Nazem Dabbagh Talks with Etemad Press: The War has no Benefit to anyone

In an interview with the reporter of Etemad Press, Nazem Dabbagh put the different aspects of Turkey’ recent army operations against ISIS and P.K.K under-discussion of which outlines as followed:

About the outcomes of violating the ceasefire by P.K.K, Dabbagh said: in general not to obedient to ceasefire is a negative work and violating it by both sides will absolutely cause challenges between them. In addition, relating to Turkey’s joining to anti-ISIS coalition, Dabbagh added: in my view Turkey at last had to fight ISIS since witnesses prove that bombing in Kurdish region in Turkey was performed by ISIS. Certainly, after finishing its mission in Iraq and Syria, ISIS will head to Turkey. The danger of ISIS is not threatening Iraq and Syria but all the region and world, thus; Turkey may use ISIS as a tool to oppress the Kurds of Iraq and Syria. Furthermore about the difference between ISIS and P.K.K in Turkey’s view Dabbagh said: it is not different for Turkey. For it considers P.K.K terrorist as ISIS. On the pretext of fighting terrorism has aimed P.K.K. but it requires to give more clear definition for terrorism so that the border between Turkey and ISIS get specified. Nowadays if there is any problem, we all have to be united so that we can defeat terrorist.

He added: in my view it will cause many great problems and destroy the peace in Kurdsih regions of turkey. He insisted: these challenges will definitely be a chance for ISIS. Fighting between Turkey and P.K.K will absolutely make it easy for ISIS to move toward Kurdish regions of Syria and cause Kurds’ positions weak severely. Finally Dabbagh mentioned the position of KRG of Iraq about this and said: KRG of Iraq has frequently followed to establish peace, stability and talks for peace and it will never get into war. If this fighting occurs, one of the regions which absolutely suffer is KRG.  



Read کد خبر: 741

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