President Nechirvan Barzani receives outgoing Ambassador of EU

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, August 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received the outgoing European Union Ambassador to Iraq Mr. Ville Varjola in Erbil on Thursday. The President thanked Ambassador Varjola for his efforts to promote EU relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and wished him success in his future assignments.

For his part, Mr. Varjola thanked President Nechirvan Barzani and the relevant parties of the Kurdistan Region for their support in his mission.

The meeting also highlighted the situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.





President Nechirvan Barzani receives a Jordanian delegation

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, August 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received First Deputy Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament, Mr. Ahmad Khalaila and his accompanying delegation in Erbil today.

The meeting highlighted the delegation’s current visit to Baghdad and Erbil to discuss Jordan’s relations with Iraq, especially its long-standing bonds with the Kurdistan Region, and to promote joint cooperation between the two sides.

President Nechirvan Barzani referred to the visit as a testament to Jordan’s enduring support for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. The President stated that the Kurdistan Region considers the bilateral relations between Jordan and Iraq important, and reiterated his support. The President also expressed the Kurdistan Region’s gratitude for the support of His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Kingdom of Jordan to the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

The guest delegation thanked the Kurdistan Region for its role in defeating ISIS, and expressed their admiration for the progress of the Kurdistan Region, stressing their country’s support for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. They also welcomed the opportunity for joint cooperation in the sectors of health, tourism, cultural, educational and trade exchanges

The meeting, also attended by the First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, discussed the situation in the wider region and other issues of common interest.





President Nechirvan Barzani: There must be a swift and practical solution to the situation of the Yezidis

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, August 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani participated in the ninth anniversary of the genocide of the Yezidis and the Sinjar tragedy. The commemoration ceremony was arranged by the Yazda Organization, in Erbil today Thursday.

During the ceremony, also attended by Mr. Mustafa Sayed Qadir, Vice President of the Kurdistan Region, Mr. Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, a number of ministers and officials of the Kurdistan Region, diplomats, personalities and rescued Yezidis, foreign guests, academics, Yezidi, Muslim and Christian clerics, civil society representatives and a number of Yezidi survivors, President Nechirvan Barzani delivered the following speech:

Dear relatives of the victims of the Yezidi genocide,

Dear attendees,

Good day, and welcome to the commemoration of the dreadful tragedy of Sinjar and the genocide of the Yezidis.

Remembering the genocide of the Yezidis is a different and special commemoration, because, for me, the horrors of this genocide and tragedy are still ongoing and have not yet ended. A large number of abducted Yezidi women, children and men are still missing. As long as there is one kidnapped Yezidi left, this crime will haunt us and its consequences will still bring sorrow and pain to the Yezidis and the people of Kurdistan.

Today is the day when we all honor the heroism and sacrifice of the Peshmerga, who after the reorganization of their forces under the command of President Massoud Barzani, defeated the myth of ISIS on the ground. Greetings to the souls of the heroes who gave their lives to liberate Sinjar and protect the whole of Kurdistan. Thanks to the support of the international coalition against ISIS to the Peshmerga and the Iraqi forces.

Thanks to the people of the Kurdistan Region for opening their doors to the refugees, to the Yezidi refugees, especially the people of Duhok province who have cooperated in every way with the Yezidi brothers and sisters. It will never be forgotten when in Badinan, people opened their homes, schools and mosques to welcome and shelter the Yezidi brothers and sisters.

I commend the Yazda organization for arranging this ceremony. I also commend them for their work for the Yezidis. I hope they continue their work with strength. A special thanks to Ms. Nadia Murad for all the work she does for the Yezidis.

I thank all the parliaments, governments and organizations in the world that recognized the tragedy of Sinjar as genocide, and support the Yezidis in any ways. The latest one was the British government, which recognized the tragedy of the Yezidis as genocide on August 1. We thank them and call on other countries to recognize this great crime as genocide.

We in the Kurdistan Region respect and appreciate the position, solidarity, cooperation and support of these countries to the Yezidi community.

Dear attendees,

On August 3, another calamity came upon the Yezidis and another tragedy entered the history of the people of Kurdistan. No one imagined that such a brutal crime against humanity would be committed in the 21st century. This tragedy was heartbreaking; it hurt everyone and all communities in Kurdistan, as ISIS henchmen brutally kidnapped Yezidi women and children, bought and sold them, slaughtered and killed people, burned and destroyed Yezidi houses and temples. This crime was an unprecedented crime of our time.

As a result of this atrocity, more than 5,000 Yezidis were martyred by ISIS, including 400 people who were massacred in the village of Kojo. So far, 83 mass graves have been discovered, and 135,000 Yezidi refugees are still living in camps under tents and in difficult conditions, while 189,000 have been scattered in the Kurdistan Region after being displaced from Sinjar. 2,745 children have been left without parents due to ISIS attacks. This is in addition to thousands of other Yezidis who were displaced in Europe and other countries and separated from their homeland and relatives.

Unfortunately, 1,244 kidnapped Yezidi girls, women and 1,402 men and youth are still missing.

So far, 1,208 women, 339 men and 2,023 children have been rescued. I would like to thank the staff at the Kidnapped Yazidi Rescue Office, and their team members one by one. I reiterate: As long as there is one Yazidi kidnapped left, this section of my office will remain and will continue to find and rescue the kidnapped.

Dear attendees,

The situation of the Yezidis in the Sinjar region is dreadful; so many of the families who returned to Sinjar were forced to leave the city again, due to the lack of services, lack of security and peace, and lack of job opportunities.

The Iraqi Federal Government should pay special attention to the services and reconstruction of Sinjar, which is affected more than any other place by the ISIS attacks, because in Sinjar, besides houses, roads, families and the society as a whole were destroyed. A deep wound has been opened in the souls and minds of the Yezidis and the people of Sinjar, which will never heal easily, and will need the help and cooperation of all of us.

A crime was committed against the Yezidi people that has had a huge social and psychological impact. The impact of the genocide has been compounded by living without services and nine years of living under tents. We are aware of their difficult living conditions in the camps. It is the responsibility of all of us in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region to change this situation.

The implementation of the Sinjar agreement will pave the way for the return of the people of Sinjar and the region. In order for the people to live in peace in Sinjar and its surroundings, all the forces that are not from Sinjar must leave the area, and the management and protection of Sinjar must be handed over to the people of Sinjar and a legal authority. PKK forces and all foreign forces must leave the area. These forces will only create disaster, and instability for Sinjar and the Yezidis, and deepen their wounds.

Ladies and gentlemen.

The Yezidis have a peaceful human belief. They do not attack anyone or any nation, they do not interfere in anyone’s religion, and they do not accept anyone to convert to their religion, this, in order to maintain lasting peace. They are utterly peaceful with all their surroundings. They have a beautiful saying about this:

In Bore Hur, ride

Listen to the soul

Be friends with all creatures

Yezidis and Yezidism have preserved their beliefs, literature and language in Kurdistan, because the language of worship of the Yezidis is Kurdish. You may meet a non-Yazidi Kurd in a city, or somewhere in Kurdistan, or abroad, who does not speak Kurdish, but you will not find any Yezidis anywhere who does not speak Kurdish.

The Yezidis have played an important role in all Kurdistan revolutions, which is why our ancestors taught us to love and respect the Yezidis. The enemies of Kurdistan have never spared the Yezidis. During the Anfal process, several Yezidi villages were obliterated.

The Yezidis have always been a prominent and beloved part of the people of Kurdistan and will remain so. The Yezidis and all Kurdistan communities, regardless of their religion and ethnicity, have always lived together peacefully. Today, I assure the Yezidi brothers and sisters and all communities in Kurdistan that our country, Kurdistan, will always remain a cradle of coexistence, mutual acceptance and tolerance and will never allow hatred and extremism.

Dear attendees,

The dreadful situation of the Yezidis has always been an important part of our discussions with the parties and officials of the world. Fortunately, an international consensus on (recognizing) the genocide of the Yezidis has been formed and is expanding, but unfortunately there is no consensus in Iraq on resolving the situation in Sinjar, which is an injustice being committed against the people of Sinjar.

It is now a critical time to call on the Kurdistan Parliament, the government and the political parties in Kurdistan and Iraq to hold a special meeting to follow up on the implementation of past decisions and find a swift practical solution to the situation in Sinjar.

Therefore, it is imperative that the parliament and all factions in the Iraqi parliament and the federal government take practical steps to normalize the situation in Sinjar.

Once again, we pay tribute to the souls of the victims of the Yezidi genocide. Thank you for your presence and participation.

Welcome, once again.





President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Defense Minister of Estonia

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, August 2, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received Estonian Defense Minister, Mr. Hanno Pevkur, in Erbil this evening.

Their meeting highlighted the ongoing visit of the Estonian Defense Minister to his country’s forces in the Kurdistan Region, within the framework of the international coalition against ISIS, as well as the latest developments in the fight against terrorism and ISIS networks.

Both sides agreed on the need to continue the mission of the international coalition against ISIS to confront the threat of terrorism and to ensure the eradication of ISIS, which remains a serious threat to the security and stability in the wider region.

President Nechirvan Barzani expressed the Kurdistan Region’s gratitude for the participation and contributions of Estonia and its military forces in the Kurdistan Region and in the mission of the international coalition against ISIS, and stressed the importance of continued cooperation and joint coordination in this regard.

The developments in Iraq and the wider region and other issues of mutual interest were also discussed at the meeting.


Kurdistan Region President’s message on the anniversary of the genocidal Anfal campaign against Barzanis

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, July 31, 2023

Today, we commemorate the 40th anniversary of the genocidal Anfal campaigns against the Barzanis, and pay tribute to more than 8000 innocent Barzanis who were rounded up from the concentration camps in Erbil from late July to mid-August 1983, and sent to mass murder sites, never to see their families again.

Thousands of innocent Barzani families in Qushtapa, Bahrka, Harir, Soran and other places were left without fathers and brothers, and thousands of Barzani women remained widowed, facing an unknown and difficult fate, and enduring harsh suffering and deprivation. These brave women took the responsibility of raising their children in the absence of their fathers and brothers who never came back from the mass murder sites of southern deserts. I kiss the hands of these kind and devoted mothers.

The Anfal of Barzanis, like all the crimes committed against the people of Kurdistan, not only did not weaken the strength and determination of our people to fight against oppression and dictatorship, rather, it strengthened the spirit of confrontation and the will of the people of Kurdistan to continue their struggle with a stronger belief.

As we mark this notorious day, we salute the innocent Barzani victims of the Anfal; we pay tribute to all victims of the infamous Anfal campaigns and honor all the fallen heroes of Kurdistan. We applaud the people of Erbil, Harir and Batas, for their courageous roles in sheltering and assisting the families who were targeted in the Anfal campaign.

On this occasion, at a time when the Kurdistan Region is passing through a critical period, we reemphasize the unity and solidarity of all parties and communities in Kurdistan, which is the only path to prosperity and success.

Nechirvan Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan Region





President Nechirvan Barzani attends the funeral of the late Sheikh Saeed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Abu Dhabi, UAE, July 29, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani attended the funeral of Sheikh Saeed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the late brother of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the UAE, in Abu Dhabi today.

The President conveyed the condolences of President Masoud Barzani, and offered his and the people of Kurdistan’s sympathies to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Al Nahyan family, and to the government and the people of the UAE. The President prayed that the Almighty God will bestow his mercy upon the late Sheikh Saeed Bin Zayed and grant patience and comfort to everyone.

The UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan expressed his gratitude, and thanked President Nechirvan Barzani for attending the funeral and for his sympathies.

President Nechirvan Barzani receives Patriarch of Chaldean Catholic Church

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, July 25, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako, the Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, and his accompanying delegation in Erbil today.

In a meeting, on the recent revocation of an Iraqi presidential decree regarding the Chaldean Catholic Church, President Nechirvan Barzani reiterated the importance of Iraq including the Kurdistan Region to embrace all religious and ethnic communities, and expressed hope that the President of Iraq would resolve the issue soon.

President Nechirvan Barzani reaffirmed that coexistence and mutual acceptance are uncompromising values and principles, and that Iraq’s strength lies in remaining a country for all communities, and protecting the rights of all.

For his part, Cardinal Sako expressed his gratitude for the support of President Nechirvan Barzani and stressed that the Kurdistan Region is a land of coexistence and mutual acceptance and a source of pride for them. Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans reassured that the current situation will not prevent him from carrying out his commitments and duties or from continuing to protect Iraq and its peaceful coexistence.

The situation in the Nineveh Plains and other issues related to the status of the Church and the Christians were also highlighted during the meeting which was also attended by the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Minister of Armed Forces of France

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, July 19, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received Mr. Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces of France and his accompanying delegation this evening.

The meeting discussed the latest developments in the fight against ISIS, the fight against terrorism and the security situation in Iraq, the Kurdistan Region and the wider region. Both sides agreed that ISIS remains an existing threat which necessitates the continued support of the international coalition and France to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

President Nechirvan Barzani expressed the Kurdistan Region’s gratitude for the support of France to the people of Kurdistan in the past, especially referring to the role of French President Mr. Emmanuel Macron, and stressed that the people of Kurdistan will never forget the solidarity and the support from France.

For his part, the French Minister of Armed Forces expressed delight to visit Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and stressed that his country will continue to support Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in order to maintain peace and stability in Iraq, the Kurdistan Region and the wider region countering the threats of terrorism and ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

The meeting, which was attended by the French Ambassador to Iraq and the French Consul General in the Kurdistan Region, highlighted Erbil-Baghdad relations, coordination between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi army to fight terrorism, the situation in the wider region in general and the war in Ukraine, it’s ramifications and other issues of common interest were discussed.

Later in a joint press conference, the two sides discussed the contents of their meeting.

The President said:

“I was very pleased to welcome Mr. Minister here in Erbil this evening. We warmly welcome him to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. His visit is an important message of France’s continued support and friendship with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. you are very welcome.

“We had a good meeting. We talked about the fight against ISIS and the fight against terrorism and extremism. We both agreed that ISIS is still a real threat to the security and stability of Iraq and the region, so the international coalition and France should continue to support Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

“We thanked France for its continued support and friendship with the Kurdistan Region. The people of Kurdistan will never forget the help and support of France at different stages. We reiterate our gratitude for the role of President Macron for his continued contact and support to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

“We support the understanding and agreements between Iraq and France. We expect the Kurdistan Region to benefit from it, especially in the field of assistance and training of the Peshmerga.

“We stressed the importance of continued coordination and cooperation between Iraq and the Kurdistan Region with France and the international community to maintain peace and stability and to meet this challenge in Iraq and the region.

“We discussed the situation in Sinjar, the Yezidis, Christians and other communities and the importance of paving the way for the return of the Yezidi refugees to their places. In this regard, we both agreed that it is important for this purpose to implement the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Federal Government to normalize the situation in Sinjar.

“We thank the French Embassy in Baghdad and French Consulate General in Erbil for their efforts to promote French relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. Welcome again to Erbil, Mr. Minister.”

Minister of the Armed Forces of France:

“Thank you, Mr. President Nechirvan Barzani, thank you for this warm welcome, thank you for these words of friendship and for the way the delegation I am leading was received and welcomed. I would like to thank the French Ambassador to Iraq and the French Consul General in Erbil.

“At a very special moment for the whole world, where there are many security challenges that we must face together, as we mentioned during our meeting, France is strengthening itself. In the parliament we voted for a law to approve an unprecedented budget.

“When I say unprecedented, it reminds us of General Charles de Gaulle’s measures in the 1960s to manage various crisis situations such as the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the return of rivalry of global powers. Current issues include climate change and security challenges on land and sea, with a very prominent topic on the table: terrorism.

“As I told you, France has a deeply special relationship with this subject, which is an emotional relationship, and it is regrettable that it has a relationship with its calamities as well. We have seen the bombings in Paris and Nice, and we know what the blood shed in France has to do with misery. In confronting terrorism France is not an ordinary Western country like others.

“This forces us to verify the results achieved here by our forces through Operation North, as well as the operations within the framework of the international coalition. The operations were carried out within the framework of bilateral relations. The results of these operations are visible here and are reassuring.

“At the very least, the fight against terrorism remains a challenge. As a constant challenge, as a very delicate challenge for every moment, and completely with radical Islam which is the Islamic State (ISIS), our task is not over. Therefore, we must continue to cooperate in the field of intelligence and training. As you mentioned, Mr. President, I will not go back to these issues, but these are the keys to the future in order to accelerate the issues related to security.

“Then we will have the opportunity to come to another global issue: Ukraine. This is an issue that French diplomacy has been very busy with in the past. It is also an opportunity to tell the media here, as well as various observers, that France is not short-sighted when it says that the Ukraine crisis has occupied a lot of Western energy. We know how much we owe to our friends and all our partners to meet all the challenges that are key to regional stability, as well as to the security of Iraqi Kurdistan and French citizens.

“This is the message of this visit, which is a message of friendship and loyalty, a message of gratitude for the work done so far, as well as for the projects. Projects for the future are about the challenges we face, the challenges we constantly face and must face together.

“Thank you very much again for this warm welcome. I am happy for my first visit to Erbil that I will never forget.”

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with commander of coalition forces in Iraq and Syria

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, July 19, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received General Matthew McFarlane, Commanding General of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, and his accompanying delegation, in Erbil today.

The meeting highlighted the reform process in the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs, the unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga, the problems and obstacles facing the process and ways to address the issues.

Both sides agreed that the process of unification and reorganization of the Peshmerga and reform at the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs have not been carried out properly according to the program.

For his part, President Nechirvan Barzani stressed that despite the problems and obstacles, all efforts will continue to make the reform process and unification of the Peshmerga a success, and showed appreciation for the United States contributions and encouragement for the success of the process.

The meeting, which was attended by the US Consul General in the Kurdistan Region, discussed also Erbil-Baghdad relations, the situation in the wider region and other issues of mutual interest.

President Nechirvan Barzani and President Ilham Aliyev pledge to strengthen bilateral relations

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, July 18, 2023

Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani was warmly received by President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan at the Presidential Palace in Baku, Tuesday.

During their friendly meeting, the two leaders pledged to deepen the bilateral relations of Azerbaijan with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in all areas, especially in the fields of economy, trade, tourism and energy. They also highlighted the investment opportunities for Azerbaijani companies in the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq.

The two sides stressed the importance of opening the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in the Kurdistan Region, and discussed the procedures to open the consulate in the near future to promote bilateral relations and mutual cooperation between the two sides.

They further discussed the ongoing efforts to launch direct flights between Erbil and Baku, and between Baku and Baghdad and other parts of Iraq, and to facilitate the issuance of visas and exchange of delegations between the two sides.

President Nechirvan Barzani also attended a meeting with the delegations of both sides including Charge d’Affaires of the Iraqi Embassy in Baku. In that meeting, the channels of communication between the two sides, and procedures to follow up on the recommendations of the meeting of the two Presidents were highlighted.

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