Wednesday, 09 December 2015 03:02

Ankara, Turkey, ( As part of President Masoud Barzani's visit to Turkey, he was received today by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey. During the meeting President Barzani and President Erdogan discussed the latest developments in Iraq and in Kurdistan insofar as the war against the terrorists of the Islamic State is concerned. Presidents Barzani and Erdogan stressed on the importance of continuing and strengthening the coordination between the allies against the terrorists.

President Barzani also discussed the Kurdish issue in Turkey with President Erdogan and reiterated his stance of peace being the only solution for all parties involved. President Barzani stated that neither the Kurds nor the state of Turkey would benefit from attempting to violently resolving the issues.

During President Barzani's series of meeting with Turkish officials, he also met with Mr. Ahmet Davutogu, the Prime minister of Turkey. 





Wednesday, 09 December 2015 07:00

Ankara, Turkey, ( As part of President Masoud Barzani's visit to Turkey, he was received today by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey. During the meeting President Barzani and President Erdogan discussed the latest developments in Iraq and in Kurdistan insofar as the war against the terrorists of the Islamic State is concerned. Presidents Barzani and Erdogan stressed on the importance of continuing and strengthening the coordination between the allies against the terrorists.

President Barzani also discussed the Kurdish issue in Turkey with President Erdogan and reiterated his stance of peace being the only solution for all parties involved. President Barzani stated that neither the Kurds nor the state of Turkey would benefit from attempting to violently resolving the issues.

During President Barzani's series of meeting with Turkish officials, he also met with Mr. Ahmet Davutogu, the Prime minister of Turkey. 

Friday, 04 December 2015 07:00

Concerning some put issues about Iraq, Somayye Khammarbaghi from International Group of Mehr News Agency carried out an interview with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran of which the outlines as follow:

Relating to the victory of Justice and Development Party in recent parliament elections and formation of one-side government and its effect on Iraq and turkey relations Dabbagh said: Iraq and Turkey cooperation will get more in political, economic and security fields as will with Kurdistan Region. The foreign Minister of Turkey came to Erbil visiting the Regional authorities and insisting on developing relation. In addition about the place of Iraq balkanization in America’s general policy and its goal he said: this is not serious and before Saddam’s fall it had been put that Iraq would have been Balkanized in three regions, Kurdish, Sunni and Shia. In his view the positions of some Americans relating to balkanization of Iraq has been put due to its special condition of the Region. Dabbagh said: if Iraq was divided into three regions the Region would be strong. But it is unlikely such thing happens. In his view regional countries disagree about the balkanization of Iraq to confront Shia crescent not to be formed.

Dabbagh was asked that how Iraq forms foreign policy based on the balance with other countries supporting terrorism like Saudi Arabia in one side and Iran in other side. He replied: to make balance in Iraq foreign relations in current conditions is a difficult task. He added: unfortunately some politicians on stage prefer their personal interests and sides to national; if not so, many present problems would not exist. Thus in such conditions making balance in relations with the regional countries is difficult.

Relating to forming National Guard of Iraq, Mehr reporter asked Dabbagh what he thought and he answered: its results is bilateral, namely, positive and negative. He believes looking at the quality of Iraq army, it is realized better that to form this is undeniable. He continued to say: I personally think that to form National Guard in Iraq is the factor of difference and so unity not to be formed.

Relating to form an informational center with Iran’s, Syria’s, Iraq’s and Russia’s help in Baghdad and the possibility to develop airstrikes of Russia against ISIS in Iraq, Dabbagh tooke this position: I say we can take use Russia to confront with terrorist groups, but how about next? America’s policy is that they are not following to strongly fight ISIS and desire a restricted confrontation with this group but Russia want definitely to vanish ISIS, so there will be a different interests. Maybe Russia and America reach a common point and if so, it is probable to somewhat negotiate about the future of regional interests. In my point of view one of Russia’s interests is to return power scene since America has been great power in the region before.      




Tuesday, 03 November 2015 03:30

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani called Turkish President Erdogan on Monday to congratulate him on the successful conclusion of the recent general election in Turkey. The President expressed his hope the results of this election will lead to stability and progress in Turkey and in the wider region, and will bring about peace to all the communities in Turkey. 

Wednesday, 04 November 2015 03:30

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani welcomed Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioğlu in Salahaddin today. The President and the Turkish Foreign Minister reviewed bilateral relations, the fight against ISIS terrorists, and political and security developments in the region. Both sides reaffirmed their desire to continue to consolidate their bilateral cooperation. 

Foreign Minister Sinirlioğlu said that Turkey supports stability and security in the Kurdistan Region and is ready to enhance bilateral relations with the KRG. 

President Barzani congratulated the successful general election held in Turkey and expressed his hope that the results of this election would lead to more stability and peace in Turkey. 
The President emphasized that cooperation between the KRG and Turkey as neighbors would help peace, stability, and security in the region.

Monday, 05 October 2015 07:00

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Region of Iraq in Iran in talk with the reporter of International Service of Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) dealt with the present challenges of the relationship between Kurdistan and central government, of the fight with ISIS, of the way to control crises and of Kurdistan’s relations with Iran and Turkey whose outlines as followed:

He does not consider Iranians and Kurds as two separate nations and believes that the cultural and historical similarities have caused Kurds of Iraq have continually deemed Iranians as a part of their own. Dabbagh said: thousands of workforces now are in Kurdistan helping to improve there. In the Region we know Iranians of our own. In Kurds’ view Iranian citizens in the Region are recognized than other foreigners. We call them Iranian but others foreigners. When you travel to Kurdistan, you most often feel that you are in Iran as a result of lots of cultural similarities of both.

It has been said some of anti-revolution Kurdish cells now present in Kurdistan of Iraq and even are busy trying works, Nazem Dabbagh stated: this is known by Iranian government and these cells, according to present agreements, are not allowed to make any effort against Iran’s interests.

Denying any relations with Israel, Dabbagh said: no documents relating this has not given to Kurdistan Region so far. Some are following to create deep differences between us and Iran and through putting such things. They are seeking their aims but we as the representative of the Region in Iran have not heard even once such matter on the behalf of our authorities in any official meetings but just in few News Agencies, he added. Our relations with Israel are according to the constitution of Iraq, Does anyone believe that Kurdish are following to cause problems with Arabian nations and Iran for Israel!?

Concerning with important problem of “the independence of Kurds” being considered a vital security concern for neighbors, Iran in special, Nazem Dabbagh also stated: the matter of Independence of Kurds and of having an independent country is not only being put among Kurdish leaders but it also is all Kurds’ heartfelt desire from all over the world; however, desiring independence differentiate from declaring it. Declaring independence requires its special conditions and in my view it is not now prepared.


Relating the difference between Kurdistan Regional Government and Central Government of Iraq, Dabbagh said: in the past to cut the budget of the Region on the behalf of the Central Government caused Kurds to begin selling oil, aside from its being legal or not. There were not any other ideas. We are selling our oil and have come to an agreement, early in following Christian year, to do this with Central Government’s cooperation. It also pays us the money of sold oil; in spite of exporting oil according to the agreement with federal government, Baghdad denied to pay it us. These problems can be solved. We, monthly, sell $800 million oil and this earning was deposited to government’s treasury; however we have never been paid more than $400 million.

Dabbagh added: Pishmegas are one of the important forces fighting against ISIS now strongly defending the Region as a part of Iraq. They were fighting across Iraq, though. Pishmergas have many times fought in Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Baghdad and other regions in Iraq. Central government can make use of Pishmergas’ high ability, why did not Maliki (the former Prime Minister of Iraq) take advantage of Pishmergas to support Mosul?

The head of Kurdistan Regional Representative Office added: our differences with central government are how to perform the constitution. But now we along with forces have practically released the regions in dispute occupied by ISIS. If there were not Pishmerga, the same regions were under ISIS’s control. Now the matter is to put the released zones in dispute go into the frame of constitution.

In another part of his phrasing as denying any rift among Kurds and confronting ISIS Dabbagh said: all Kurds including Pishmerga of the Region, P.K.K and Syrian Kurds in fight with ISIS are unified, and this unification strength 1050 km of battlefield with ISIS. There may be differences but just on little problems and military tactics. Kurds have not got basic differences about this.

Dabbagh was asked for Turkey’s strike to the North of Syria and providing a safe zone, he replied: every country has to respect others’ laws. To create such safe zone refers to international rules whether it is allowed to do or not. If such act leads to prevent blooding and massacring non-armies, it is acceptable. However it is just not over Turkey but international societies to come up with decision and also it refers a bit to interior affairs of Syria.         




Friday, 02 October 2015 03:30

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Tehran, in talk with E’temad Press, dealt with Turkey-P.K.K crisis, of which outlines followed:

In the response to the first question relating chasing and escaping of Turkey’s Kurds and Army Dabbagh said: unhappily instead of following peace and comfortable solution with Kurds, Turkish government has highly increased its military performance against Turkey’s Kurds and put more pressure on the people of the country more than ever. Even though Kurdish people and political organization and their fans intend to bring an end to siege of the people in the country but unfortunately we are witnessing that people are deprived and refugee, besides leaving many injuries these attacks have not left many way to treat. He added that Ankara would increase these pressures.

Concerning the effectiveness of military way to overcome P.K.K Dabbagh stated: this has been experienced many times during long years. Military way have not given favorable outcome for many years and P.K.K and Kurds will live their own life. Both KRG and different European countries are following that both side put an end to their concerns through talk. During past years Turkish government entered into negotiations, in spite of reaching a peaceful process the government has begun to strike again. Dabbagh also added that Ahmad Davoudoghlu’s claim, P.M of Turkey, about wiping the P.K.K out reminds him of the president of former Iraqi regime talking about Kurds of this country.  



Sunday, 06 September 2015 04:30

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( - In August, direct oil export from Kurdistan Region continued despite sabotage and attempted theft on the export pipeline inside Turkey borders, which occurred on 27 July and extended to the first week of August.

According to the Kurdistan Regional Government, KRG, Ministry of Natural Resources Oil Export Report, in August Kurdistan Region has exported 14,657,798 barrels of crude oil, an average of 472,832 bpd, through the Kurdistan pipeline network to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey. This is an 8.5 per cent decline comparing to 16,019,090 barrels which were exported in July.

The decline, according to the report, was due to nine days of downtime for the export pipeline which mostly occurred at the beginning of the month.

Of the exported amount, fields operated by the KRG contributed 10,958,817 barrels, an average of 353,510 bpd, while fields operated by the North Oil Company, NOC, contributed 3,698,981 barrels, an average of 119,322 bpd.

In August, the Kurdistan Regional Government delivered a total of 1,579,004 barrels, an average of 50,936 bpd, to the Iraqi State Oil Marketing Company, SOMO.

The monthly export report said that in August, the KRG “continued its direct oil sales in Ceyhan to compensate the Region for the budget shortfalls from the federal government in Baghdad and to continue to pay down debts accumulated in 2014 from pre-payments for direct oil sales” the report highlighted.”

Last week, KRG Ministry of Natural Resources confirmed that the Kurdistan Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs expects the first tranche of regular payments to the producing IOCs to be made available during the first half of September 2015.

In an earlier statement by KRG ministry of Natural Resources it was urged that as oil export is expected to rise in early 2016, the KRG envisages making additional revenue available to the IOCs to enable them to begin to catch up on the past receivables due under their production sharing contracts.

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