PM Masrour Barzani welcomes Canadian Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds group

 Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani received the Canadian Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds group led by MP Tom Kmiec in Erbil today. The delegation presented a brief about their work and activities with the aim to support the Kurdish cause and develop relations between Canada and the Kurdistan Region. The delegation commended the culture of peaceful coexistence, religious freedom and freedom of expression in the Kurdistan Region.

Prime Minister Barzani thanked Canada's assistance and support to the Kurdistan Region, especially in the fight against ISIS. They also discussed developments with the federal government and stressed that the Kurdistan Region has fulfilled all its obligations within the framework of the Constitution. Prime Minister Barzani expressed regret that the rights of the people of Kurdistan is still being violated and the agreement between the parties forming the government and the Federal Government Agenda that was approved by a majority in the Iraqi parliament is not respected.

Prime Minister Barzani reiterated that the Kurdistani people will not give up their legitimate and constitutional rights and will not submit to any pressure and threats from those who want to return Iraq to an era of dictatorship and oppression.





Read کد خبر: 1255

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