Erbil, Kurdistan – Iraq ( – A Polish delegation headed by the Director of the Department of Economy from the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region, Beata Joanna Łozińska, met yesterday with the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, Minister Falah Mustafa, to discuss ways of furthering bilateral relations between Kurdistan and Poland. The meeting was also attended by the Polish Consul to Kurdistan Region, Mr Roman Jerzy Chalaczkiewicz and representatives from a number of Polish companies.


Ms Łozińska expressed her pleasure at visiting the Kurdistan Region accompanied by representatives from several Polish companies interested in working in the Kurdistan Region. These companies were in Kurdistan to attend the Project Iraq conference which was opened yesterday. She added that this and other such events were a great opportunity for Polish companies that wish to network and partner with companies both in Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq.

Minister Mustafa welcomed the delegation to Kurdistan and expressed his pleasure at the increased cooperation and interest between both sides. He praised the role that the Polish government has played in helping to enhance these relations, particularly by opening a Polish Consulate here in Kurdistan.

Both sides discussed a number of ways to strengthen these relations such as in the areas of culture, sports, tourism, and higher education among others. Minister Mustafa said, ‘I hope that in the near future, Poland joins the long list of countries that provide direct flights to Kurdistan as I believe this step will greatly enhance our mutual ties.


The Polish Consul Mr Chalaczkiewicz highlighted the growing role that the Consulate is playing in Kurdistan, not only on administrative matters but in organising cultural, social and economic events as well as the issuance of visas. They discussed the previous visits and how the KRG can work closely together with the Polish Consulate to further strengthen relations in the future. 





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