monday, 10 August 2015 04:30

Scrutinizing Haydar-Al-Ebadi’s journey, the P.M of Iraq, to America, in an Iraqi’s view can be the indicative of point being thought by Baghdad. To achieve this goal, we had a short talk with Mr. Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in Iran as followed:


Iraqi Prime Minister’s journey to the USA in Iraqi meetings is called a strategic one, in your view what important aspects can this journey have?

In current conditions Iraq needs different helps, whether politically, sociology or from the viewpoint of fighting against terrorism and ISIS. While after Iran’s agreement with 5+1, there will more opportunity to more cooperation in fighting terrorism. I am so optimistic about this journey so that Iraq can gain what it wants as it’s the least needs including consultative and military helps.


What arms helps does Iraq need?

In my opinion, first of all, Iraq needs consultative help, however, arms like fighter planes and UAVs in addition to supply armaments can help Iraq effectively.


How does America’s arms aid to Iraq help Baghdad fight ISIS?  

Helps whether from America or from any other countries can cause military and logistic strength of Iraq. ISIS is not a small group but an organization calling itself Islamic Government and has created territory for itself and has many hidden forces joining this organization from all over the world. However, in my opinion, the best help can be to create to strength the interior relations among parties, tribes and Iraqi different groups in order to cause a real cooperation inside the government of the country.



Sunday, 19 July 2015 04:30

Diplomacy Irani: the Congress of America has recently passed the draft of the project of arming Pishmerga and Sunni group of Iraq which has created a big fuss. According to this project American government establish a direct connection with Kurds and Iraqi tribes and arm them. The Prime Minister of Iraq has insisted on opposing the project of America Congress arming directly Pishmerga and Sunni tribes. Concerning this we had a talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Region in Tehran of which the main points as followed:

In Dabbagh’s point of view this project is being considered through both Kurdish and legal aspects. Firstly, if central government of Iraq is obedient to the Constitution in order to support Pishmerga to confront ISIS, there will be no need for such project from America. Secondly, in that project the Congress has made some conditions to deliver military aids to KRG including that these aids will be delivered by central government of Iraq, then if central government or Sunni groups do not help Pishmerga to confront ISIS, the military aids will be delivered directly. However in this project it has insisted that delivering the military aids to KRG do not need be effective on the concern of separating Iraq. Concerning the negative reaction of the central government of Iraq to this project Dabbagh said: it seems Iraqi government has been involved in suspicion. If not so, the pass of such project in congress would not have encountered their reaction. All of us even America are in the same position of fighting ISIS. If Iraq government trusted KRG, it instead of a negative reaction would have to declare that we were all Iraqi and united and Pishmerga was a part of defensive forces of Iraq. Thus, Dabbagh’s estimating is that this action of America for directly arming Kurdistan and Sunni tribes of Iraq is to strengthen his effect and presence in the region. Relating the effect of America’s action on the military cooperation of Iran and USA to fight against ISIS Dabbagh said: it seems that after Iran and USA’s closeness in nuclear case, the conditions have happened in a way that the closeness of Tehran-Washington gets more. Of course, the being conditioned of the Congress’s project should be considered specially, and if the government of Iraq is obedient to the Constitution, there will be no need for direct aid of America to Pishmerga.                



Sunday, 25 January 2015 03:30

Tehran- IRNA News Agency- Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG said: as long as we are supported by Iran, we will not need America’s help. He added: the emergence of terrorist groups is the result of America policies in the region.

 He explained: if we take a look to dictator regimes, we will found most of them are brought by America. Stating the emergence of the current extremist groups in Iraq is the new policy of America he added: the aim of forming these groups in those countries is that they always need them.






Monday, 29 December 2014 00:30

Nazem Dabbagh in talk with Javan Press answered the different questions about ISIS and other concerns relating to the Region. What you will read is the results of this one-hour talk.

Nazem Dabbagh believes that the peace of Iraq has never been settled since after the occupation of the country by America and his alliance it has witnessed varieties of terrorist operations. Whenever America wants he support a dictator, to topple him and substitute him for another. Nevertheless the formation of ISIS has been the result of wrong policy of the west in support of Takfiri groups in the event of Afghanistan. When Washington saw Mubarak fell and Morsi was substituted it overthrew him and substituted another for him.

In Syria changes Ba’aths took an advantage of the opportunity to shape the Iraq and Syria unification. At this time the countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar decided to topple Assad within 30 days. Maliki’s mistakes also helped ISIS to grow.

About taking revenge of Maliki’s government by let him alone against ISIS Dabbagh rejected and said: Mr. Maliki put aside many Sunnis from governmental positions and this caused they tended toward ISIS. Our silence in Mosul concern was not for to cooperate with ISIS. Furthermore he rejected Kurds taking advantage of ISIS event to be independence and added: the process of the work advanced in a way that Pishmerga forces showed the most resistance against ISIS and thus stayed in the areas under dispute.

Dabbagh added: our forces advanced around Mosul and settled in the east of this town. Dabbagh mentioned that to confront with ISIS we talked with Maliki many times before Mosul fell, but he did not care. Maliki did not tend to cooperate with Pishmerga to confront with ISIS so much. He said probably ISIS policy in attack to Kurdsitan region of Iraq aimed to confront Iraq and to prevent them to be independent. Since ISIS injuries are healed in Turkey and they have even given us a bullet to fight ISIS. Iran has been the first country giving Kurdistan military help.

About the independence of Kurdistan region Dabbagh said they desire independence but presently if this happens it will be harmful to Kurds. He also said: we know ourselves Arian and Iran as our second hometown. He added: the simple presence of Ebadi cannot help to solve the problems, but the thoughts should be changed. He also said: to prevent America from entering Iraq and the Kurdish region, sustainable relations should be shaped among Iran, the Kurdish region and Shia. In addition about Israel cooperation with the Region Dabbagh said: in our foreign policy we follow the central government of Iraq and also are not willing to have a relationship with Israel since it will cause the world Muslims hate us. About the oil cargo which was sold to Israel Dabbagh said: it was done by dealer and then transferred to Israel. Furthermore he continued: Israel supports Kurds’ independence but it will cause that Iraq, Iran and Turkey begin to be our inimical.

About the region’s action to mine and export oil without Central Government’s permission Dabbagh said: although we prefer to take our budget from the central government, since our budget has been cut, we have no idea but to excavate and export oil. Concerning the anti-Ba’ath rule in Iraq Dabbagh said that Nuri Al-Maliki not only has employed Ba’aths in state positions but he also did them in the Army of Iraq. At last he has known the security condition of Iraq good for Iranian companies to return, but the critical financial conditions is an obstacle for them to continue their job.                   







Wednesday, 20 August 2014 04:30

Salahadin, Kurdistan Region of Iraq ( The Kurdistan Region Presidency strongly condemns the cowardly act of beheading the American journalist, James Foley, by the terrorists of ISIS. This shameful act serves as a reminder of the cruelty of the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  The Kurdistan Region Presidency is hereby extending, on behalf of the people of the Kurdistan Region, condolences to the family and loved ones of Mr. Foley and the government of the United States of America.





Thursday, 07 August 2014 13:30

By Mick Krever and Ken Olshansky, CNN

The foreign minister of Iraqi Kurdistan on Wednesday issued a desperate plea for American and Western intervention to halt the advance of ISIS extremists.

“We are left alone in the front to fight the terrorists of ISIS,” Falah Mustafa Bakir told CNN’s Fred Pleitgen, in for Christiane Amanpour.

“I believe the United States has a moral responsibility to support us, because this is a fight against terrorism, and we have proven to be pro-democracy, pro-West, and pro-secularism.”

While much of the world's attention has recently been focused on Gaza, ISIS has been sweeping across northern Iraq.

Over the weekend, ISIS forces captured a string of towns controlled by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, who, after the near-collapse of the Iraqi army in June, have been seen as the only force capable of confronting ISIS.

Bakir said that Kurdish forces have started to reverse the defensive tack they were forced to take over the weekend.

“This is something way beyond the capacity of the Iraqi air forces. We need the United States and NATO to interfere because we are fighting on behalf of all those who are against terrorism.”

“The U.S. troops have left; the six Iraqi divisions have disappeared. Now it’s only the Peshmerga forces facing these terrorist groups, who have captured all these advanced and sophisticated weaponry from the Iraqi army.”
“And the irony is that we are using outdated, Russian weapons, and the terrorists are using sophisticated and advanced American weapons against us.”
Among the towns captured was Sinjar, home to many Yazidi, a small religious sect whose members are particular targets for the Sunni extremists of ISIS.

Thousands fled with barely any supplies, many into nearby mountains where they're stranded and surrounded by the extremists. They face starvation and dehydration.

While the United States has said it is “actively monitoring the situation” and is providing assistance to the Peshmerga, there seems to be no appetite for a more substantive American intervention in Iraq.

“We have listened to [people] supporting our experience, supporting us. This is now time for action.”

“We have made some progress and we will continue. We are determined in order to take all the areas that have been taken by ISIS back. But we need support, and that support would be in way of airstrikes but also weapons and ammunition.”

“This is a terrorist organization that has declared the war on all those who are against them. So therefore it’s not only the responsibility of Kurdistan. If we are not able to stop them here, they would continue and pose a threat to other countries as well.”


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