Thursday, 01 October 2015 03:30

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (,krd) - Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani yesterday welcomed South Korean Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Jang Won-Jo.  Both expressed interest in furthering good relations.

Ambassador Jang commended the Kurdistan Region's people and government for accommodating and helping hundreds of thousands of displaced people despite severe financial constraints.

He also praised the role of Peshmerga forces for their effectiveness in fighting terrorism and providing security.

A primary purpose of this visit was to deliver humanitarian assistance for displaced people. 

Prime Minister Barzani and Ambassador Jang also discussed the security situation and relations with Baghdad. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015 04:30

 Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran, about our country appreciating Iran’s positions said: the role of Iran in fighting terrorists has been positive and active. The representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran in talk with the News Agency of the second international of congress of 17000 martyrs of terror, astonishing the hold of this international congress said: the hold of such congress has always been beneficial to more convergence of these attitudes and specially appreciating victims and injuries.

Mentioning the necessity and cooperative of regional countries to confront with the threat of terrorism Dabbagh said: terrorism presently is not a threat to only a system or country but to all the region and world; thus these threats make it necessary more than ever.

He added: a logical understanding of this matter that terrorism threatens all of us and of that we do not have to deal with it according to our special benefit the only way is to make all attempts convergent against terrorism. In a response to a question based on what actions KRG took to restore Kurds’ rights who were sacrificed to Saddam and Monafeghin’s crimes Dabbagh said: KRG has tried to put the massacre of Kurds and their being aimed by terrorism continuously in international meetings. Knowing the countries’ behavior claiming to fight against terrorism twofold and some other countries’ help so little Dabbagh appreciated Iran’s role and said: as of a yet we have observed positive active role of I.R. of Iran in fighting terrorism and Iraq government and the Region have also insisted on. We appreciate Iran’s help to Iraqi and Kurdsih people.

Finally while knowing the role of Moneafeghin terrorist cell unimportant in the current atmosphere of Iraq Dabbagh said: this cell are not effective in Iraq as before, in addition Kurds condemned their criminal operations against Kurdish nation when this groups established near the border of KR, they insist on their rights and follow them.            







Wednesday, 24 June 2015 09:00

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani met with US Ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones in Salahaddin today. The meeting focused on a discussion of the latest political and security developments in the country and the fight against the ISIS terrorists. 

The US Ambassador reiterated the United States commitment to continue to support the peshmerga forces in the fight against terror.

They also discussed relations between Erbil and Baghdad and the situation of IDPs who have sought refuge in Kurdistan.





Monday, 08 September 2014 18:31

On the invitation of the Holland parliament and in order to introduce the latest situation of Kurdistan and its fight against terror, on Sunday, September 7, 2014, the president of Kurdistan parliament, Dr. Yusuf Muhammad Sadiq, went to Holland. This visit is to inform the Holland parliament about the war crimes of IS in Shingal, a city in Kurdistan whose civil people were massacred in the last August.

Proposing that what IS committed in Shingal is a genocide, Dr. Yusuf will discuss the situation of refugees in Kurdistan and will emphasize that they need urgent humanitarian aids. A number of parliamentarians from different ethnic and religious groups in the Kurdistan parliament along with the head of the committee of human rights are accompanied with him in this visit.  






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