A statement from the President of the Kurdistan Region on the security situation in Kirkuk

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, September 2, 2023

The blockade of the Erbil-Kirkuk highway in the past six days was illegal. Unfortunately, this illegal act has not been addressed by the Kirkuk administration yet. Kirkuk needs the implementation of the law and the constitution, and does not need more illegal activities.

As the city administration did not address the roadblock, which has affected the lives of the residents of the city, Kurdish citizens in Kirkuk today protested against the blockade, but unfortunately they were responded with violence, as a result of which a young man lost his life and several others were injured.

While we look at the security tensions with great concern, and closely monitor the situation, we strongly condemn the shooting and the use of live ammunition against civilian demonstrators. Inciting chaos in Kirkuk poses a serious threat to coexistence, security and stability.

The relevant parties of the Federal Iraqi Government must take the necessary measures immediately as it is the duty of the security forces to protect the safety of all communities in Kirkuk without any discrimination, and bring the perpetrators to justice.

It is the responsibility of all parties to maintain peace and security, and not allow the security situation in Kirkuk and the province to deteriorate under any pretext. We call on everyone to exert maximum restraint; the roads should be opened and peace and normal life must be restored for all the citizens of Kirkuk.

Nechirvan Barzani
The President of the Kurdistan Region

September 2, 2023







Read کد خبر: 1253

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