Sj world news (1015)

Fararu: the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran mentioning the Mosul having taken up by ISIS forces said: the situation occurring in Mosul raise a question. That is to say, the question is that how telecommunication and intelligence organizations of Iraq have been caught by surprise so that ISIS has managed to control a city such big within 24 hours.

The terrorism group of ISIS some hours after overcoming Mosul, the airport and governor capitol building and all security posts, they are advancing to Sallaheddin province and has occupied the areas of Al-Sahel Al-Aysar in the north of Tikrit.

Security sources of Iraq added: the areas of Ghanitreh, Al-Khamsiat, Sheikh Hamad in 120km from the north of Tekrit have completely come under the control of ISIS.

Accordance with an aware source, ISIS’ troops, with a black flag, are prancing in the areas and ask people to join them.

After overcoming of the quasi-military related to Al-Qaeda on parts of Neynava province and keeping available heavy weapons under their control in that province, Iraq government ordered general mobilization and ask parliament to announce the emergency state.

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran in talk with Fararu said: the regions presently occupied by ISIS have a high geostrategic importance. He, pointing that after Baghdad and Basra Mosul is the third biggest city. He also added: the eastern parts of the city are most settled by Kurds while the west most settled by Arabs and Sunnites as well as former Baths.

Dabbagh added: so the situation has now occurred in Mosul, raise a question. That is to say how transmission and intelligence organization of Iraq have been caught by surprise so that ISIS forces could manage to keep the city such a big under their control within 24 hours.

In response to a question concerning the eastern parts settled by Kurds, what measures Kurdistan government would take to this event, he answered: since yesterday which this happened Kurdistan government has put the Pishmargh forces on alert so that they can support this region. He added: on the other phrase Pishmargh forces cannot enter other areas without the president’s order of KRG and the prime minister of Iraq.

In response to a question about what actions they would take if ISIS forces advance to Kurdistan region, he answered: if so, it is Pishmargh forces’ responsibilities to support and defend the areas of the region. About the consequences of the crisis and whether Iraq army would manage to defeat ISIS, the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran said: I am not so pessimistic but hope the problems get to be dissolved and security return to Iraq.

He continued: in my view the happened event results from the absence of the army forces in the field of battle, or else it should not have occurred.

He added: absolutely to defend the regions is easier than to attack and to counterattack in order to discharge ISIS group from the regions. Thus, the occurrence of the event raises a question to me and I do not have any idea of whether these situations will change as soon.     







Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Tehran said: the news of Masood Barezani’s, the president of KRG, visit the commander of Monafeghin group in Paris is basically untrue.

A report of the Iran Students News Agency (ISNA) Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Tehran in a talk concerning the counterfeit news on a visit between Masoud Barzani and the commander of Monafeghin group in Paris broadcasted in some public medias said: this news is basically false, for such visit never occurred, in special, high-ranking authorities’ attitudes and beliefs of KRG of Iraq relating to this matter are apparent and clear.

And always they appreciate the place and role of Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with Kurds on their right fighting against Baath regime.

He, at the end, declared: the Islamic Republic of Iran has an outstanding role and place in forming the new Iraq and federal government, thus broadcasting such false news is considered in the direction of a plan to destroy the relations between Kurdistan regional Government and Kurdistan region.   







Friday, 20 June 2014 18:00

Mosul Crisis: Roots and Necessities

Dr. Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad, the Deputy Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq, dealt with the roots of the attacks of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) on Mosul and the necessities to react to it on a note published by Ebtekar Newspaper.

After having humanity consequences of this attack, he took a glance at the meaning of terrorism. In his point of view, terrorism tends to occur in failed and failing state and those whose are going to be established (like Iraq). He continued to say that even though America’s Attacks to Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003) aimed to confront of terrorism, after upon 10 years Middle East still get engaged into terrorist security phenomena.

Dr. Ahmad believes that not only to military confrontation with terrorism is vital, but we also should take advantage of non-military innovations to dissolve the roots of this phenomena whose centre is democracy. Dr Ahmad pointed that the high –ranking authorities of KRG have warned about the army defections and the present political effects upon security situations to authorities of federal government, typically they did not notice. Federal government also got involved into issues like unimportant acts, divisive acts and power politics.

Dr. Ahmad phrased that ISIS were supported by some interior groups and regional powers. Meantime, He deemed the slogans of ISIS claiming to support the rights of Sunnis minorities of Iraq manipulative and claimed that this group was against the progress and development and advancement of the nation of Iraq. He pointed to Nechiravan Barezani’s, the prime-minister of KRG, phrases relating to being unsuccessful of actions to create compatibility amongst Pishmargh troops and army of Iraq, the actions still ongoing.

On Dr Ahmad’s viewpoint, the necessity to react with kinds of terrorism operations, to establish democracy, to restore all Iraqi’s rights aside from the racism and religious separations as well as visible and practical participation of all groups on politics of Iraq are achievable. If doing so non Iraqi groups and sects tend to feel being neglected.

He continued to mention Pishmargh forces’ abilities and potentialities and their attempts being made to jointly reaction of Pishmargh and army of Iraq. In his view, federal government merely is responsible for creating national solidarity to confront of terrorism. In addition he pointed that after Saddam no powerful government has been established.


At last Dr. Ahmad phrased that whereas the stability in Iraq and region is the matter of some regional powers, federal government can take advantage of this potential of the countries to successfully pass such current crisis. Meanwhile, the role of Islamic Republic of Iran is remarkable, as for broad relations with most Iraqi groups can provides the possible opportunities to create so3lidarity among these groups.





President Barzani Meets Gorran Movement Leader

Salahaddin, Kurdistan Region of Iraq ( – President Masoud Barzani met with the leader of the Gorran Movement, Nosherwan Mustafa in his office in Salahaddin today.

The meeting focused on the political and security developments in the country, and KRG preparations to confront any threats facing Kurdistan. Both sides welcomed the unity and the common position adopted by the Kurdish parties, and stressed that the new political and security situation in Iraq calls for a thorough and careful approach. 





Nazem Dabbagh in talk with Fars Press announced: the Pishmargh forces have the necessary preparedness to confront, we wait for authorities’ commend of Kurdistan as do they for central government’s ask to interfere and help.

Nazem Debagh, the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran in talk with Fars Press about the events taken place in Mosul and ISIS advancing in the region said: cautiously Kurdish forces have vacated parts of the region, therein ISIS forces by owing high-tech weapons has gained more power and seeks to gradually occupy region as a whole.

In a response to a question about the reaction of Kurdistan of Iraq to these events said: Pishmargh forces have enough preparedness to react and looking forward to commends of Kurdistan authorities as do they to central government’s ask to act and help.

The representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran continued to mention that the security forces overcome eastern part of the river of Dejlah; In addition, security forces and Pishmargh has set to protect Kurds in this part and are in action.

Nazem Debagh, at the end, pointed: the Pishmargh forces have been deployed on frontier of Kurdistan and wait for commend to act and to establish the security.








Masoud Barezani’s Condolences to Abbas Kamandi’s Family

Masoud Barzani, the president of Kurdistan Regional Government, on the occasion of Abbas Kamandi’s death, declared: I got worried when found out Abbas Kamandi, the famous Kurdish artist, died.


Masoud Barezani also expressed his condolences to the artist’s family and the Kurdish artists by a message as follows:


For the Family of the Famous Artist Abbas Kamandi:

When finding out the artist Abbas Kamandi’s passing away I got concerned. Abbas Kamandi served outstanding work in the fields of singing, painting, poem and play-writing to the art and culture of Kurd for years, and its effect are sensible and respected.

The loss of this artist was a great grief to Kurdish art. I should like to express my condolences to Abbas Kamandi’s family and the artists of Kurdistan I too share your grief. I demand may Great God be gracious to him and grant us peace.

We are for Great God and we will return to him.


Masoud Barzani


The president of Kurdistan Regional Government








Dr. Jegarkhowein (Muhammad Seddigh Ahmad), the deputy-Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran, gave a speech in 11th anniversary of the Phili Kurdish Martyrs in Tehran.

 The speech says: today we all are here to pay respect to innocent of Phili Kurd and to remember the memory of these symbols of resistance, standing and liberty.


 Phili Kurds is a part of Kurd nation of Iraq whose places of resident are away from of birth, the racist regime of Baath committed lots of oppressions and crimes against them and most brutal acts against Phili Kurds like destroying towns and countries, Anfal operation, chemical bombing, and so on.


In 1970 Baath regime started to force Phili Kurds to migrate, and in this way ten thousands of them were arrested, their houses and belongings confiscated and expelled just for their being Kurd and Iranian-origin of their being a danger against Iraq and Arab security.

In the frame of racial oppression and elimination, in face of Phili Kurds, over 20000 people were arrested and disappeared, and there are no news yet concerning how they were killed. It was said lots of these guys were used as test samples in Saddam’s chemical and biological weapon generating labs and then were all buried en masse cemeteries.


Crimes committed against Phili Kurds accordance with international rules and treaties and international law are considered in the frame of ant-human and en massacre. For in any form facing them like arresting, compulsory elimination, broad hanging, obligatory migration, and confiscation of their belongings as a definite religious and racial minorities are a clear instance of massacre and anti-human crime. However, he asked Iraq government to act properly to pay material and spiritual damages imposing Phili Kurds as well as returning their certificate and apologizing.


Dr. Ahmad, at last, hopped in the frame of new federal and democratic Iraq, in which all population combinations have equal rights, all varieties of classes of people together, by obeying the constitutes as national treaty, get to make society far away from oppression to people rights, a society after painful years of fighting, bleeding and being victimized can be free, progressing and prosperous in which all feel security and independence.            







The Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran, participated in 4th international day festival of the University of Iran on the occasion of 80th anniversary of the University of Tehran establishment. With the presence of Nazem Debbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government in Tehran, Dr. Jegar Khowein (Muhammad Ahmad Seddigh) the deputy-Representative of KRG in Iran, Cultural Counselor of Iraq embassy and other countries like Italy, France, Russia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, …, some ambassadors, the professors of the University, some employees of the Office of KRG, the managers of the University, the Ministry of Science, Researches and Technology and other organizations, non- and Iranians scholars, students and stuff and experts of the University, the 4th international day festival of the University of Tehran was held on the occasion of 80th anniversary of the University establishment in the hall of Allameh Amini central library and documents center of the university at 4 on Monday, Khordad 5th .


In this ceremony, foreign top students, causes of glory, the board of science and the students of the University were appreciated. By the suggestion offered by the group of Arab Language and Literature of Humanity Literature faculty of the University, honorary doctorate in Arab Literature was awarded to Abdul-Aziz Saoud Babtin, the literary figure and cultivated outstanding poet of Kuwait by Dr. Muhammad Hossein Omid, the chancellor of the University of Tehran, in recognition of playing a remarkable scientific and education role in propagating Islamic culture and Arab literature.





Dr. Roj Nuri Shawis is the first-deputy-prime minister of Iraq and influential in the structure of the policy and a powerful personification among the parties. Shawis has positive relations with Iranian authorities. As a chief of the center of ministers, parliament representatives, Iraqi Kurdish authorities’ convergence working in the central government, and now as the deputy-prime minister has traveled to Iran in order to develop economic relations and visited first-deputy president, the head of parliament and a number of representatives. Iran Press had a talk as underneath about the main summary of put conversation.

In a response to the first question, he assessed the importance of Iraq elections through two aspects. One about people participation assessed positive and the other the repeated emphasis on democracy process and its confirmation in Iraq. In his viewpoint, it was a triumph for Iraqi people. In a response to another question about the Kurdish move’s coalition with legal government in the current situation said: ‘government experience in new Iraq is over 10 years relying upon Kurds and Shia. Kurds have had the main role in establishment of all government as well as obey of the constitution of Iraq, therefore unfortunately they did not benefit as it was supposed to, and their influencing decreased. It is felt that there are moves except some about this.’ However he believes the future government would be established upon Kurds and Shia. He also mentioned the before differences among former governments and believed in the government of coalition such problems are usual. However he insisted in groups’ participation like Sunnis believing democracy of new government formation and considered it undeniable. Shawis emphasized deeming the post of president as Kurds’ share, and continued to answer a question about his position about increasing president authority through reformation in constitute that this matter did not relate to constitute and the parliament, it can just be conducted by a political agreement. Parliament can vote on this agreement as vote of confidence on the cabinet and the presidency. Shawis mentioned Mr. Barzani’s position about it and said that this should have been assigned to Kurds; also everyone who is put in this position should be approved by Kurdistan parliament.

About Iraqi Kurdish and Shia groups relations with Iran’s, he said most part of Iraqi groups have had a long relations with Iran especially those who were against Fascist Baath regime. They all deem Iran as their own friend, that is why and in my opinion Islamic Republic of Iran in the direction of the convergence among related groups play a necessary role. He also dealt with Kurds’ role in the formation of the new democratic system of Iraq. In his view, Kurds played a scouting role in this process, since Kurdish parties entered in this political process sooner than current Iraqi’s.

Shawis, who is also the head of Economic Committee of Iraq, evaluated the current commercial exchanges of both countries up to over $ 10 billion and deemed his travel to Iran to negotiate and consult with Iranian side in order to high this to $20 billion and over. He considered his travel success to accomplish their goals.






With the presence of Nazem Debbagh, the KRG representative in Tehran, Dr. Jegarkhowein (Muhammad Seddighgh Ahmad), the deputy-representative of KRG, Mohammad Majid Al-Sheikh the ambassador of Iraq in Tehran, Hiva Margei, Dr. Ramazan a member of KRG in Tehran, as well as several political, cultural and literary personification of Iraq and Iran, a number of Kurd members settling in the center, a number of stuff of KRG representative and a countless number of Phili Kurds settling in the center and different towns of Iran, 11th anniversary of commemorative ceremonies of 22000 martyrs of Phili Kurd was held at 10 am on Friday, Khordad 2th (May 23rd , 2014) at Agha Mahmud Mosque in Tehran.

At the beginning of the ceremony Mohammad Majid Al-Sheikh, the ambassador of Iraq in Iran gave a speech, and Mrs. Dr. Batul Meshkin Faam, so did the professor of Arab language and literature of the University of Al-Zahra, about the role and place of Phili Kurds, then Musa Bidaj, the kurdish outstanding poet and translator read a poem in Kurdish language.


Next Dr. Jegar Khavin, the deputy-representative of KRG in Tehran gave a speech about identical features of Phili Kurds of Iraq and the difficulties caused by Ba’ath regime of Iraq like mandatory traveling, disappearance of 20000 teens of Phili Kurds, destroy of the houses, …, Phili Kurds participation in volunteer activities of Kurd people, the legal aspects of mentioned crimes and finally the responsibility of new government for the victims.

In a part of the commemorative ceremony, Mohammad Heydari, the Kurdish poet read a poem with Phili Kurd dialect, then Engineer Mohammad Reza Morvarid, the governor of Kurd in Ilam, gave a speech about the role and place of Phili Kurds in the past and present, after that Majed Ghamaz, the representative of High Islamic Parliament of Iraq, gave a speech, at the end Seyyed Ahmad Musavi, a Phili Kurd settling in Denmark, read a say about genocide of Phili Kurds.

11th anniversary of commemorative ceremony of 22000 martyrs of Phili Kurds, with the effort of Hosseini groups of Phili Kurd settling in the centre, Masoudieh, Alishirvan of Shoush, Gharchak and Bisim and Najaf was held by Adnan Javadi presentation.      






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