Readout of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani’s call with White House Coordinator for MENA

Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani spoke by phone tonight with White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk.

During the call, the MENA Coordinator reflected on his recent visit to Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region, where he met with a number of officials about the next steps to resolve Baghdad-Erbil issues on the budget and other issues. He also stressed the importance of Kurdish unity and improving relations between the KDP and the PUK.

The recent decision by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court to deny the payment of the Kurdistan Region’s share of the budget for the last two months of 2022 was also discussed. PM expressed his disappointment with the Court’s ruling in light of the “positive atmosphere” and improving relations between Erbil and Baghdad. He described the ruling as “politically motivated” and an overreach of the Court’s authority. At the end of last year. Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani made the executive decision to send $260 million owed to the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The US envoy confirmed his country’s support for Peshmerga reforms, developments in the energy sector, infrastructure improvements. and combating climate change.

They both agreed on the need to remove all obstacles to the development of the energy sector, and greater U.S. investment in the Kurdistan region. They concluded the call by agreeing to stay in close contact.

26 Jan 2023
Read کد خبر: 1107

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