kurdistan - iran

kurdistan - iran (63)

Monday, 08 Jan 2024

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 8, 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani visited the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Erbil today, to pay his respects to the victims of a recent ISIS terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran.

During a meeting with the Iranian Consul General, the President conveyed the condolences of the Kurdistan Region to the leadership, Government, and people of Iran. He also wrote a tribute to the victims in the condolence book at the Consulate General.

In his message, the President emphasized that both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region have experienced the devastating impact of terrorism firsthand, and therefore, deeply empathize with the families of the victims. He expressed his sincere wishes for a swift recovery for those who were injured in the attack.

Recognizing the gravity of the threat posed by terrorism, the President stressed the importance of continued collaboration in the region and the world to completely eradicate ISIS, which he described as a common enemy shared by the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, and the world.

Furthermore, in his note in the condolence book, the President expressed gratitude to Iran for its support in the fight against ISIS, acknowledging the assistance provided to both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed his appreciation for President Nechirvan Barzani’s visit and participation in their time of grief and mourning.

President Nechirvan Barzani addressed the media following his visit, shedding light on the purpose of his visit and the security situation in the region. The President said:

“Today, we visited the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the victims of the tragic terrorist attack in Kerman, which claimed the lives of numerous innocent individuals. It is with great sorrow that we convey the condolences of the Kurdistan Region to Iran as a whole, and specifically to the people of Kerman. The persistent threat posed by the terrorist organization ISIS in our region remains a grave concern. We firmly believe that it is imperative for us to maintain our collaborative efforts and stand united in our mission to eradicate these terrorists. It is important to acknowledge that in recent years, during the emergence of ISIS, the Islamic Republic of Iran extended invaluable assistance to both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. We reiterate our gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering support to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”

In response to a question about the relations between the Kurdistan Region and the Islamic Republic of Iran, President Nechirvan Barzani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is of great importance, as our neighboring country. We hope that our relations will continue to improve. It is worth acknowledging that the Islamic Republic of Iran has provided assistance whenever we required it. We have consistently emphasized in the past, and we reiterate our stance now, that the Kurdistan Region poses no threat to its neighboring countries, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran.”







Thursday, 04 Jan 2024

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 3, 2024

We condemn the terrorist bombings that targeted the city of Kerman in the Islamic Republic of Iran today, killing and injuring dozens of Iranian citizens.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the leadership, Government, and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran during this difficult time. We stand in solidarity with them and share their sorrow. May the souls of the victims rest in peace, and may their families find solace and comfort in this trying period. We hope for a swift recovery for the injured.

Nechirvan Barzani
President of the Kurdistan Region






Monday, 11 Sep 2023

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, September 11, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received Mr. Mohammad Kazem Al Sadegh, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Iraq, and his accompanying delegation.

During their meeting, discussions were held on the development of Iranian relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, the security agreement between Iraq and Iran, as well as Erbil-Baghdad relations and efforts to resolve their differences.

In his speech, the President noted the significance of maintaining good relations with Iran, an important neighbor of the Kurdistan Region. Furthermore, the President assured that they will not allow any security threat from the Kurdistan Region to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ambassador Al Sadegh highlighted the importance of Iranian relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and thanked the President of the Kurdistan Region for his assistance in providing transportation for Iranian pilgrims during Ashura and Arba’in commemoration.











Friday, 27 Jan 2023

Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani spoke by phone tonight with White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk.

During the call, the MENA Coordinator reflected on his recent visit to Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region, where he met with a number of officials about the next steps to resolve Baghdad-Erbil issues on the budget and other issues. He also stressed the importance of Kurdish unity and improving relations between the KDP and the PUK.

The recent decision by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court to deny the payment of the Kurdistan Region’s share of the budget for the last two months of 2022 was also discussed. PM expressed his disappointment with the Court’s ruling in light of the “positive atmosphere” and improving relations between Erbil and Baghdad. He described the ruling as “politically motivated” and an overreach of the Court’s authority. At the end of last year. Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani made the executive decision to send $260 million owed to the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The US envoy confirmed his country’s support for Peshmerga reforms, developments in the energy sector, infrastructure improvements. and combating climate change.

They both agreed on the need to remove all obstacles to the development of the energy sector, and greater U.S. investment in the Kurdistan region. They concluded the call by agreeing to stay in close contact.

26 Jan 2023
Wednesday, 18 May 2022

SULAIMANI — The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) representative to Tehran has said that he has long been in the dark about meetings between the region's officials and Iran. 


Nazim Dabbagh told Voice of America (VOA) on Thursday (May 19) that the representative office in Tehran has long been unaware of the details of the meetings between the region's delegations and Iranian officials.


He added that the communications occur through political parties rather than the KRG's representation, especially after the 2017 Kurdistan Independence referendum. 

Dabbagh is a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). 


He said, "just like everyone else", he is not aware of visits made by the region's political parties to Iran, and he hears about them in the media. 


"Everything is done from Erbil and Sulaimani through the Iranian consulates. They organise the visits themselves, especially if they come by private planes; we are less aware of it," he said. 


He added that Iranian delegations had visited Sulaimani and Erbil many times to meet with the KDP or PUK officials; however, no one had heard about them. 


The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and PUK control security and administration in different parts of the Kurdistan Region and separately control different KRG's representations abroad. 


The KDP controls Erbil and Duhok provinces, while the PUK controls Sulaimani and Halabja provinces. (NRT Digital Media)



Sunday, 09 Oct 2022
Nazim Dabbagh, the Representative of Iraqi Kurdistan Region in Iran, said on Sunday that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) will take serious decision for anti-Iran Kurdish groups based in the region.

He told IRNA that it is not acceptable for KRG that the groups create concern for Iran and if they resort to armed activities another time, they will face a harsh measure.
His comments came after the strongholds of the groups in Iraqi Kurdistan region came under drone and artillery attacks of IRGC.
The attacks have been stopped but Iran has warned to resume attacks if KRG officials fail to act responsibly to prevent cross-border acts of sabotage against Iran by terrorist groups in the region.   
Dabbagh said that a meeting of an Iranian consular delegation and the KRG officials has stressed the need for evacuating the strongholds of anti-Iran groups in the region.  
The envoy noted that the KRG has always underlined that it will not allow its soil to be used for acts of terror against neighboring countries.
He made it clear that there is no contact between KRG officials and the anti-Iran groups in the region, adding that occasional meetings take place for negotiations, carrying messages and limiting parts of their activities which create concern both for Iran and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.


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