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Oil ministry Message to Nazem Dabbagh, the Deputy of Kurdistan region of Iraq in Tehran

The ministry of Oil of I.R.Iran appreciated and acknowledged in a letter from Nazem Dabbagh, the deputy of Kurdistan region of Iraq in Iran for his sending a letter to Me. Engineer Bizhan Namdar Zangeneh, in occasion of backing vote of confidence from Islamic Consultative Parliament of Iran and his selection for the position Oil Ministry of Iran.

 The account of the message is follows:


His Excellency Dabbagh:

Dear the Deputy of Kurdistan Region of Iraq in I.R.Iran,

Your Message of congratulation for Mr. Engineer Zangeneh as the minister of Oil and the occasion of taking vote of confidence has been apprised. as high-ranking expressing thank and acknowledgment, I should be desirous of happiness and success from God in high for his Excellency.


Kazem Zmani

Ministry’s Advisor and Director General







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