Monday, 14 July 2014 09:00

Erbil, Kurdistan ( – Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani and Italian Consul Carmelo Ficarra on Saturday discussed the bilateral relationship between Italy and the KRG as well as recent developments in Iraq.

Both sides pointed to the importance and mutual benefit of the growing bilateral relations between Italy and the Kurdistan Region. The Consul explained that his office plays a key role in serving as a channel for communication and information sharing with his government and Italian firms, regularly providing insight to business representatives and delegations visiting the Kurdistan Region.

He also noted that the Italian government is aware of the security and stability in Kurdistan and that the Region is investor-friendly. Italian companies have dramatically increased their trading activity in Kurdistan in recent years, and more than 100 Italian companies are expected to participate in this year’s Erbil International Fair.

During the meeting the recent developments in Iraq, particularly the security challenges and terror threat caused by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), were discussed. Prime Minister Barzani pointed to the fundamental difference in Iraq’s political and security landscape after the fall of Mosul, highlighting the urgent need for humanitarian support for Iraq’s internally displaced people (IDPs). He noted that, regrettably, the Iraqi Government has not taken responsibility for the well being of the displaced nor has it provided assistance for Syrian refugees. The Iraqi Government has also cut the Kurdistan Region’s entire budget, making it extremely difficult for the KRG to cope with the humanitarian crisis.

Consul Ficarra asserted that his country would do its utmost to better understand the situation. He said that Italy will continue, as before, to work with the relevant KRG institutions to assist refugees and the internally displaced, explaining that seven Italian NGOs are currently operating in the field. Prime Minister Barzani appreciated this effort, noting that the international community must come forward to assist refugees and IDPs. The Prime Minister added that the KRG has provided equal protection and assistance to all IDPs, regardless of ethnicity or creed, with the majority of displaced people coming from Mosul and the diverse Ninewa Plains area





Saturday, 31 May 2014 04:30

Rome, Italy ( – Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani arrived in Rome on Wednesday to meet with the Pope and Italian government officials.

During his two-day visit, the President held separate meetings with the Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, President of the Italian Senate, Mr. Pietro Grasso, and with the chairman and members of the senate foreign relations committee.

The meetings focused on bilateral ties, the political developments in Iraq- particularly after the recent parliamentary elections, the Syrian refugees, and the situation of Christians in Iraq and in Kurdistan.
In the meeting with Foreign Minister Mogherini, she said she is pleased with the status of her country’s economic and political relations with the KRG and that her country will soon upgrade her country’s diplomatic representation to a full consulate general.

On the situation of refugees in Kurdistan, the foreign minister commended the KRG for taking in refugees not only from Syria, but also Arabs and Christians from other parts of Iraq. She expressed her country’s willingness to help the KRG in its efforts to support these refugees.

The two also discussed the political developments in Iraq and efforts to form a new government after the recent elections. In this regards, President Barzani said that the Kurdistan Region has formed a unified negotiation team for talks with other Iraqi parties. He stated that the people of Kurdistan cannot wait another ten years for their legitimate and constitutional demands to be addressed. If these demands are not addressed, then the KRG leadership would ask the people of Kurdistan through a referendum to decide on their future relationship with Baghdad.





Saturday, 31 May 2014 04:30

Rome, Italy ( – Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday.

At the outset of the meeting, Pope Francis said that he was aware of the situation of Kurds and of their tragedies in the past. He commended President Barzani and the people of Kurdistan for what they have achieved, particularly in offering the Kurdistan Region as a safe haven for Syrian refugees and for Christians fleeing violence in other parts of Iraq.

The Pope also praised President Barzani for KRG’s policy of promoting tolerance and peaceful co-existence among different religious communities. He expressed his hope that the KRG would continue to enjoy peace and prosperity.

For his part, President Barzani talked about tolerance in Kurdistan as a long-standing tradition that has popular support. He said that peoples of different religions have made sacrifices together in the past and now live side by side in peace and freedom.

On the situation of refugees and Christians who have sought refuge in Kurdistan, President Barzani said that the KRG would continue to provide assistance to them as a humanitarian duty.





Monday, 10 February 2014 14:00

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq - ( – The Italian Consul in Erbil, Mr Carmelo Ficarra, met today with the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Minister Falah Mustafa, and was accompanied by a large delegation of Italian businessmen. The delegation included representatives from companies already working in Kurdistan and others planning on working here in the near future.

Minister Mustafa welcomed the delegation on behalf of the DFR and conveyed his appreciation to Mr Ficarra on the efforts he and his colleagues at the Italian Consular Office are making to ensure these types of visits continue to increase. He outlined the current business conditions in Kurdistan, highlighting the security and stability as well as laws and regulations as important factors that have resulted in real business opportunities and increased interest from companies worldwide.

The Italian delegation briefed Minister Mustafa on the different areas and sectors in which they operate in, which include key sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, tourism and architecture. Minister Mustafa said, ‘According to figures from the KRG Ministry of Planning, US $32 billion is needed in investment to help meet Kurdistan’s infrastructural needs. Hence we welcome you all and we hope to see more Italian companies visiting Kurdistan.’

Mr Ficarra thanked the Department of Foreign Relations for their assistance in facilitating the visit of these companies and spoke about the importance that Italy places to its relationship with the Kurdistan Region. He added that further events were in the pipeline to help strengthen economic relations between both sides.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Head of the DFR, Karwan Jamal.

 Monday, 10 Feb 2014











Tuesday, 24 December 2013 10:30

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq - ( – The Italian Consul in Erbil, Mr Carmelo Ficarra, met today with the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Minister Falah Mustafa, to discuss a number of issues including the donations provided by the Italian government to the Syrian refugees in Kurdistan.

The meeting was also attended by the Assistant Head of the DFR, Siham Jabali.

The Italian government has donated 300,000 Euros worth of humanitarian aid to the refugees. This shipment comprises of tents, blankets, heaters, utensils and generators. Mr Ficarra said, ‘This is the first installment of Italy’s assistance to the refugees and we will provide further assistance in the New Year.’

Minister Mustafa welcomed Mr Ficarra and expressed his gratitude to the Italian people and government for their generous contributions to the Syrian refugees. He expressed his hope that more countries will follow suit given the cold winter conditions and the urgent need for as much help as possible.

In addition Minister Mustafa thanked the Italian Consular Office and Italian government for the continued support they provide to the KRG Representation in Italy. The Minister also thanked them for helping organise a productive program for the DFR delegation that recently visited Italy and met with senior officials from the public and private sector.

Both sides were happy with the results of the delegation’s visit to Italy and they discussed ways and possibilities of setting up joint programs for further cooperation and exchange visits in the coming year.






Friday, 20 December 2013 10:30

Rome, Italy - ( – Minister Falah Mustafa led a senior delegation from  the Department of Foreign Relations to Itlay last week where they met Italy's Deputy Foreign Minister, visited the parliament and Minister Mustafa signed an agreement with the Italian Society for International Organisations.

The delegation consisted of the Kurdistan Regional Government's Representative to Italy Rezan Kader, the Assistant Head of the DFR Siham Jabali, advisor at the DFR Saleem Ibrahim, as well as Directors at the DFR Hoshang Mohamed, Tawfiq Rahman and Omer Rashid.

During the four-day visit, the delegation met with Deputy Foreign Minister Lapo Pistelli. Minister Mustafa thanked Mr Pistelli for the Foreign Ministry’s cooperation and said, “The KRG places great importance on its relations with Italy and would also like to thank the Representative Office in Italy and the Italian Consulate in Erbil for the role they play in strengthening our mutual relations.”

Deputy Minister Pistelli welcomed the delegation and said he was pleased at the level of development in bilateral relations highlighting the increase in the number of Italian companies working in Kurdistan. Both sides discussed the latest in Kurdish, Iraqi and regional political and security developments. The delegation also met with a number of other senior officials at the Italian Foreign Ministry.

Later during the visit, Minister Mustafa and Italy's former Foreign Minister Franco Frattini signed a memorandum of understanding between the DFR and the Italian Society for International Organisations (SIOI) which Mr Frattini now heads. The MOU was finalised and signed after Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani approved on a proposal earlier this year.

During his visit to the SIOI, Minister Mustafa spoke at a seminar attended by over 150 diplomats, professors, academics, researchers and journalists. He briefed the audience on the geopolitical influence of Kurdistan, the history of the Kurdish people, the tragedies that they have overcome, the developments since the uprising of 1991 and the future of the region.

Also in the framework of the delegation’s trip to Italy, they visited the Italian Parliament where they were received by the Vice President of the Senate, Valeria Fedeli. Minister Mustafa briefed her on the forthcoming Iraqi parliamentary elections scheduled for April 2014 and spoke about how both Kurdistan and Iraq can benefit from Italy given its history and experiences in democracy. He asked Vice President Fedeli for her support in trying to bring further international recognition of the genocide committed by the former Ba’athist regime against the Kurdish people.

The delegation also visited Perugia University, where Minister Mustafa gave a lecture and met with various officials from the university as well as local government officials. 

The delegation met with various diplomats from the international community as well as members of the business community in Italy. They also paid a visit to the Holy See at the Vatican where they met with Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio. Minister Mustafa outlined Kurdistan's culture of compassion and co-existence and spoke about the Christian community in the region and the Syrian crisis which had resulted in close to 250,000 refugees fleeing there. 




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