Kurdistan Regional

Kurdistan Regional (741)

Prime Minister Barzani receives Deputy UN Secretary-General

Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, (krg.org) - KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani today received Mr. Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, accompanied by Mr. Nikolay Mladenov, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, and several UN officials.

Mr. Eliasson conveyed the gratitude of the United Nations and the international community to the Kurdistan people and their government for welcoming and hosting over 1.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees. He offered his condolences to the families of Kurdistan Region’s security forces, including the peshmerga, who lost their lives in protecting civilians against ISIS’ ruthless aggression.

The situation in Kobane and sending Peshmarga forces to the town and KRG’s support against ISIS aggression were among the topics discussed in the meeting.

KRG's role in restricting and reducing the threat of ISIS aggression in Iraq was also discussed. Prime Minister Barzani outlined the latest developments of the fight against terrorism. He noted that peshmerga forces along a 1,000-kilometer front are fighting not only for the  Kurdistan Region but also on behalf of the world.

It was mutually acknowledged that resolving the ISIS issue requires not only effective military efforts, but also efforts that accept and sincerely invite all Iraqis to participate in a political process that is genuinely inclusive.

The UN Deputy Secretary-General highlighted the importance of Kurdistan Region’s role in the national political process as essential and effective. He noted that a stable Iraq is also essential for Kurdistan.

Prime Minister Barzani reaffirmed KRG support for Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi’s government and that it wishes to resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue. He thanked the UN for supporting formal negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad during the formation of the government.

Prime Minister Barzani reiterated Kurdistan’s requirements of substantial humanitarian and military support from the international community to reduce suffering of more than 1.5 million displaced people and to prevent further ISIS’ aggression.

Prime Minister Barzani and Greek Ambassador discuss mutual relations

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (krg.org) – The Kurdistan Region Government's Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani, received on Tuesday Mr. Dionysios Kivitos, Ambassador of Greece to Iraq, on his first visit to the Kurdistan Region.

Prime Minister Barzani and Ambassador Kivitos discussed the military and security situation in Iraq and the importance of the international coalition in confronting terrorism. They also highlighted the role of Kurdistan Regional Government Peshmerga forces in the war against terror.

Also discussed was the Kurdistan Region being the primary haven in Iraq for internally displaced persons, IDPs, regardless of their ethnic and religious backgrounds, including Arab Sunnis from Anbar Governorate. The Region is host to over 1.4 million IDPs and Syrian refugees. 

Recent rains and lower temperatures have made life even more difficult for displaced people in many locations where winterized shelter remains inadequate. Despite generous support from many sources, immediate requirements have yet to be fully met.

Ambassador Kivitos highlighted his tour to Duhok Governorate where he visited IDPs and refugees. He noted the Government of Greece’s humanitarian assistance through the EU and other organizations of the international community, and reaffirmed his government’s continuing support. Prime Minister Barzani conveyed the gratitude of the people of the Kurdistan Region and the KRG for Greece’s important generosity.

Greek investment in the Kurdistan Region was also discussed in the meeting. Prime Minister Barzani and Ambassador Kivitos affirmed their mutual intention to strengthen commercial relations between the two sides.

Ambassador Kivitos pointed out that it would no longer be necessary for people in the Kurdistan Region to visit the Embassy of Greece in Baghdad to obtain Greek and Schengen visas. He also informed that in the near future a Greek airline would offer direct flights between Greece and Erbil.

United Kingdom renews support to Kurdistan Region

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, (krg.org) — Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani on Wednesday received UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon and his delegation that included the UK Ambassador to Iraq Frank Baker, UK Consul General Angus McKee, and a number of senior military officials.

The situation on the frontlines facing ISIS terrorists and the achievements of Peshmerga forces were discussed. The Peshmerga were commended for their dedication and bravery. 

The Prime Minister urged that requirements of heavy weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment be met in order to more successfully confront the ISIS terrorist organization that threatens the world.

The British Defence Secretary observed training of Peshmerga by British military personnel and expressed satisfaction with the level of progress. He affirmed the UK will continue provision of military and humanitarian assistance. He indicated reassessments of needs will occur as the situation evolves.  He also mentioned reorganization progress is being made by the Iraqi Army.

The plight of more than one million displaced people who fled to the Kurdistan Region was also discussed. Winter rains and colder temperatures have arrived and their living conditions have become more difficult. Both the Prime Minister and Defence Secretary highlighted their desperate situation and the urgency of making them comfortable. The international community and the Iraqi government need to be more forthcoming in meeting their needs.

Prime Minister Barzani expressed his gratitude for the generous support of the United Kingdom. He requested continuing substantial assistance. He praised the important role the United Kingdom is playing in the international coalition.

The relations between Kurdistan Region and United Kingdom were another topic discussed in the meeting. The Prime Minister praised the role of the British Ambassador, especially his high level of attention. The Defence Secretary noted the recent visit by the Prime Minister to London and pledged continuing cooperation.

Erbil-Baghdad relations were also discussed in the meeting. The Defence Secretary affirmed the UK would support resolution of outstanding issues in order for Erbil and Baghdad to better focus attention and efforts on successfully confronting ISIS terrorism.

The meeting was also attended by the Kurdistan Region Presidency Chief of Staff, KRG Minister of Peshmerga Affairs, KRG Spokesperson, Head of the Department of Foreign Relations, and the KRG Representative to the UK.

Prime Minister Barzani receives UNESCO Director General

Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, (krg.org) – KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani received today Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, her delegation, the Iraqi Ambassador to UNESCO, and Iraqi archeologists. 

In accordance with UNESCO’s selection criteria, the Erbil Citadel has been distinguished as a World Heritage site of outstanding universal value. One of only four sites in Iraq, the Citadel has been inscribed on the World Heritage List. A formal inauguration ceremony took place at the Citadel.

At the meeting with the Prime Minister the hard work of the people, institutions, and countries involved in the selection process, along with the roles of the UNESCO Director-General and Iraq’s Ambassador to UNESCO, were highlighted.

The Kurdistan Region has many other significant cultural heritage sites and attention was drawn to the need to monitor their condition, and to protect and preserve them in accordance with international standards. Necessary measures to be taken were discussed at the meeting.

Other topics discussed included the latest developments in confronting ISIS terrorist organisation's brutal aggression and protecting civilians, and the limits of humanitarian assistance available for over 1.4 million displaced people and refugees who have sought safety and security in the Kurdistan Region.

Iraqi Defense Minister visits the Kurdistan Region





Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, (krg.org) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani received yesterday the Defense Minister of the Government of Iraq, Dr. Khaled al-Obeidi.  He was accompanied by a delegation included the Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Army, the US Chief Security Coordinator in Iraq, the Governor of Mosul, Iraqi and US military officials, and advisors. The Kurdistan Regional Government Minister of Peshmerga Affairs also attended the meeting.

The importance of continuous and consistent cooperation between Peshmerga and Iraqi Army forces was acknowledged. Iraq’s Defense Minister commended the effectiveness of Peshmerga forces in confronting threats to the country’s security, highlighting achievement in recovering Zumar and Rabia towns from ISIS terrorists.

The Defense Minister affirmed the Peshmerga forces as important and integral part of Iraq's defense system. He indicated he would spare no effort to resolve the Peshmarga related outstanding issue with Baghdad. He expressed his wishes that the much expected visit of Kurdistan Region's delegation to Baghdad could pave the way in solving all the outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

The Defense Minister noted that enhancing the Iraqi Army’s capabilities is needed now  as it goes on the offensive.

Other topics discussed included the overall security situation, recent military developments, importance of tribal forces involvement in confronting terrorists, and the establishment of youth national force units from various parts of the country. To successfully confront terrorism, creating regional units from regional local tribes deemed necessary in this phase of the fight against terror, than can positively change the military equation on the ground.

The international community’s response in supporting national and regional efforts to confront, stop, and roll back ISIS terrorists was acknowledged, lauded, and discussed.  The effectiveness of airstrikes by the US and other coalition partners was highlighted as critically important to helping halt terrorist advances in many areas.

Prime Minster Barzani lauded the participation of Arab countries in the international coalition and acknowledged their participation as crucial. While considering coalition forces airstrikes successful, the Prime Minister emphasized that they are alone not enough, and that the fight against terror needs a change in strategy. He stressed the need for the ground forces to be well armed and well equipped.

Regarding relations between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Government of Iraq, Prime Minister Barzani expressed optimism about the future. He emphasized the KRG’s positive interest and disposition in settling all outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad through respectful dialog and negotiation.





Prime Minister Barzani meets EU delegation

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, (krg.org) - Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani on Monday received a European Union delegation headed by Mr. Hugues Mingarelli, the Managing Director for North Africa, Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq at the European External Action Service, along with EU officials and the EU Ambassador to Iraq.

The delegation discussed the military, security and humanitarian situation in the Kurdistan Region and highlighted their aim to enhance cooperation and coordination between the Kurdistan Region and the European Union. Long-term energy cooperation was also discussed.

The delegation fully appreciates the Kurdistan Region faces very serious security challenges and is in the forefront of the fight against terrorism. The Region as host to displaced people and its role in providing humanitarian assistance were commended.  The EU delegation reiterated its support during this period of exceptional security and humanitarian need.

The EU delegation’s visit to Baghdad was also discussed noting that it urged the Iraqi Government to include all Iraqi communities in the political process, increase decentralization of political and economic authority to the regions and provinces in accordance with the Iraqi Constitution, and to resolve issues with the Kurdistan Region.

Prime Minister Barzani lauded the role of the EU in supporting the fight against terrorism and stressed requirements for more enhanced, heavy weaponry and training. Cooperation and coordination with Turkey in facilitating Iraqi Peshmerga to reinforce Kobani with heavy weapons was also discussed.

With the start of winter rains and decreasing temperatures the desperate plight of an overwhelming number of displaced people who have sought refuge in the Kurdistan Region was featured in the discussions.  Prime Minister Barzani affirmed, despite limited resources, the people and the KRG have welcomed and offered help and support to all who have been forced to leave their homes and will continue to do so.

It is noted that 20% of the more than 1.4 million displaced people in the Kurdistan Region are refugees from Syria for which more humanitarian assistance is urgently required from the international community. 80% are internally displaced persons, IDPs, from areas of Iraq outside the Kurdistan Region, including Arab Sunnis from Anbar Province adjacent to Baghdad, and Christians and Yezidis from neighboring Nineveh Province.

It is in the mutual interests of both the Kurdistan Region and the EU to develop closer relations, to improve relations with neighboring and regional countries, and to resolve outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

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