President Nechirvan Barzani: Germany attaches importance to its relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region

Berlin, Germany, June 26, 2023

The following is a readout of President Nechirvan Barzani’s remarks to reporters after his meeting with Chancellor Olaf Scholz:

“Our visit to Berlin was at the invitation of His Excellency the Chancellor of Germany. We had a good meeting this evening, in which we discussed matters of mutual interest between the Kurdistan Region and Germany, and the relations between Iraq and Germany. What we feel is that Berlin and His Excellency the Chancellor attach importance to developing these relations with Iraq, and with the Kurdistan Region within the framework of Iraq.

“In this meeting, we discussed topics that were of interest to both of us. The topics were mostly how to develop our economic and political relations. We asked him to visit Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, as we felt that they attache great importance to their relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”

The President also answered questions from the journalists.

Question: “To what extent, does the central government support the relations of the Kurdistan Region with other countries of the world?”

The President: “Indeed, before our visit to Berlin, we coordinated with the Prime Minister of Iraq and with Baghdad, and in all the meetings we have had here today, our (Iraqi) ambassador has participated in all the meetings with us, and we have spoken as one team. I’ve genuinely not seen Baghdad create any problems for these meetings of the Kurdistan Region with any parties.”

When asked another question about the situation in the Kurdistan Region and about Baghdad’s efforts to reduce the Kurdistan Region’s position and export of the Kurdistan Region’s oil, the President said:

“The relations between the KDP and the PUK are not extremely bad. The relations are bad, but not terrible. As we speak here today, the KDP and the PUK have held a meeting (in Erbil) and we hope that these meetings will continue so that we can achieve a result. Indeed, the Kurdistan Region’s position abroad, as well as in Iraq and Baghdad, will be stronger. All the efforts are within the framework of reaching an agreement with the PUK. The issue of oil in the Kurdistan Region is a matter that partly has to do with Baghdad and partly has to do with Turkey. Unfortunately, so far, we have not seen the necessary steps taken by Baghdad to export oil again.”

Regarding the increase of cooperation of Germany with the Peshmerga and the reconstruction of Shingal, the President said:

“In this meeting with H.E. the German Chancellor, we thanked Germany’s stance as they have supported the Kurdistan Region through hardships; militarily, economically and through humanitarian aid. Today, the German Chancellor reiterated that he finds it important to support Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in all aspects. What we understood today is that indeed, the support will continue.”

In response to a question about Germany attaching importance to the Kurdistan Region, especially since, at the end of this year, the timeframe of the deployment of German forces in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region will come to an end, the President said:

“We did not really discuss this issue, but as you are aware, the German Parliament extended the troop deployment of the German forces. Today, we talked with H.E. the Chancellor and reiterated that ISIS remains a danger to Iraq, and that Iraq still needs international support in this regards.”

Regarding the Kurdistan Region’s position toward the presence of US forces in Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region’s relations with Turkey after the elections in the country, the President said:

“The question of the presence of the United States is within the framework of an agreement that was made with Iraq and not outside of that agreement. There is a strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States and in this framework, American forces are present in Iraq. Our position and Baghdad’s position is that we still need international cooperation and, in this context, the United States is in Iraq as an ally force, and all the parties of Iraq agree that this cooperation should continue. As for Turkey, in the past and present, our relations with Turkey have been good, and we hope that the relations between Iraq and Turkey will improve gradually.”

President Nechirvan Barzani: Germany attaches importance to its relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region

Berlin, Germany, June 26, 2023

The following is a readout of President Nechirvan Barzani’s remarks to reporters after his meeting with Chancellor Olaf Scholz:

“Our visit to Berlin was at the invitation of His Excellency the Chancellor of Germany. We had a good meeting this evening, in which we discussed matters of mutual interest between the Kurdistan Region and Germany, and the relations between Iraq and Germany. What we feel is that Berlin and His Excellency the Chancellor attach importance to developing these relations with Iraq, and with the Kurdistan Region within the framework of Iraq.

“In this meeting, we discussed topics that were of interest to both of us. The topics were mostly how to develop our economic and political relations. We asked him to visit Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, as we felt that they attache great importance to their relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”

The President also answered questions from the journalists.

Question: “To what extent, does the central government support the relations of the Kurdistan Region with other countries of the world?”

The President: “Indeed, before our visit to Berlin, we coordinated with the Prime Minister of Iraq and with Baghdad, and in all the meetings we have had here today, our (Iraqi) ambassador has participated in all the meetings with us, and we have spoken as one team. I’ve genuinely not seen Baghdad create any problems for these meetings of the Kurdistan Region with any parties.”

When asked another question about the situation in the Kurdistan Region and about Baghdad’s efforts to reduce the Kurdistan Region’s position and export of the Kurdistan Region’s oil, the President said:

“The relations between the KDP and the PUK are not extremely bad. The relations are bad, but not terrible. As we speak here today, the KDP and the PUK have held a meeting (in Erbil) and we hope that these meetings will continue so that we can achieve a result. Indeed, the Kurdistan Region’s position abroad, as well as in Iraq and Baghdad, will be stronger. All the efforts are within the framework of reaching an agreement with the PUK. The issue of oil in the Kurdistan Region is a matter that partly has to do with Baghdad and partly has to do with Turkey. Unfortunately, so far, we have not seen the necessary steps taken by Baghdad to export oil again.”

Regarding the increase of cooperation of Germany with the Peshmerga and the reconstruction of Shingal, the President said:

“In this meeting with H.E. the German Chancellor, we thanked Germany’s stance as they have supported the Kurdistan Region through hardships; militarily, economically and through humanitarian aid. Today, the German Chancellor reiterated that he finds it important to support Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in all aspects. What we understood today is that indeed, the support will continue.”

In response to a question about Germany attaching importance to the Kurdistan Region, especially since, at the end of this year, the timeframe of the deployment of German forces in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region will come to an end, the President said:

“We did not really discuss this issue, but as you are aware, the German Parliament extended the troop deployment of the German forces. Today, we talked with H.E. the Chancellor and reiterated that ISIS remains a danger to Iraq, and that Iraq still needs international support in this regards.”

Regarding the Kurdistan Region’s position toward the presence of US forces in Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region’s relations with Turkey after the elections in the country, the President said:

“The question of the presence of the United States is within the framework of an agreement that was made with Iraq and not outside of that agreement. There is a strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States and in this framework, American forces are present in Iraq. Our position and Baghdad’s position is that we still need international cooperation and, in this context, the United States is in Iraq as an ally force, and all the parties of Iraq agree that this cooperation should continue. As for Turkey, in the past and present, our relations with Turkey have been good, and we hope that the relations between Iraq and Turkey will improve gradually.”

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with the Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany

Berlin, Germany, June 26, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani met with Ms. Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, in Berlin on Monday.

The two sides discussed the development of Germany’s relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, joint cooperation between the two countries in various fields, the situation in Sinjar, the status of the Yezidis and the refugees in the Kurdistan Region, and the impact of climate change in Iraq.

President Nechirvan Barzani thanked Germany for its support to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and welcomed the recent agreements between Germany and Iraq, reiterating the Kurdistan Region’s keenness to further expand relations and joint cooperation with Germany.

Ms. Schultz expressed her country’s continued support and willingness for cooperation with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, especially in the areas that are needed, including investments, training in various fields, and economic diversification in a way that support the measures to address the impacts of climate change in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

KRG Prime Minister receives Patriarch Mar Georges III Younan

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) received Mar Georges III Younan, the newly appointed Patriarch of the Ancient Church of the East, on Saturday, June 24, 2023.

Prime Minister Barzani congratulated Patriarch Mar Georges III Younan on his appointment and reaffirmed the KRG's dedication to peaceful coexistence among the diverse communities in the Kurdistan Region.

The Patriarch commended the safeguarding of Christian rights in the Kurdistan Region, expressing gratitude for the ongoing support extended by the KRG to the Christian community.

President Nechirvan Barzani and German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs discuss bilateral relations

Berlin, Germany, June 26, 2023

Continuing his meetings in Berlin, President Nechirvan Barzani met with German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Tobias Lindner on Monday.

In the meeting, the President commended the strong relations of Germany with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and highlighted the constructive outcomes of the recent visit by the Iraqi Prime Minister to Berlin. The President also called on Germany to continue to support Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in maintaining peace and stability in the country and in confronting the threat of ISIS.

For his part, Mr. Lindner reiterated Germany’s commitment to assist and support Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, and stressed the continuation of the mission of German forces in Iraq within the framework of the international coalition against ISIS.

The meeting, also attended by Iraq’s Ambassador to Berlin, focused on the internal situation in the Kurdistan Region, the upcoming general elections, and the latest developments in the wider region.

Prime Minister: KRG to build new dams across the region

On Thursday, June 24, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) attended the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Bastora Dam in Erbil governorate. During his speech, PM Barzani emphasised the project's significance and highlighted the importance of water for various aspects of development, including industry, energy supply, agriculture, human well-being, and environment.

The Prime Minister's presence and remarks demonstrated the government's unwavering commitment to the project and its positive impact on Bastora and the surrounding area. Here is a summary of PM Barzani's speech:

"The primary advantage of the dam lies in its ability to store water for drinking, agriculture, tourism, and investment in fishponds, which will greatly benefit the people of the region. As part of the KRG's strategy, we aim to construct dams to ensure food security.

“The government has decided to build as many dams as possible throughout the region. We are pleased to note that some of these projects have already been built, while others are currently being designed and constructed. Once these dams are completed, they will play a crucial role in advancing the agricultural sector and serve as a source of energy. Their construction will significantly impact the region's development and economic stability.

“Water is a vital and valuable economic resource, and it is our collective responsibility to avoid its wastage. Dams such as Dukan and Darbandikhan in the Kurdistan Region have not only benefited our region but also the entire country of Iraq. Therefore, we hope that the federal government of Iraq will support the KRG in the repair and maintenance of these dams and extend their assistance for the ongoing dam construction projects.

“I commend the company involved in the Bastora Dam project, and I hope that it will be completed on time, adhering to the specified high-quality standards. Lastly, the KRG is committed to supporting similar projects across all parts of the Kurdistan Region."

President Nechirvan Barzani and State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany discuss mutual cooperation

Berlin, Germany, June 26, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani met with State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany, Mrs. Franziska Brantner, in Berlin today.

At the meeting, also attended by the Iraqi Ambassador to Berlin, the two sides discussed the challenges facing Iraq, including climate change, water scarcity, drought and desertification, which necessitate international assistance, expertise and support for Iraq to address their impacts.

Both sides also agreed on the importance of a comprehensive plan to meet these challenges in Iraq. They also stressed the need and importance of assisting Iraq, especially in the field of renewable energy and reduction of reliance on oil, and encouraging the private sector and German investments in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

President Nechirvan Barzani meets with a high-level US delegation

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, June 21, 2023

President Nechirvan Barzani received a high-level US delegation led by Ms. Dana Stroul, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, accompanied by General Matthew McFarlane, Commanding General of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, and diplomats and officials from the US Department of Defense, the US Embassy in Baghdad and the US Consulate General in Erbil.

The meeting discussed US relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, Erbil-Baghdad relations and their ongoing talks to resolve their differences, the latest developments in the fight against ISIS, the reforms of the Ministry of Peshmarga Affairs, and the efforts to unite and reorganize the Peshmerga forces.

Both sides agreed that ISIS is still a threat in Iraq and Syria and stressed the importance of continued joint cooperation to combat the threat of ISIS and to preserve the current security gains. In this regard, the guest delegation reiterated the continued US support to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Both sides stressed the need to exert greater efforts to complete the reform process and reorganize and reunite the Peshmerga. The US delegation thanked President Nechirvan Barzani for his efforts and active role in the process, and reaffirmed the continued support of the United States for the process. The delegation also conveyed the greetings of the US Secretary of Defense to the Kurdistan Region President.

The meeting was also attended by the Peshmerga Chief of Staff, and a number of other officials of the Kurdistan Region.

KRG Prime Minister Barzani meets with the head of UNAMI

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) held a meeting with Jeanine Plasschaert, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

The meeting focussed on current issues within the Kurdistan Region. Both parties agreed on the urgent need to hold parliamentary elections in the region as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister reiterated the importance of avoiding any further delays in the elections, and emphasised that this democratic process must not be compromised or undermined by any group's self-interest.

In addition, the discussions also encompassed the latest developments in Iraq, including the constitutional rights and financial entitlements of the Kurdistan Region.

KRG Prime Minister Barzani meets with President Erdogan

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Türkiye in Ankara.

At the start of the meeting, Prime Minister Barzani extended his congratulations to President Erdogan on his victory in the recent elections and conveyed his sincere hopes for the success of the new Turkish government.

During the meeting, which was also attended by Türkiye's newly appointed Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, the two leaders engaged in discussions about the overall situation in Iraq and the wider region. Additionally, they emphasised the significance of enhancing the relationship between the Kurdistan Region and the Republic of Türkiye.

Both parties agreed on the importance of strengthening bilateral relations and expanding opportunities for cooperation and coordination, with a specific focus on regional security and stability. They highlighted economy and trade as particularly promising areas for collaboration.



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