Iran Newspaper Talk with Nazem Dabbagh: Kurds’ Intellectual Selection in Syria Crisis

  • Sunday, 20 Mar 2016

About the reasons of outstanding increase of Kurds’ role in Syria followed by domestic crisis of this country, Iran Press had an interview with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Governemt of Iraq in Iran and one of the senior experts in Kurdish affairs of which its outlines follow:
In the response to the first question, Nazem Dabbagh replied that after the emergence of ISIS phenomena and opposition of Syria, Kurds had an opportunity to refresh and assert them. Through occurred conditions they pursued to restore their wasted rights, so did they start to fight against terrorists and interfering forces. What characteristics of Kurds warriers that differ from other fighters is their sincerity, bravery and courage. He continued: according the constitution, the first aim is to protect existence of their policy and military. After the fight between Bashar Assad’s government and oppositions commenced, Kurds started to fight its territory rather than supporting them; so they avoided fight and tension with Syria Regime. While it seems when ISIS and Al-Nosrah Front threat goes on, Kurds will also avoid fight with Syria Regime.
The representative of Kurdistan Region in Iran relating to the close relationship with Syrian Kurds with P.K.K and Ankara’s policy said that Syrian Kurds and P.K.K have many common ideological and structural characteristic. Syrian Kurdish party is a branch of Turkish Labors. Thus it needs to be mentioned that these groups are obedient to the Constitution of their countries; and their cooperation does not mean estrangement between them and their political regimes. This is truer for Syrian Kurds. Concerning with hardware entrance of Turkey it needs to be indicated that Ankara has involved in serious strategic mistakes in the field of changes of Syria. Disregarding the roots of crisis, by their unexamined acts they have made Syria security.

Read کد خبر: 838

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