Thursday, 17 March 2016 08:00

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani welcomed UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond in his office in Salahaddin today. They met to discuss the upcoming fight to retake the city of Mosul from ISIS terrorists, UK’s support to the KRG, and Erbil-Baghdad relations.

President Barzani thanked the UK Foreign Secretary for his visit, and described it as a further sign of UK’s commitment to support the KRG and its people. 

On the fight to retake Mosul, the President said that the peshmerga will play an important role in liberating Mosul, but stressed that before the Mosul operation, all sides must reach agreement on how to administer and run the city after liberation. He added that there is now joint coordination between the peshmerga forces, the Iraqi army, and the international coalition on preparation for the Mosul operation. 

Foreign Secretary Hammond admired the military successes of the peshmerga forces against ISIS, and said the UK would continue to train and supply the peshmerga forces. 

He added that the international community is prepared to help the KRG in meeting the economic challenges it faces, including support in undertaking economic reforms by the KRG. 

“I can assure you Mr. President that we will work with you and support you as you meet that challenge [economic crisis], just as we have done as you have risen to meet the challenge of fighting Daesh,” said Philip Hammond.

Thursday, 01 October 2015 03:30

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (,krd) - Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani yesterday welcomed South Korean Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Jang Won-Jo.  Both expressed interest in furthering good relations.

Ambassador Jang commended the Kurdistan Region's people and government for accommodating and helping hundreds of thousands of displaced people despite severe financial constraints.

He also praised the role of Peshmerga forces for their effectiveness in fighting terrorism and providing security.

A primary purpose of this visit was to deliver humanitarian assistance for displaced people. 

Prime Minister Barzani and Ambassador Jang also discussed the security situation and relations with Baghdad. 

Monday, 28 September 2015 10:30

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( - Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani, yesterday received Hussain al-Shahristani, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Federal Government of Iraq.

The two sides discussed the current political, military and security situation in Iraq, as well as the economic and financial situation in the country. They also discussed the relations between Erbil and Baghdad, and ways to address the outstanding problems.

In the meeting, which was also attended by Dr Fuad Hussein, Chief of Staff of Kurdistan Region President, Prime Minister Barzani briefed the Iraqi Minister about the war against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, ISIS, in the Kurdistan Region and the progress made by Peshmerga forces.

Prime Minister Barzani also talked in details about the economic situation and the financial crisis and its repercussions in the Kurdistan Region.

Mr. Hussain al-Shahristani visited Kurdistan Region, representing the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mr. Haider al-Abadi, to attend the consecration ceremony of His Holiness Patriarch Gewargis Sliwa, the new Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, which was held in Saint Yohana Church in Ainkawa district of Erbil.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015 03:30

In a message on the occasion of the Muslim Eid of Al Adha, Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani congratulated the Muslims of Kurdistan and the whole world. He also talked about the presidency issue and the need for a speedy resolution of this issue. 

"At a time when our people are going through a challenging time and is facing major threats, there was no need to approach the presidency issue in the way it has been handled. I have done what I was required to do (by law) by calling for elections before the end of the presidency’s tenure but it was not possible to conduct elections. 

"Earlier, I had on several occasions called on the political parties and the parliament to resolve this issue but to no avail. I have not in any way requested to stay on as president. I reject all notions that there are no candidates to succeed me. I am very concerned about how this issue has been protracted. The people of Kurdistan have the right to complain, especially when we are facing pressing issues like the disputes with Baghdad, the economic crisis, the drop in oil prices, the large number of displaced people in Kurdistan, and above all the fight against the ISIS terrorists."

The President further stated that, "If the current 5-party meetings do not succeed, all political parties- those in parliament and those outside the parliament, must convene in order to reach a suitable solution. I fully understand the rule of law and I, more than anyone else, should respect the law. I suggest that that all political parties make a decision that, before 2017, the powers and the election mechanism of the president be formulated in the constitution so that the people will have the final say on this matter. Whether I stay on as president or not, should not become part of the problem of deciding on the powers and mechanisms for electing the president, as these are two separate issues. "

President Barzani paid tribute to the resilience of the people of Kurdistan and thanked them for their patience.

"I greatly appreciate the patience of the people of Kurdistan for standing firm in the face of current challenges. I also understand the problems that our youth face. I ask them that instead of leaving their country, they should strengthen their hope. We have serious problems but we can overcome them. The reform process that we started several years ago should be rejuvenated. No crisis can stand in the way of our people to decide their future. My priority is the realization of the right of our people to decide their future and to end the threat of ISIS on our people," said the President at the end of his statement.





Friday, 11 September 2015 09:00

At 0530hrs on September 11, Peshmerga forces launched a large-scale offensive in South of Kirkuk to further weaken ISIL's ability to threaten the Kurdistan Region. By 1315hrs, over 150 square kilometres were reclaimed, including the following villages: Albu Mohammed, Albu Yusif, Smud, Dlati Bchuk, Dlati Gowra, Sab'nisan, Tl Raba', Zenqare and Gm Bus.

During the offensive, Peshmerga forces successfully took control of the strategic Dusera Heights, located South of Daquq, and an additional stretch of the Kirkuk-Baghdad Highway, further limiting ISIL's freedom of movements.

International Coalition warplanes targeted dozens of ISIL positions from early hours of the morning and provided close air support to Peshmerga forces. The offensive, which was launched from two fronts South of Daquq, included approximately 1,500 Peshmerga and resulted in killing at least 40 ISIL terrorists.

One VBIED was destroyed by an International Coalition airstrike.

Counter-IED teams are now clearing the heavily-mined area.

In the last six months more than 530 square kilometres South of Kirkuk have been cleared as a result of four large-scale offensives.

Office of The Chancellor
Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC)





Sunday, 09 August 2015 09:00

Through a statement issued by the spokesperson of the Kurdistan Region Presidency, the KRP welcomes the new attempts at reform in the institutions of the Iraqi government.

The statement also added that the Kurdistan Region will continue to support such efforts by the Council of Ministers in Baghdad provided that the efforts are mindful of the participation of the Kurdistan Region. The statement concluded by stating that the decisions regarding the reform process ought to be within the framework of the Constitution.

Monday, 10 August 2015 04:30

Scrutinizing Haydar-Al-Ebadi’s journey, the P.M of Iraq, to America, in an Iraqi’s view can be the indicative of point being thought by Baghdad. To achieve this goal, we had a short talk with Mr. Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in Iran as followed:


Iraqi Prime Minister’s journey to the USA in Iraqi meetings is called a strategic one, in your view what important aspects can this journey have?

In current conditions Iraq needs different helps, whether politically, sociology or from the viewpoint of fighting against terrorism and ISIS. While after Iran’s agreement with 5+1, there will more opportunity to more cooperation in fighting terrorism. I am so optimistic about this journey so that Iraq can gain what it wants as it’s the least needs including consultative and military helps.


What arms helps does Iraq need?

In my opinion, first of all, Iraq needs consultative help, however, arms like fighter planes and UAVs in addition to supply armaments can help Iraq effectively.


How does America’s arms aid to Iraq help Baghdad fight ISIS?  

Helps whether from America or from any other countries can cause military and logistic strength of Iraq. ISIS is not a small group but an organization calling itself Islamic Government and has created territory for itself and has many hidden forces joining this organization from all over the world. However, in my opinion, the best help can be to create to strength the interior relations among parties, tribes and Iraqi different groups in order to cause a real cooperation inside the government of the country.



Wednesday, 29 July 2015 06:50

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( - Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani, yesterday received Ambassador Frank Baker, United Kingdom ambassador to Iraq and his accompanying delegation.

Ambassador Baker highlighted bilateral relations between Kurdistan Region and United Kingdom in all the fields, particularly the commercial and economic areas.

The two sides discussed the situation in Iraq in general and the fight against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, ISIS, in particular.
Ambassador Baker reiterated UK support for the Peshmerga Forces in the war against terrorism, praising their role and that of the people and government of Kurdistan Region in confronting and repulsing the terrorist threat.

He also pointed to the differences between Kurdistan Region and Iraqi Federal Government, as well as the Region’s internal issues, particularly the Kurdistan Region Presidency Law, stressing the need for solving those issues through dialog, common understanding, and consensus.

Ambassador Baker expressed his support and collaboration for the settlement of these issues.

Prime Minister Barzani thanked the UK delegation for the visit, expressing his hope that bilateral relations between Kurdistan Region and United Kingdom will witness further development in all the fields.

He highlighted the continuous victories marked by the Peshmerga Forces in the war against ISIS. Meantime, he called for further military aid for Peshmerga forces from European countries, particularly the United Kingdom.

Regarding the differences with the Iraqi Federal Government, Prime Minister Barzani reiterated that Kurdistan Regional Government aims to solve the issues through dialog and negotiations.

Regarding the issue of the Kurdistan Region Presidency Law, he reiterated that it should be settled on the basis of consensus and mutual understanding, and that all the political sides should reach an outcome that is in the general interests of the Kurdistan Region.

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