Nazem Dabbagh the representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Tehran, in talk with E’temad Press, dealt with Turkey-P.K.K crisis, of which outlines followed:
In the response to the first question relating chasing and escaping of Turkey’s Kurds and Army Dabbagh said: unhappily instead of following peace and comfortable solution with Kurds, Turkish government has highly increased its military performance against Turkey’s Kurds and put more pressure on the people of the country more than ever. Even though Kurdish people and political organization and their fans intend to bring an end to siege of the people in the country but unfortunately we are witnessing that people are deprived and refugee, besides leaving many injuries these attacks have not left many way to treat. He added that Ankara would increase these pressures.
Concerning the effectiveness of military way to overcome P.K.K Dabbagh stated: this has been experienced many times during long years. Military way have not given favorable outcome for many years and P.K.K and Kurds will live their own life. Both KRG and different European countries are following that both side put an end to their concerns through talk. During past years Turkish government entered into negotiations, in spite of reaching a peaceful process the government has begun to strike again. Dabbagh also added that Ahmad Davoudoghlu’s claim, P.M of Turkey, about wiping the P.K.K out reminds him of the president of former Iraqi regime talking about Kurds of this country.
In an interview with the reporter of Etemad Press, Nazem Dabbagh put the different aspects of Turkey’ recent army operations against ISIS and P.K.K under-discussion of which outlines as followed:
About the outcomes of violating the ceasefire by P.K.K, Dabbagh said: in general not to obedient to ceasefire is a negative work and violating it by both sides will absolutely cause challenges between them. In addition, relating to Turkey’s joining to anti-ISIS coalition, Dabbagh added: in my view Turkey at last had to fight ISIS since witnesses prove that bombing in Kurdish region in Turkey was performed by ISIS. Certainly, after finishing its mission in Iraq and Syria, ISIS will head to Turkey. The danger of ISIS is not threatening Iraq and Syria but all the region and world, thus; Turkey may use ISIS as a tool to oppress the Kurds of Iraq and Syria. Furthermore about the difference between ISIS and P.K.K in Turkey’s view Dabbagh said: it is not different for Turkey. For it considers P.K.K terrorist as ISIS. On the pretext of fighting terrorism has aimed P.K.K. but it requires to give more clear definition for terrorism so that the border between Turkey and ISIS get specified. Nowadays if there is any problem, we all have to be united so that we can defeat terrorist.
He added: in my view it will cause many great problems and destroy the peace in Kurdsih regions of turkey. He insisted: these challenges will definitely be a chance for ISIS. Fighting between Turkey and P.K.K will absolutely make it easy for ISIS to move toward Kurdish regions of Syria and cause Kurds’ positions weak severely. Finally Dabbagh mentioned the position of KRG of Iraq about this and said: KRG of Iraq has frequently followed to establish peace, stability and talks for peace and it will never get into war. If this fighting occurs, one of the regions which absolutely suffer is KRG.
following oppositions continuing for a week in Iraq, now Baghdad announces a widespread change at the top of the government structure, the act that can be said is an indication of braveness and adventurous of Mr. Haydar Al-Ebadi, Iraq P.M. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran in talk with Etemad answer the question about it as followed:
In a response to the first question Dabbagh evaluated Al-Ebadi’s act in the body of government. He said: I personally believe that any reformative change in a government is a good and positive one. Of course it should be said that this motivated act has not to be done politically but it should be the heading of the reformative act. Relating to changes at the top of the government, if there is no agreement among all political groups, the country will confront more problems. The government must not be a political base for a special party or group. Such things should be an agreement among all groups. Dabbagh stated these changes occurred to the response to Ayatollah Sistani’s message about general reformations and oppositions in different cities.
Concerning the reaction of Iraq Kurds to the change, Dabbagh said: reformations in Iraq cannot be done lonely. The government is for Iraq as whole and all should be satisfied with these changes, if not so, It will lead to failure. About positive or negative effects of these changes Dabbagh said we should see what the aim of deletion of these posts is, underestimating the role of a few people. He added: if you are going to destroy a building and rebuild it, it is required to prepare materials for it. Now government has announces that it will do some changes, but we should see it has required tools and plans to do these changes or not, and should be notices that it has been able to reach an agreement with other parties or not. These are questions that have to be answered.
Scrutinizing Haydar-Al-Ebadi’s journey, the P.M of Iraq, to America, in an Iraqi’s view can be the indicative of point being thought by Baghdad. To achieve this goal, we had a short talk with Mr. Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in Iran as followed:
Iraqi Prime Minister’s journey to the USA in Iraqi meetings is called a strategic one, in your view what important aspects can this journey have?
In current conditions Iraq needs different helps, whether politically, sociology or from the viewpoint of fighting against terrorism and ISIS. While after Iran’s agreement with 5+1, there will more opportunity to more cooperation in fighting terrorism. I am so optimistic about this journey so that Iraq can gain what it wants as it’s the least needs including consultative and military helps.
What arms helps does Iraq need?
In my opinion, first of all, Iraq needs consultative help, however, arms like fighter planes and UAVs in addition to supply armaments can help Iraq effectively.
How does America’s arms aid to Iraq help Baghdad fight ISIS?
Helps whether from America or from any other countries can cause military and logistic strength of Iraq. ISIS is not a small group but an organization calling itself Islamic Government and has created territory for itself and has many hidden forces joining this organization from all over the world. However, in my opinion, the best help can be to create to strength the interior relations among parties, tribes and Iraqi different groups in order to cause a real cooperation inside the government of the country.
After the victories of the army in Salaheddin and the liberation of Tikrit, Al-Ebadi’s government decided to cross out people forces in release operation of Al-Anbar give their role to fresh forces. Thus ISIS could occupy this town, what caused Al-Ebadi called for people help once more.
Relating to this Maytham Soleimani the Etemad Press’s reporter had an interview with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Region Government of Iraq in Tehran as follows:
In Mr. Dabbagh’s view the gained victories against ISIS was for all different groups’ participation of Iraq. However, after these victories some began to wage tribal wars against each other to gain all the advantage for themselves so that the government had to omit some groups. These differences were all benefits to ISIS. Once more the government trusted only in police and army and it left the security gained in Al-Anbar for them. It was how the experience of Mosul repeated in Ramadi. Now conditions have arisen in which Iraq have to think uniquely.
Relating the refugees of Ramadi including 25000 people he said: we must diminish the reason for their being homelessness. One of the reasons is the disruption existing in Iraq in which the army’s weapons have been taken by ISIS; America which has been paid millions of dollars by Iraq, now sending its fighters to destroy them and the government has to purchase these weapons again. In Dabbagh’s view these dollars should have paid for infrastructures and services for people, it might not has created an ISIS. Shias under a unit authority, Ayatollah Sistani, stand under one flag despite of differences as the Sunnis do not.
Concerning Kubani events Etemad Press asked for Mr. Dabbagh’s view of which the most important parts as followed:
In the response to the question he answered: the confirmation of 40% occupation of Kubani by ISIS is under doubt. But he stated that presently by Kubanian people resisting against ISIS it seems it will be difficult to occupy this city. Although they have been surrounded by three sides, by such these little weapons they have been able to confront ISIS, if they have proper equipment they can set them back from Kubani.
Concerning the role of Turkey he said: that turkey will permit not any help to be given to Kubani. Despite of written request of the president of Kurdistan region this country has only settled its tanks on borders and it has done nothing special more. Dabbagh said: to give any help from Kurdistan Region to the Kurds of Syria is so difficult for loss of land communication. He added: Turkey is expected as a democrat country, a member of NATO and an Islamic country and in accordance with the human right …take an action toward ISIS.
Dabbagh already said that the airstrike of the coalition affect a little. If accompanied with these attacks Kurds are supported it can be workable. He said he does not expect foreign forces to enter the region. About the claim saying if Kurds access the advanced weapons may cause another crisis he considered it just as a pretext. In his view these equipment is just used to defend people of Kurd. Kurds want according to the constitution of the country in which the live begin to work.
The pavilion of Etemad press in the publication exhibition had an international guest. Mr. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran continuously having clear and sharp literature in analyzing the conditions of Iraq as presenting in the pavilion of Etemad in a short talk proceeded with describing the conditions of Iraq after the new government having formed, the practical positions of fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria as well as analyzing the recent political moves in the crisis of Syria as followed:
In Dabbagh’s view Kurdish, Iraqi and Arabian political leaders’ endeavors was effective. The new government was formed by the participation of powerful Sunni, Kurdish and Shia personifications and that is why a new stage has occurred in Iraq policy-making and peaceful power-transition. Therefore these positive political accomplishments must be accompanied with thought-changing. New political thought should represent itself in political-administrative policy-making.
About hopeful results of bilateral negotiations Dabbagh said: in spite of visiting authorities and leaders and Fuad Masum himself in special, the president of Iraq, as of a yet the negotiations have not gained any result though. He continued that the KRG does follow constitute of Iraq and the promises being made and to solve the problems cording this. Therefore unfortunately after two months we did not observed the useful results. About the promises neglected by Baghdad government he added: the problems will be solved at some points; 1- the oil regulation 2- Pishmerga regulations 3- the article 140 and 4- the regulations of the relations between KRG and Iraqi United government. Seemingly to solve each problems it was agreed to do so within three months but for the article 140 four months. Therefore after two months nothing special has happened. He considered the root of this crisis in mismanagement of former government of Iraq.
In a response to a question about the lack of equal opportunity among the Region’s forces to exploit international aids according to the policy of Kurdistan Region and of the secretary of Iraq there is the necessary synchronization or else they could fight ISIS. Finally, concerning the Kubani news, Dabbagh said: the condition of Kubani has greatly varied when Pishmerga forces joined it and ISIS have been obliged to withdraw which surly have resulted from the people of the region specially Kubanian women.
The Foreign Minister of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif’s traveled to Kurdistan Region denotes the presence strong strategic between KRG of Iraq and I.R. of Iran. This travel represents that the government of Iran both in the past and now and the future are prepared to help central government in Iraq as well as KRG.
In recent months Iran and Iraq have shown that they tend to have close cooperation altogether and fight against the extremists in order to establish tranquility and stability in the region. The matter that should be considered here is that during history the bilateral relationship between the KRG and I.R.Iran has caused whenever Kurdistan have needed an helps it was Iran rushed to do so and in order to make relation between Kurds and central government it took actions. Presently the government of Heydar Al-Ebadi in Iraq has done his best to unify all different politicians’ attitudes from divergent tribes, therefore in my opinion on KR’s policy concerning autonomy nothing serious has happened.
The only change has occurred is that Iraq government’s view toward many concerns for the future has been changed. We have always emphasized this that we accompany the central government in Baghdad providing the government get to be obedient to the constitution and all other present regulations. Concerning coming to power of Heydar Al-Ebadi I do not think the change of political man has a that importance. Both Heydar Al-Ebadi and Nuri Maliki are of the same political organization but the matter is the difference on the attitudes. Al-Ebadi said we will solve past problems and will not return to passed conditions.
We also hope this matter will be met. However about the view of foreign minister of I.R. of Iran on the matter of Kurd’ willing to independent, I should say that in this travel he insisted his country is as a country due to establishing the security and stability in Iraq and regarding this he helps to the Kurdistan which is a part of Iraq.
Another concern is that ISIS is not the dangerous threat only Kurds of Iraq but all the country as well as international security. The presence of ISIS in Iraq results from the mismanagement existing in Iraq beforehand. As a matter of fact ISIS is an organization without border and country. Its members have got together from different tribes and countries and come to the region and Iraq in a special form.
Regarding this I think ISIS can lead to the formation of a new relation between all countries of the region and central government in Baghdad and in a more special form KRG. Today world have got this that ISIS is a threat to the all universe and that is why in recent weeks different authorities from European countries came to Iraq and KR to announce their preparedness to help Kurds in order to confront ISIS.
Iran has continuously emphasized the maintenance of national unity in Iraq and followed to strengthen the central government. Dr. Zarif the foreign minister of Iran also insisted Tehran will appreciate any agreements between Baghdad and KRG of Iraq. Additionally the foreign minister of Iran stated Tehran want a comprehensive government to be established in Iraq.
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