President Nechirvan Barzani receives a Jordanian delegation

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, August 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received First Deputy Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament, Mr. Ahmad Khalaila and his accompanying delegation in Erbil today.

The meeting highlighted the delegation’s current visit to Baghdad and Erbil to discuss Jordan’s relations with Iraq, especially its long-standing bonds with the Kurdistan Region, and to promote joint cooperation between the two sides.

President Nechirvan Barzani referred to the visit as a testament to Jordan’s enduring support for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. The President stated that the Kurdistan Region considers the bilateral relations between Jordan and Iraq important, and reiterated his support. The President also expressed the Kurdistan Region’s gratitude for the support of His Majesty King Abdullah II and the Kingdom of Jordan to the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

The guest delegation thanked the Kurdistan Region for its role in defeating ISIS, and expressed their admiration for the progress of the Kurdistan Region, stressing their country’s support for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. They also welcomed the opportunity for joint cooperation in the sectors of health, tourism, cultural, educational and trade exchanges

The meeting, also attended by the First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, discussed the situation in the wider region and other issues of common interest.





Read کد خبر: 1236

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