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Wednesday, 08 October 2014 03:30

Iran- KFP info Special- the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Iran said: as the Kurdistan region delegates under the chairmanship of Nechirvan Barzani, the P.M of KRG, meeting Iranian authority, Pishmergas entrance to Kurdistan areas out of Kurdistan Region was praised.


Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran in talk with KDP .info stated: Kurdistan Region delegations traveled to Tehran and exchanged ideas with the authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran about the changes of current situations. Both sides believed that the terrorists had to have been stood with.


He also said: in this visit Islamic Republic of Iran deemed the Pishmergas entrance to Kurdistan areas located out of the region positive. He added: Iran had no consideration about Pishmergas entrance to the areas out of the region but considered it as collaboration, since if the Pishmergas had not entered those areas it could have been taken up by the ISIS forces.


At the end the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran stated: the delegates of Kurdistan region left Tehran for Erbil after visiting Iranian authorities.







Friday, 10 October 2014 14:00

Accordance with the international report of Fars, the strategic meeting of Iraq changes in sync with its security changes, with presence of Nazem Debagh, the representative of Kurdistan Region of Iraq in Iran, Hussein Rouyvaran, Senior Expert in affairs of West Africa and Seyyed Rasul Shabibi senior expert in affairs of Iraq, on Wednesday, was held in Fars News Agency June 20.


In this specialized meeting Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG, Hussein Ruyvaran and Seyyed Rasul Shabibi proceeded with their views concerning the emergence of plotting recent crisis as well as interior and exterior factors and exchanged ideas.

 In this meeting recent changes were discussed in three parts. Then some questions were put whose answers represented clearer vision of the causes and reasons of security crisis in Iraq.


First part; the roots and interior potentialities of violence: in this part the experts discussed the roots of the crisis from 2003 to 2011 as well as from 2011 to time before recent third Parliament Elections.


Second part; regional and international of security crisis of Iraq: in this part the experts mentioned regional roles on of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar as well as recent changes of Syria along with America and NATO role by putting fundamental questions in especial about some countries’ hidden support of ISIS. Furthermore the role of Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia were reviewed.


Third part; in this part the experts shared their views in order to exit the new crisis and to establish a future without the presence and interfere of foreign countries in Iraq. In addition the role of Sunni and Shia clerics trying to manage the crisis and to make religions set face against each other.


In a response to questions Nazem Dabbagh mentioned some aspects of current crisis of Iraq. In his view recent insecurity in Mosul and other sites should sooner have occurred. ‘I believe Iraq is an Iraq and its people are the same’ he said. The enemies are now seeking for a fan in the crowds, and where Ba’ath has more influential the differences are high. He supposed that there are still people who have Ba’ath’s thoughts and have penetrated the government and military system of Iraq. Some even remember Iraq, Syria and Egypt unity as “Omme Arabi” (Arabian Mother).


He deems Baghdad inattention to Kurdistan region authority warnings about suspicious movements of Ba’ath in Mosul and their not to be obedient to principal of Baath-elimination passed by Parliament as one of the reason for the emergence of the crisis.


The solution to react ISIS is the unity of all groups of Iraq in his view; the unity which occurred at the time of Saddam forces’ falling. The loss of Mr. Talibani also is one of the concerns that has affected recent crisis. He mentioned the different positions of Americans and also claimed that Saudi Arabia emits forces to Iraq to support ISIS. At last Mr. Dabbagh recommended they can hold a conference in Iran as in Taef for Lebanon to create a unity and dissolve present problems.






Friday, 10 October 2014 17:30

The representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Iran said: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Iran are allies and have never kept it a secret.


Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in talk with Levin about Kurdistan Region parties and Iran relations stated: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Iran are allies and have never hidden it.


He also said: the Patriotic Union and Iran are allies and in addition Iran desires it to be a strong ally and to collaborate with other political parties and groups of Kurdistan in order to establish security and improvement in new Iraq.


Nazem Dabbagh in other part of his speech about Iran relations with Democrat Party of Kurdistan under Masoud Barzani leadership the president of Kurdistan region said: in spite of current rumors Democrat Party of KRG has a good relationship with Iran.

He also described Nechirvan Barzani recent travel to Iran as a distinctive sample of strong relation Party and Iran and continued to state: furthermore of Kurdistan Region like Socialist, Zahamatkeshan(Laboursit), Islamic Group, and the Move of Change (Guran) have good relations with Iran as well.





Wednesday, 01 October 2014 17:30

After Vietnam War in 20th century Iraq-Iran’s war was the second longest one. It began in 1980 September 1980, and lasted for 8 years, an unfair war which shocked Iran nation and government. As though this war of attrition imposed on two nations and affected all aspects of their lives.


Mainly wars remain undesirable results. Many a countries were destroyed as a result of them, however what is more important is the costs nations bear. During eight-year war against Iran unpleasant and tragic events happened showing unpleasant results of war on different aspects of citizens’ lives of both countries. One of these events was chemical attack of Ba’ath Regime to Sardasht.


Unfortunately the more science has grown, the more military technology has developed. That was why armies continuously managed to manufacture new weapons which included more killing destructive power. The peak of this process was to generate nuclear bombs, chemical and microbiological.

As human conscious is against the generation and using such weapons, however during 20th century they have been used as massacre weapons against military and non-military aims in wars. Historically the first case of using chemical massacre weapon dates back to first-world War, whereas in Iraq-Iran war this weapon were broadly used under the Ba’ath Army mandate during which many military forces of Iran and first of all the citizens of  both countries got seriously damaged. Saddam used this weapon not only against Iranian people but also against his nation.


Undoubtedly Ba’ath Regime of Saddam was a dictator, authoritarian, racist and expansionist. Saddam deemed all his opponents as enemies whether or not they were Iraqi or not and suppress them by any kind of both normal and abnormal tools.

A review of Saddam behavior toward the nations of these two countries make everyone draw an undeniable conclusion that this dictator did not even respect the primary and absolute rights of the nations. As if nation did not institutionalize in Saddam. It is necessary to remind that the nations of both countries share commons and long years have been living together and had broad relations.


Using chemical weapons by Baath regime was manipulated in a condition that many different international treaties and conventions banned the generation and usage and improvement and export of it. One of these cases was the Geneva protocol in 1995. Interestingly Iraq itself joined the protocol in 1931.

Saddam action clearly was versus the principles and material of mentioned treaties and conventions. The usage of the weapon by Saddam against Iran was so broad that universal society was primarily engaged to form and international treaties early in 1990s. The treaty was signed in Paris in 1993 and got binding in 1997.


Many border cities of Iran and Iraq were chemically attacked by racist army of Ba’ath. One of those cities was Sardasht in June 27, 1987. This attack above all aimed to massacre usual people residing in the town. Thus due to the loss of necessary preparation to confront such cruel act seriously damaged them.


According to available information 130 people lost their lives in this attack and 8000 got injured. This action was an apparent cruelty on the behalf of a wild regime against typical citizens which violates anybody’s conscious and makes him react.


We, the government and people of Kurdistan Regional of Iraq, deeply sympathize with Iranian people especially the victims of Sardasht tragedy like the injuries and survivors and share the pain with them. We also experienced the bitterness of Baath army chemical attack and lost our beloveds in the attack. Now I consider it necessary to mention generously and humanitarian contribution of people and government of Iran to the injuries of Iraq since these contributions relieved out pains and sad.


The imposed war of Iraq on Iran ended long years ago, but it is vital to try describe and analyze the aspects of the dreadful tragedy for the nations of both countries and even for universal society, for there are many people not knowing some aspects of this important event.


Many merely know Sardasht was chemically attacked but they are not aware of other aspects of the case. Thus it is important the actions of the organizations interfering in Kurdistan region of Iraq and Islamic Republic of Iran and even citizens interested in the case spread and necessary cooperation should be prepared and managed to reach the given goals.


Undoubtedly through institutionalizing humanitarian attitude, we have to take basic steps to react massacre weapons in general and chemical weapons in special, and spread these tries for high goals like keeping peace in the region and especially in the relations between both countries.

Iraq and Iran share religious, cultural, civilizational and racial commons; it itself is a potentiality to reach given human goals. We hope nowhere in the world will nations bear the cost imposed by hegemonists’ policies on themselves and neighboring countries.





Tuesday, 30 September 2014 07:00

Istanbul, Turkey ( – Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani yesterday met Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Istanbul on the sidelines of a World Economic Forum event.


In the meeting both sides discussed the latest political and military developments in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, the process of forming a new government in Iraq, the participation of the Kurdistan Region in the new cabinet in Baghdad, and the situation in the Middle East in general.


The Peshmerga forces' fight against ISIS terrorist militants, the importance of the formation of an international coalition to attack and destroy the terrorists, and international support for the Peshmerga forces in the war against the terrorists were also discussed in detail.


The humanitarian situation and the condition of Iraq’s displaced people and Syrian refugees sheltered in the Kurdistan Region were also topics in the meeting, with special attention to the provision of aid by the people and the government of the Kurdistan Region and from the international community. Prime Minister Barzani highlighted the need for the Iraqi Government and the international community to pay more attention to the plight of the refugees and the displaced. He lauded Turkey for the aid and humanitarian support provided thus far, while reiterating that the Kurdistan Region expects further humanitarian assistance from Turkey.


Both prime ministers pointed to the importance of a strong bilateral relationship between Erbil and Ankara, stressing a common goal to promote economic, commercial, and political relations as well as expanded cooperation and coordination in the energy and natural resources sector. Both sides expressed their readiness to provide all the needed facilities in this regard.


Prime Minister Barzani’s accompanying delegation included Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, Minister of Natural Resources Dr Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Finance and Economy Rebaz Mohammad Hamalan, Minister of Planning Dr Ali Sindi, Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations Minister Falah Mustafa and KRG Spokesperson Minister Safeen Dizayee. The delegation participated in a number of different sessions and panels at the second day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) event.


Prime Minister Barzani headed the KRG delegation to Istanbul to participate in the WEF event upon an official invitation from Prime Minister Davutoglu and WEF Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab. Prime Minister Barzani and the delegation met Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Professor Schwab in separate meetings.


The delegation also met with a number of heads of state and senior officials from across the world and attended a dinner hosted by President Erdogan in honour of the participants of the WEF event.





Monday, 29 September 2014 07:00

Istanbul, Turkey ( – Upon an official invitation from Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and World Economic Forum Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab, Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani headed a KRG delegation to participate in the World Economic Forum’s event in Istanbul.


The delegation met with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the event.


Meeting with President Erdogan


In the meeting both sides discussed the latest political developments in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and the Middle East in general, with particular emphasis on the terrorist attacks on the provinces of Ninevah and Salahaddin and later on the Kurdistan Region. They also discussed ongoing fighting between the Peshmerga forces and the terrorists, noting the significant territory that has been reclaimed by the Peshmerga. The political process in Iraq and its new government, headed by Prime Minister Haider Abadi, was also a topic in the meeting.


President Erdogan assured the KRG delegation that Turkey would enhance its relations with the Kurdistan Region in a better way and reiterated Turkey’s commitment to the bilateral relationship and agreements made with the Kurdistan Region across all sectors. He noted the importance of helping and supporting the Kurdistan Region even more because of the recent attacks. The President stated that Turkey has thus far provided a great deal of humanitarian aid and promised that his country would continue providing such assistance. He added that his country is in close coordination with the coalition forces in confronting terrorism and that this coordination will also include the Kurdistan Region in order to combat any threats to the broader Middle East region.


Prime Minister Barzani thanked President Erdogan for his stance and for his country’s assistance, adding that the Kurdistan Region seeks further support and assistance from Turkey. He agreed on the importance of further expanding the economic and political relationship with Turkey. Regarding relations with Baghdad, the Prime Minister noted that the Kurdistan Region chose to participate in the new Iraqi government to give the government a chance to resolve outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad. This would lead to better ties among Turkey, Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region, he said.


On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum event the delegation met with a number of heads of state and senior officials from across the world and also attended a dinner hosted by President Erdogan in honour of the participants of the event.


Meeting with World Economic Forum Chairman Professor Schwab


In the morning the delegation held a meeting with World Economic Forum Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab. In the meeting they discussed the latest political and security developments, and Professor Schwab praised the progress that has been achieved in the Kurdistan Region. He also lauded the KRG for generously sheltering more than a million Iraqi IDPs and Syrian refugees. He explained that the Kurdistan Region has garnered praise and gratitude from the entire international community because of this humanitarian gesture.


Professor Schwab stated that he hopes the international community and donor countries will pay more attention to the Kurdistan Region, adding that he wishes to visit in the near future. Prime Minister Barzani extended him an official invitation, adding that the KRG would be pleased to host a World Economic Forum event one day.


Prime Minister Barzani was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, Minister of Natural Resources Dr Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Finance and Economy Rebaz Mohammad Hamalan, Minister of Planning Dr Ali Sindi, Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations Minister Falah Mustafa and KRG Spokesperson Minister Safeen Dizayee.


The KRG delegation participated in a number of different sessions and panels at the event and in meetings on the sidelines on a wide range of subjects.





Wednesday, 01 October 2014 07:00

Concerning the recent changes of Iraq after ISIS attacking to Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Mojgan Modarres Olum, from JARAS Press held a talk with Mr. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran of which the main points follow:


About serious international danger of ISIS he believes ISIS is a danger for all civilization and countries. This group is the people who possesses a country and that is why it leaves nothing but killing and violating. In his view the growth of ISIS is for mismanagement of governments and their incorrect performances.

While some of them are European and are supported by European countries. Thus it is not a danger just to Iraq and Syria but all countries. That is why should begin to fight this group. Kurds have been the only group fought them sincerely.


Mr. Dabbagh in a response to a question concerning the presence of potentials for international coalition against ISIS said that the USA’s attack to ISIS has been made when the danger of ISIS got clear. ISIS follows the goals just the as Ba’aths, namely, to unify Iraq, Syria and Egypt. The west, Turkey and Saudi Arabia supported this group sometime now they have found out the danger of ISIS.


Undoubtedly if ISIS overcomes Iraq, it will attack to those countries. Nevertheless the coalition for confronting ISIS is affective when it will not superficial. He continued if international coalition does not form against ISIS, in the future ISIS will endanger them in their countries. Therefore, superficial acts does not work but deep so that after being diminished of this ISIS, another ISIS cannot substitute for it. Iran’s position indicates that it is determined to confront ISIS he said.      






Wednesday, 01 October 2014 03:30

Ardeshir Pashang from Iranian Diplomacy conducted an interview with Mohammad Seddiq Ahmad, the deputy-representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran concerning military confrontation of KRG with ISIS (ISIL) of which important lines as followed:


Mohammad Seddiq Ahmad (Jegarkhowein) the deputy-representative of KRG of Iraq while mentioning that presently the war conditions indicate the strength and sturdiness of the deployment of Pishmerga military forces and their being strengthened with heavy weapon announced superiority Pishmega forces in conflict front with extremist terrorists and Takfiri of ISIS in present condition and said: the will and the ability of Pishmerga forces to defend Kurdistan, Kurdish and Iraqi people are so strong; these forces have lots of experiences of classic and specially guerilla wars; therefore the broad area of over 1500km of fronts and confrontation with suicidal attacks require special situations that luckily Pishmerga forces have gained the power. Whereas I should say this news that during recent days Kurdish Pishmerga have been able to inflict the most hit and human losses on ISIS which has been so considerable as compared with late couple weeks.


He continued to say by Mr. Barzani’s order to call backup forces to support military operation against ISIS and then added that military operation of USA could inflict great hit on ISIS and we hope it to be continued.


Dr. Ahmad continued that in spite of public, military and political power KRG is not such powerful in economic and presently cannot accept refugees over 1000000. He went on that all Iraq’s and the Region’s friends and allies including Iran have helped this government.  Some Kurdish authorities appreciated Tehran due to these aides. In addition Dr. Ahmad while mentioning Mr. Yunosi’s talk, special assistant of the president of Iran in tribal and religious affairs said: I am so pleased that he as the representative of Iran government announced his position and opinion about sustained losses against Kurds and following dangers and this support has caused us to be happy and warm.


The deputy-representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran about the soon fall of Shengal and Zumar said first these two towns were under the control of Iraq army secondly Pishmerga forces presence was limited in these towns and at last unusual kind of ISIL attack typically accompanied with unrecorded violence and cruelty against civilians was considered the reason of the fall.


He said major withdraws of KRG were in the regions which regarding military geography was less important and were carried out on a completely limited level and according to definite military tactics to save civilians’ lives. At last he deemed the civilians’ conditions of Shengal mounts so painful and bitter and said about the emergence of human disaster of Izadi Kurdish refugees in this mount.  He added that this disastrous condition had a nationwide reflection; and even followed the announcement of Security Council. He said many of aged people and children have lost their lives for killing heat, thirstiness and hungriness. Now most of them due to air-aiding on the behalf of the USA and Iraq forces have been transferred to a safe place.  






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