kurdistan - iran

kurdistan - iran (63)

Wednesday, 27 Nov 2013

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (KRG.org) - The Kurdistan Regional Government welcomes the initial agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5 + 1 countries, comprising the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany. The KRG views this

Sunday, 17 Nov 2013

The ministry of Oil of I.R.Iran appreciated and acknowledged in a letter from Nazem Dabbagh, the deputy of Kurdistan region of Iraq in Iran for his sending a letter to Me. Engineer Bizhan Namdar Zangeneh, in occasion of backing vote of confidence from Islamic Consultative Parliament of Iran and his selection for the position Oil Ministry of Iran.

Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013

 Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Region Government in Iran, told that: new agreement subscribed between I.R.Iran and Kurdistan Regional Government remove some parts of boundary difficulties for progress and development of business affair between two sides and takes the ground for receiving new goals.

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