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Friday, 08 December 2023 02:52

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, hosted a Christmas & New Year’s Dinner Reception for ambassadors, consul generals and diplomatic envoys based in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, marking the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Prime Minister Barzani extended Christmas greetings and heartfelt wishes for a joyful and prosperous new year to the diplomats.

In his address, Prime Minister Barzani expressed profound concern and sorrow over the civilian casualties in Middle East conflicts. He stressed the urgency of resolving these conflicts through dialogue and peaceful means. He also highlighted the need for resolving outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi federal government, advocating for solutions grounded in the Iraqi constitution and respect for Kurdish rights.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Barzani discussed the significant challenges posed by climate change and its detrimental impacts on communities. He called for increased international cooperation and coordination to effectively address the growing threats of climate change.





Sunday, 17 December 2023 06:20

On December 16, 2023, Masrour Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), met with Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Their discussions focused on the ongoing Provincial Council Elections, unresolved issues between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, and the importance of protecting the rights of diverse communities within the Kurdistan Region.





Thursday, 21 December 2023 02:47

On December 20, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government received the United States Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Also in attendance was Alina Romanowski, the United States Ambassador to Iraq.

The meeting included a comprehensive exchange of perspectives on recent developments in Iraq and the broader region, as well as the state of Kurdish-American bilateral relations.

Their discussions focused on unresolved issues between the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad. Both parties underscored the critical need for the federal government to uphold the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region. They urged the federal government to avoid treating the people of the Kurdistan Region as inferior citizens.

Prime Minister Barzani emphasised the need to bolster the federal system and strengthen democratic principles in Iraq.

Deputy Secretary of State Nuland reiterated the United States' unwavering support for the Kurdistan Region and reaffirmed its constitutional rights within Iraq.

Additionally, the conversation emphasised the importance of fostering a culture of coexistence, protecting religious freedom, and ensuring the safeguarding of human rights and diverse communities in the Kurdistan Region.





Sunday, 03 December 2023 02:44

Today December 2, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General on the sidelines of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai. Discussions focused on developments in Iraq and conflict in the Middle East.

Prime Minister Barzani underscored the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)'s important role as an honest broker that provides critical technical support and helps mediate disputes.

Prime Minister Barzani stressed the need to resolve differences between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government and secure the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region. He called on the United Nations to actively assist in mediating these matters.




Monday, 08 January 2024 02:40

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 8, 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani expressed his gratitude to Mr. Eric Chevallier, the departing French Ambassador to Iraq, for his dedication and tireless efforts towards strengthening the bilateral ties of his country with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. During a farewell meeting held to mark the conclusion of his tenure in Iraq, the President conveyed his best wishes for Mr. Chevalier’s future endeavors and success in his next assignment.

The mutual desire to enhance relations and foster friendship between France and Iraq, as well as the Kurdistan Region, was emphasized by both parties. Additionally, the importance of maintaining strong relations between Erbil and Baghdad, and the ongoing discussions aimed at resolving any outstanding issues between them, were highlighted.

Ambassador Chevallier, in turn, conveyed his appreciation for the support provided by the Kurdistan Region, which greatly contributed to the success of his tenure in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. He expressed his optimism for the continuation of this fruitful collaboration with the next French Ambassador to Iraq.

The meeting also revolved around the internal affairs of the Kurdistan Region, the outcomes of the provincial council elections in Iraq and the disputed territories, as well as the recent developments in the Middle East and the wider region.

The French Consul General, Dr. Yann Braem also attended the meeting.


Monday, 08 January 2024 09:33

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 8, 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani visited the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Erbil today, to pay his respects to the victims of a recent ISIS terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran.

During a meeting with the Iranian Consul General, the President conveyed the condolences of the Kurdistan Region to the leadership, Government, and people of Iran. He also wrote a tribute to the victims in the condolence book at the Consulate General.

In his message, the President emphasized that both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region have experienced the devastating impact of terrorism firsthand, and therefore, deeply empathize with the families of the victims. He expressed his sincere wishes for a swift recovery for those who were injured in the attack.

Recognizing the gravity of the threat posed by terrorism, the President stressed the importance of continued collaboration in the region and the world to completely eradicate ISIS, which he described as a common enemy shared by the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, and the world.

Furthermore, in his note in the condolence book, the President expressed gratitude to Iran for its support in the fight against ISIS, acknowledging the assistance provided to both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed his appreciation for President Nechirvan Barzani’s visit and participation in their time of grief and mourning.

President Nechirvan Barzani addressed the media following his visit, shedding light on the purpose of his visit and the security situation in the region. The President said:

“Today, we visited the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the victims of the tragic terrorist attack in Kerman, which claimed the lives of numerous innocent individuals. It is with great sorrow that we convey the condolences of the Kurdistan Region to Iran as a whole, and specifically to the people of Kerman. The persistent threat posed by the terrorist organization ISIS in our region remains a grave concern. We firmly believe that it is imperative for us to maintain our collaborative efforts and stand united in our mission to eradicate these terrorists. It is important to acknowledge that in recent years, during the emergence of ISIS, the Islamic Republic of Iran extended invaluable assistance to both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. We reiterate our gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering support to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”

In response to a question about the relations between the Kurdistan Region and the Islamic Republic of Iran, President Nechirvan Barzani said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is of great importance, as our neighboring country. We hope that our relations will continue to improve. It is worth acknowledging that the Islamic Republic of Iran has provided assistance whenever we required it. We have consistently emphasized in the past, and we reiterate our stance now, that the Kurdistan Region poses no threat to its neighboring countries, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran.”





Thursday, 04 January 2024 13:41

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, January 3, 2024

We condemn the terrorist bombings that targeted the city of Kerman in the Islamic Republic of Iran today, killing and injuring dozens of Iranian citizens.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the leadership, Government, and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran during this difficult time. We stand in solidarity with them and share their sorrow. May the souls of the victims rest in peace, and may their families find solace and comfort in this trying period. We hope for a swift recovery for the injured.

Nechirvan Barzani
President of the Kurdistan Region





Monday, 01 January 2024 23:40

President Nechirvan Barzani had a meeting with the US Deputy Secretary of State, Ms. Victoria Nuland in Erbil on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by the US Ambassador to Iraq, US Consul General in Erbil and a number of diplomats. They discussed a wide range of issues including the US relationship with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, the political and security situation in the country, Erbil-Baghdad relations, and the internal situation in the Kurdistan Region.

Both sides emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of diplomatic envoys and the security of US and coalition forces in Iraq. They agreed that Iraqi authorities should take the necessary actions to bring an end to these attacks.

In regards to the internal situation in the Kurdistan Region, both sides recognized the significance of unity and understanding among political parties, particularly between the PUK and the KDP in the Kurdistan Region and in Iraq. In this regard, President Nechirvan Barzani pointed to a rapprochement and improvement in relations.

The meeting also covered topics including the Iraqi provincial council elections, the latest developments in the region, the ramifications of the war in Gaza, and other topics of mutual interest.





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