KRG Prime Minister Hosts Diplomats from Iraq and Kurdistan Region

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, hosted a Christmas & New Year’s Dinner Reception for ambassadors, consul generals and diplomatic envoys based in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, marking the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Prime Minister Barzani extended Christmas greetings and heartfelt wishes for a joyful and prosperous new year to the diplomats.

In his address, Prime Minister Barzani expressed profound concern and sorrow over the civilian casualties in Middle East conflicts. He stressed the urgency of resolving these conflicts through dialogue and peaceful means. He also highlighted the need for resolving outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi federal government, advocating for solutions grounded in the Iraqi constitution and respect for Kurdish rights.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Barzani discussed the significant challenges posed by climate change and its detrimental impacts on communities. He called for increased international cooperation and coordination to effectively address the growing threats of climate change.





Read کد خبر: 1301

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