Kurdistan Regional

Kurdistan Regional (741)

KRG Prime Minister Welcomes Cardinal Sako of the Chaldean Catholic Church

On Monday, November 13, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) cordially received Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako, the Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq and worldwide.

Cardinal Sako shared insights from his recent visit to the Holy See, where he met with His Holiness Pope Francis. He also expressed his deep appreciation to Prime Minister Barzani for his unwavering support for Christians in Iraq and his continued efforts to promote peaceful coexistence within the Kurdistan Region.

In response, Prime Minister Barzani praised Cardinal Sako's pivotal role as the Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church and reaffirmed the KRG's steadfast commitment to safeguarding the rights of Christians and all other ethnic and religious communities in the region.







KRG Prime Minister Meets with Iraq's Energy Officials

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, and the Director General of the State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO), Ammar al-Anbagi.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed the KRG's readiness to resume oil exports, emphasising the importance of mutual understanding regarding the technical and financial aspects of the process. He stressed the need to uphold the constitution and mutual agreements to protect the rights of all parties and address the Kurdistan Region's interests in oil production and transportation cost recovery.

Highlighting the substantial losses incurred by Iraq due to the halt in the Kurdistan Region's oil production, Prime Minister Barzani requested full cooperation from the KRG's Minister of Natural Resources in assisting the visiting delegation.

The Iraqi Oil Minister expressed the government's determination to resolve the issue through a mutual agreement based on the constitution, addressing pending issues and obstacles in the process.

Both sides agreed to continue discussions on the legal, financial, and technical aspects of the process, aiming to reach a mutual agreement soon that would contribute to increased revenues for Iraq as a whole.







President Nechirvan Barzani and French Ambassador discuss the situation in Iraq and the region

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, November 15, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani held a meeting with Mr. Éric Chevalier, France’s Ambassador to Iraq, earlier today.

Their discussion focused on the recent political developments in Iraq, the relationship between Erbil and Baghdad, and the efforts to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region. They also delved into France’s relations with both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, and exchanged perspectives on the situation in the Middle East and its impact and repercussions.

President Nechirvan Barzani welcomed the continuation of the ongoing talks between Erbil and Baghdad, aimed at resolving the outstanding issues. He also described the recent visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister and Oil Minister to Erbil as constructive and positive, emphasizing the Kurdistan Region’s commitment to resolving matters with the Iraqi Federal Government in accordance with the Constitution.

In light of the tensions in the Middle East, the two discussed efforts to prevent further escalation and stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability in Iraq. They concurred that Iraq should not be drawn into the conflict and underscored the need to maintain the safety of coalition forces and diplomats.

Furthermore, President Nechirvan Barzani and Ambassador Chevalier touched upon the President’s recent visit to Paris and his meeting with President Emmanuel Macron. They also highlighted the relations between Iraq and the Kurdistan Region with neighboring countries, along with other issues of mutual interest.






President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Head of the Independent Strategic Review of UNAMI

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, November 15, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani held a meeting today with Mr. Volker Perthes, the Head of the Independent Strategic Review of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). Their discussion addressed Mr. Perthes’ visit to Iraq and his meetings with senior Iraqi officials. They also emphasized and appreciated the important role of the UN team and its agencies in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

President Nechirvan Barzani expressed his gratitude to the United Nations and its agencies for their longstanding support and assistance to Iraq in many areas of work and at numerous stages. He highlighted UNAMI’s efforts in stabilizing the country, promoting democracy and good governance, and improving the performance of institutions after Iraq’s liberation.

Mr. Perthes, on his part, shared his perspectives on the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, as well as on Iraq’s request to review the mission. He expressed his gratitude to the President for recognizing the importance of the United Nations and their agencies in supporting Iraq, and for his insightful comments on their work and responsibilities.






President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Iraq’s Oil Minister

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, November 13, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani held a meeting with Mr. Hayan Abdul-Ghani, Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister for Energy and Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil, accompanied by a high-level delegation. The discussion encompassed the latest measures and efforts to resume oil exports, and emphasized the importance of the ongoing dialogue between the Iraqi Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government on this issue.

President Nechirvan Barzani reiterated his unwavering support for the collaborative efforts undertaken by both the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to address the challenges and restart oil exports from the Kurdistan Region. He stressed the significant financial loss incurred by Iraq due to the halt in oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, and underscored the necessity and importance of resuming exports as soon as possible.

Deputy Prime Minister Abdul-Ghani, in turn, expressed the genuine commitment of the Iraqi Federal Government and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al-Sudani to resolving the outstanding issues and resuming oil exports from the Kurdistan Region. Additionally, he gave an overview of the objectives of his visit and the outcomes of the discussions between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Iraq’s two deputy oil ministers and the acting Kurdistan Regional Government Minister for Natural Resources participated in the meeting.






KRG Prime Minister Receives Canadian Ambassador to Iraq

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) received Kathy Bunka, the newly appointed Canadian Ambassador to Iraq.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister extended his congratulations to Ambassador Bunka and affirmed the KRG's unwavering support for enhancing the relationship between Canada and the Kurdistan Region.

Ambassador Bunka, in turn, expressed Canada's keen interest in strengthening ties with the Kurdistan Region, particularly in areas such as investment, trade, and cultural exchanges.

The discussions also touched upon important topics, including reinforcing the Iraqi federal system, addressing the challenges posed by climate change, and benefiting from Canada's expertise in this field.







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