A statement from the President of the Kurdistan Region

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, May 26, 2023

We are deeply concerned about the changes introduced to those passages of the Iraqi budget draft that relate to the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region, and we categorically reject them. These changes create an obstacle to the budget draft which covers the next three fiscal years, and which all Iraqis hope to see approved.

Commitment to the political agreement of the State Administration Coalition is the basis of political peace and stability in Iraq and the right step towards a better future for the country and all its communities. Breaching the understandings and the agreements, and attempting to violate the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region is completely contrary to national responsibility and will lead to nothing but disappointment, destabilization of the political situation in the country, and harming the whole of Iraq.

Past experiences have proved that, to rule with the logic of power and violating the rights and entitlements of Iraqi communities have never brought peace and stability to the country. Therefore, we call on all parties, especially the parties of State Administration Coalition, to be committed to the agreements, as all of us need to act responsibly. Additionally, the Kurdistani parties must stand united to defend our constitutional rights.

We reiterate that the Kurdistan Region is committed to resolving all issues on the basis of the Constitution. The experience of the past few months of working together, the understanding and solidarity among the Iraqi forces and parties, and implementing the agreement to form the federal government were a source of joy for the Iraqi people and their friends; therefore, we must move in that direction and not allow the agreements to be misapplied, and avoid complicating the situation.

Nechirvan Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan Region




Read کد خبر: 1192

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