Monday, 05 January 2015 07:00

Dr. Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad in a response to question concerning the roots of the emergence of ISIS believes the roots of it should be sought in its roots.

The root of the emergence of ISIS is the central government of Iraq fault of neglecting democracy strategies and of not considering ballots and thoughts of groups. By this way of the government not only the former problems were not solved, but also caused lots of new problems of which the most important one was ISIS. Dr.Ahmad also believes that after 80 or 90 years established of Iraq government it was tried to form a democratic structure, but despite of the declaration of the Constitutes and the potentials of current governors of Iraq there is not so difference as compared to the formers.

The deputy-representative of KRG in Iran said that the most important reason of not resisting ISIS was public discontent among Sunnite, thus it caused them not to confront ISIS. Even some tribes not only resisted but they also supported ISIS. In addition to frightening actions of ISIS, Iraq authorities uncaring concerning the danger of ISIS infiltration in Iraq army and the possibility of some military elements’ betrayal can be deemed as one the reasons for ISIS to get stronger.

Dr. Ahmad considered the occupation of some Kurdish regions abandoned by the Iraq army against ISIS as the protection of those regions. Indeed these regions are Kurdish and under the KRG and the government dispute. But as the army escaped the regions got endangered by ISIS so Pishmerga forces presented in there to halt ISIS from occupying. Besides he knew ISIS limited infiltration in the Kurdish region for their being equipped with heavy weapons as Pishmergas having just light ones and for possible mismanagements.

Dr. Ahmad also mentioned the civilization ties between Iran and Kurds and said Iran’s help was on time and got appreciated by the president of the region. Nevertheless he believes that Turkey’s position to ISIS will not cause to be put aside from the KRG’s foreign policy, but the KRG wants to keep balance on its foreign policy. Furthermore in a part of his phrases he mentioned America’s attack against ISIS and said these attacks were workable to ISIS to withdraw.

Dr. Ahmad in response to the questions considered Jalal Talibani as a fighter leader and qualified president of Kurd, Masoud Barzani as the symbol of freedom, peace and democracy of Kurdistan nation, Ayatollah Sistani as the respected and impressive personification of the Islamic world, Ammar Hakim as the reminder of moderate leadership of Shia, Fuad Masum As the revolutionary and experienced politician and Ghasem Soleimani as a very powerful and impressive personification in foreign policy of Iran. At last Dr. Ahmad expressed hope concerning ISIS to be defeated and peace to return the country.      





Friday, 20 June 2014 18:00

Dr. Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad, the Deputy Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq, dealt with the roots of the attacks of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) on Mosul and the necessities to react to it on a note published by Ebtekar Newspaper.

After having humanity consequences of this attack, he took a glance at the meaning of terrorism. In his point of view, terrorism tends to occur in failed and failing state and those whose are going to be established (like Iraq). He continued to say that even though America’s Attacks to Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003) aimed to confront of terrorism, after upon 10 years Middle East still get engaged into terrorist security phenomena.

Dr. Ahmad believes that not only to military confrontation with terrorism is vital, but we also should take advantage of non-military innovations to dissolve the roots of this phenomena whose centre is democracy. Dr Ahmad pointed that the high –ranking authorities of KRG have warned about the army defections and the present political effects upon security situations to authorities of federal government, typically they did not notice. Federal government also got involved into issues like unimportant acts, divisive acts and power politics.

Dr. Ahmad phrased that ISIS were supported by some interior groups and regional powers. Meantime, He deemed the slogans of ISIS claiming to support the rights of Sunnis minorities of Iraq manipulative and claimed that this group was against the progress and development and advancement of the nation of Iraq. He pointed to Nechiravan Barezani’s, the prime-minister of KRG, phrases relating to being unsuccessful of actions to create compatibility amongst Pishmargh troops and army of Iraq, the actions still ongoing.

On Dr Ahmad’s viewpoint, the necessity to react with kinds of terrorism operations, to establish democracy, to restore all Iraqi’s rights aside from the racism and religious separations as well as visible and practical participation of all groups on politics of Iraq are achievable. If doing so non Iraqi groups and sects tend to feel being neglected.

He continued to mention Pishmargh forces’ abilities and potentialities and their attempts being made to jointly reaction of Pishmargh and army of Iraq. In his view, federal government merely is responsible for creating national solidarity to confront of terrorism. In addition he pointed that after Saddam no powerful government has been established.


At last Dr. Ahmad phrased that whereas the stability in Iraq and region is the matter of some regional powers, federal government can take advantage of this potential of the countries to successfully pass such current crisis. Meanwhile, the role of Islamic Republic of Iran is remarkable, as for broad relations with most Iraqi groups can provides the possible opportunities to create so3lidarity among these groups.





Friday, 06 June 2014 13:30

Dr. Jegarkhowein (Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad), the deputy-Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran, gave a speech in 11th anniversary of the Phili Kurdish Martyrs in Tehran.

 The speech says: today we all are here to pay respect to innocent of Phili Kurd and to remember the memory of these symbols of resistance, standing and liberty.


 Phili Kurds is a part of Kurd nation of Iraq whose places of resident are away from of birth, the racist regime of Baath committed lots of oppressions and crimes against them and most brutal acts against Phili Kurds like destroying towns and countries, Anfal operation, chemical bombing, and so on.


In 1970 Baath regime started to force Phili Kurds to migrate, and in this way ten thousands of them were arrested, their houses and belongings confiscated and expelled just for their being Kurd and Iranian-origin of their being a danger against Iraq and Arab security.

In the frame of racial oppression and elimination, in face of Phili Kurds, over 20000 people were arrested and disappeared, and there are no news yet concerning how they were killed. It was said lots of these guys were used as test samples in Saddam’s chemical and biological weapon generating labs and then were all buried en masse cemeteries.


Crimes committed against Phili Kurds accordance with international rules and treaties and international law are considered in the frame of ant-human and en massacre. For in any form facing them like arresting, compulsory elimination, broad hanging, obligatory migration, and confiscation of their belongings as a definite religious and racial minorities are a clear instance of massacre and anti-human crime. However, he asked Iraq government to act properly to pay material and spiritual damages imposing Phili Kurds as well as returning their certificate and apologizing.


Dr. Ahmad, at last, hopped in the frame of new federal and democratic Iraq, in which all population combinations have equal rights, all varieties of classes of people together, by obeying the constitutes as national treaty, get to make society far away from oppression to people rights, a society after painful years of fighting, bleeding and being victimized can be free, progressing and prosperous in which all feel security and independence.            







Tuesday, 20 May 2014 18:00

Dr. Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad, the deputy-Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Iran proceeded with some aspects of recent Parliament Elections of Iraq and the formation of the new cabinet in the meeting of Iraq Elections, opportunities and Challenges of the Region held by diplomacy Irani host. He noticed the Kurds unity in the matter of cooperation with new government of Iraq and emphasized that the ballots of Iraq people for a party does not mean a person’s policies triumph.

Dr. Muhammad Sddigh Ahmad in a part of his speech mentioned the possible chaos in Iraq will occur if all political parties do not participate in future government and he also believed that it is Nuri Maliki of being authoritarianism that causes such chaos but people. In addition in evaluating Mr. Mousavi phrase considering Iraq Elections as sign of victory of political process of the country and as a profit for Iran, he added that he does not believe it is advisable to be inspired that Iran supports a special person or party in Iraq to defeat this country. Basically Islamic Republic of Iran supports all Iraqi people and it is what Iran has done before.

In a part of his speech he said in my opinion it is so important for Iran to advocate people and spirituality. Of course its formal attitudes have always been in the direction of supporting moderate Shia spirituality in Iraq. In the Elections we witnessed Shia spirituality of Iraq were opposition to Iraqi Prime-Minister’s authoritarianic behaviors.

About the outcome of Iraq elections he said: in my opinion if the seats for Kurds as compared to former election does not high, it will not low either. Presently Kurds have 57 seats in Iraq Parliament and we guess this will increase in this election, also Kurds representative is not the only list of Patriotic Unions of Kurdistan of Iraq. Patriotic Union in the elections of 2010 faced decreasing ballots due to wrong tactics in dividing its representatives. It did not happen again. If we include possible seats of Patriotic Union and Change Movement altogether, they even do not amount to Kurdistan Democratic Party. Dr. Ahmad believes that the legal government coalition by itself cannot form the cabinet while has opponents among Sunni and Shia groups like Shahrvand and Sadri coalition.

As the last point Dr. Ahmad mentioned it was Kurds participation that refers to the future government. There are whispers that Nuri Maliki and the Change Movement and Patriotic Union are going to negotiate. Yesterday all Kurdish groups with the chairmanship of KR president hold a meeting. In a common notice signed by Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Change Movement, Patriotic Union and Islamic parties it was emphasized in the position of Kurds in political process of Iraq and the formation of future government. So I do not think a Kurdish group by itself negotiates with Baghdad government.









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