Prime Minister Barzani welcomes German delegation

The Kurdistan Region's Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Wednesday received a high-level delegation from Germany including Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Werner Gatzer, State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Finance.

In a meeting attended by the German Ambassador to Iraq and the German Consul General in Erbil, the two sides discussed the development of Germany’s relations with the Kurdistan Region and the necessity of resolving pending issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

PM Barzani reiterated the Kurdistan Region’s appreciation for the support and assistance of Germany, especially in the war against ISIS terrorists and the German Parliament’s recognition of the Yezidi genocide. He also emphasized Kurdistan's willingness to further develop bilateral ties with Germany.

Moreover, the Prime Minister restated the importance of holding parliamentary elections in Kurdistan at the appropriate time.

The Ninth Cabinet’s reformation plan, digitalization of public services, the necessity of refugees’ returning to their places of origin, implementation of the Shingal Agreement, and the negative impacts of climate change were also been discussed in the meeting.

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani receives German Ambassador to Iraq

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Thursday received the German Ambassador to Iraq, Martin Jaeger at the end of his term.

The Prime Minister reiterated his appreciation for the German Ambassador’s continuous efforts to strengthen ties between Kurdistan and Germany, while wishing him success in his future positions.

The German Ambassador expressed gratitude to the Kurdish authorities for their cooperation with the German Embassy and Consulate.

Discussions also focused on ways to further develop bilateral relations between Germany and the Kurdistan Region, especially in the fields of trade and investment. As a part of this plan, a large trade delegation from Germany will visit Erbil later this month.

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Prime Minister Al-Sudani

Baghdad, Iraq, May 4, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani met with Iraq’s Prime Minister Mr. Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in Baghdad on Thursday.

The meeting discussed the political and economic situation in the country and the importance of uniting the efforts of political parties to support the federal government and to implement its agenda. They also highlighted the priorities of the government in providing the needs and demands of citizens and services that will contribute to stability and overall development in the country.

The meeting also focused on the progress in the process of resolving the outstanding issues between the Federal Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government, which should be a radical solution and provide support for joint cooperation in accordance with the Constitution and for the benefit of all communities in the country.

Other issues of common interest were also highlighted at the meeting.

Prime Minister Barzani welcomes senior US diplomats in Erbil

The Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani received on Wednesday Barbara A. Leaf, United States Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs and her delegation.

In the meeting, which was also attended by the US Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski and the country’s Consul General to the Kurdistan Region Ervin Hicks, the two sides discussed the latest developments in Iraq and ways of strengthening bilateral ties between the United States and the Kurdistan Region.

One of the main topics discussed was the resolution of pending issues between the Kurdistan Region and the Federal Government. Both parties confirmed that it is necessary for Baghdad and Erbil to reach a deal on the resumption of Kurdistan’s oil and prevent further difficulties for the citizens of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The KRG Prime Minister restated the importance of holding parliamentary elections in Kurdistan at the appropriate time, reiterating his government’s readiness to take all necessary steps.

The Ministry of Peshmerga’s reformation plan, the significance of implementing the Shingal Agreement, the withdrawal of armed forces and militias from the region, and the return of refugees were also discussed.

President Nechirvan Barzani attends the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the U.S.

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani attended a special ceremony in Erbil tonight celebrating the 247th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the U.S.

At the ceremony held at the Rotana Hotel in Erbil, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Ms. Barbara Leaf, the Foreign Minister of Iraq, the US Ambassador to Iraq, the US Consul General in the Kurdistan Region, a number of Kurdistan Regional Government officials and dignitaries were present.



Prime Minister Masrour Barzani receives Italian Minister of Defence

The Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Wednesday welcomed Italian Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto. The two sides discussed the latest developments in Iraq and relations between Kurdistan and Italy.

The Italian Minister carried a message of gratitude and a formal invitation to visit Rome from his country’s Prime Minister. He also emphasised Italy's historic friendship with the Kurds and continuing support for Peshmerga Forces in order to fight terrorism and protect the security and stability of the region.

The Kurdistan Prime Minister reiterated his appreciation for Italy’s close ties and support to Kurdistan, wishing that the two sides will further strengthen relations of all kinds. He also added that Kurdistan sees great potential in learning from Italy’s successful experiences.

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with US Assistant Secretary of State

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received today in Erbil Ms. Barbara Leaf, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

In the meeting, attended by the US Ambassador to Iraq and the US Consul General in the Kurdistan Region, discussions covered a wide range of issues including the US relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, areas of joint cooperation, and the political and economic situation in the country. They also discussed the situation in the Kurdistan Region and the current negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad.

Both sides stressed their commitment to the framework and timetable of the joint Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs and the US Department of Defense on the reform process in the Ministry and the ongoing reorganization and unification of the Peshmerga forces. They also reaffirmed the importance of unity among Kurdistan parties and resolution of internal problems in the Kurdistan Region, and commended the current coordination and cooperation between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Federal Government.

Expanding US cooperation with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, especially in the economic field, was also highlighted during the meeting. Discussions also focused on the ways to boost the economy of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, highlighting the investment opportunities for US businesses and private sectors in the Kurdistan Region.

The latest developments in the fight against ISIS, the situation in the wider region and several issues of mutual interest were also discussed at the meeting.

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with Defense Minister of Italy

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 3, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received today in Erbil the Italian Defense Minister, Mr. Guido Crosetto.

The meeting discussed the development of Italy’s relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, the latest visit of President Nechirvan Barzani to Rome, the political developments in Iraq, and the ongoing talks between Erbil and Baghdad. They also discussed the Italian contributions within the international coalition against ISIS, and the latest developments in the fight against terrorism.

President Nechirvan Barzani expressed the Kurdistan Region’s gratitude for the role and military support of Italy in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in the fight against ISIS, expressing the Kurdistan Region’s keenness to further develop relations with Italy, particularly expanding the joint cooperation on security issues. The President also showed appreciation for the contributions of the Italian forces in the Kurdistan Region in training the Peshmerga forces.

For his part, the Italian Defense Minister expressed his country’s continued military support to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and appreciated the contributions of the Kurdistan Region in defeating ISIS. Mr. Crosetto reiterated that his country attaches great importance to its relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, and considers the peace and stability of the country as important for the wider region and the world.

The meeting, attended by the Italian Ambassador to Iraq, the Italian Consul General in the Kurdistan Region and the commander of the Italian forces, also discussed issues of common interest, the ramifications of the war in Ukraine and the latest developments in the wider region.

President Nechirvan Barzani’s message on International Labor Day

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 1, 2023

On the occasion of the International Labor Day, May Day, I offer my warmest greetings to all workers in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world. I extend my congratulations to their unions and organizations. I salute the participation and sacrifices of the Kurdistan workers during the days of struggle and revolution, and applaud their outstanding role and hard work in the process of reconstruction of Kurdistan. I wish them success.

On this occasion, I express all support for the rights and legitimate demands of workers, and emphasize the need for a modern labor law to protect workers’ rights, and to promote acceptable conditions of labor with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health. The welfare of workers and their families should be improved and trade unions and organizations should work more effectively for their rights.

The institutions and relevant authorities of the Kurdistan Region have a duty to protect and promote workers’ rights to a decent standard of living, and to fully support families who have lost their loved ones in work-related incidents.

I wish everyone a happy International Labor Day.


Nechirvan Barzani

The President of the Kurdistan Region

President Nechirvan Barzani’s message on the 49th anniversary of the bombing of Qaladiza

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, April 24, 2023

On the 49th anniversary of the bombing of the University of Sulaimani and the city of Qaladiza, we commemorate the martyrs and the victims of this heinous crime of the former Iraqi regime. We pay tribute to the memories of the fallen heroes and salute their proud families.

The targeting of the University of Sulaimani and the city of Qaladiza was another criminal attempt by the former regime to break the will of the people of Kurdistan. But the martyrdom of the students, the university teachers and civilians in Qaladiza further strengthened the determination of the people of Kurdistan and their resistance spirit to continue their struggle for freedom.

On this occasion, we reiterate our full support for the demands of the people of Qaladiza and Pishdar, including their demands for more and better public services. Pishdar area has always been a stronghold of Kurdistan uprisings and has made great sacrifices for the sake of freedom.

Tributes to the souls of the fallen heroes. Their memories will forever be with us.

Nechirvan Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan Region

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