KRG Prime Minister receives a trade delegation from Germany

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government today welcomed a delegation representing several German companies. The purpose of their meeting was to discuss and enhance investment and trade opportunities between the Kurdistan Region and the Federal Republic of Germany.

During the productive session, Prime Minister Barzani provided the delegation with a comprehensive overview of the ongoing reforms implemented by the current Ninth cabinet. These reforms encompass vital areas such as economic diversification, investment facilitation, bureaucracy reduction, and the digitization of public sector services.

Moreover, Prime Minister Barzani expressed his gratitude for Germany's support to the Kurdistan Region as part of the Global Coalition combating ISIS. He further emphasized the region's commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with Germany and harnessing its industrial expertise for mutual benefit.

The visiting delegation acknowledged the Kurdistan Region's significant role within the wider region and conveyed their desire to expand their activities and investments in the area.

Overall, the meeting was fruitful, with both sides demonstrating a shared commitment to fostering economic collaboration and forging stronger ties between the Kurdistan Region and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Read کد خبر: 1191

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