Tuesday, 26 May 2015 04:30

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (cabinet.gov.krd) - Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani, yesterday received Italy's Ambassador to Iraq, Massimo Moratti and his accompanying delegation, who visited Prime Minister Barzani on the occasion of ending his duties in Iraq.     

Mr Morrati pointed to the assistance that the Italian government provides to the people and government of Kurdistan Region, particularly humanitarian assistance and training of the Peshmerga forces, stressing that Italy’s assistance to the Kurdistan Region will continue.

Prime Minister Barzani thanked Mr. Morrati and praised his role as Italy’s ambassador to Iraq, who has been able to contribute to the establishment of solid relations between Kurdistan Region and Italy, and deliver the true image of the Region to his and European countries. He wished success to Mr. Morrati in his future position.

Prime Minister Barzani recalled that those visits by Italian senior delegations to Kurdistan Region, particularly during difficult times, are being highly appreciated.

He reiterated that the threat of the Islamic State terrorist organisation, ISIS, has not been eliminated, which is why it is essential to continue cooperation between the two sides.

Thursday, 07 August 2014 09:00

Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq (DFR.krg.org) – The Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Minister Falah Mustafa, today welcomed Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Lapo Pistelli and his delegation to discuss the latest security, humanitarian, and political developments in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Minister Mustafa thanked the Deputy Minister for his visit and the attention that the government of Italy has paid to the recent developments in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

The Minister highlighted the latest developments and expressed the KRG’s disappointment in the lack of humanitarian and military support offered by the international community. He said, “We expected more than expressions of gratitude and appreciation. The international community is turning a blind eye to the urgent security and humanitarian challenges facing the people of Kurdistan.” 

He spoke of the security threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), stating, “Kurdish Peshmerga forces are facing a terrorist organization with members across the globe. This is a serious situation. Peshmerga forces are left alone and are fighting on behalf of the entire international community. ISIS poses a global threat; therefore, the international community has a moral responsibility to actively support the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in fighting ISIS militants.” 

Deputy Foreign Minister Pistelli praised the role of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the KRG in response to recent security and humanitarian developments. He also condemned in strongest terms the violence perpetrated against Christians and Yezidis, lamenting the plight of these communities. He said, “The world is fully aware of the humanitarian assistance provided by the KRG to the refugees and IDPs, and the Kurdish Peshmerga forces are doing an excellent job.”

In response to the KRG’s call for urgent humanitarian and military assistance, the Deputy Minister stated, “I will convey the message of the Kurdistan Regional Government to the government of Italy and the European Union. We understand the situation in the Kurdistan Region. You are shouldering a heavy burden on behalf of the international community, and you can not be left alone.”

Minister Mustafa reiterated the determination of the Kurdish leadership and Kurdish Peshmerga forces to continue to fight ISIS terrorists.

Italy’s Ambassador to Iraq, Massimo Moratti, and the Head of the Foreign Ministry’s Iraq Desk, Alessandro Motti, also attended the meeting. Deputy Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Karwan Jamal, and KRG Representative to Italy Rezan Kadir participated as well.





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