Thursday, 17 March 2016 08:00

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani welcomed UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond in his office in Salahaddin today. They met to discuss the upcoming fight to retake the city of Mosul from ISIS terrorists, UK’s support to the KRG, and Erbil-Baghdad relations.

President Barzani thanked the UK Foreign Secretary for his visit, and described it as a further sign of UK’s commitment to support the KRG and its people. 

On the fight to retake Mosul, the President said that the peshmerga will play an important role in liberating Mosul, but stressed that before the Mosul operation, all sides must reach agreement on how to administer and run the city after liberation. He added that there is now joint coordination between the peshmerga forces, the Iraqi army, and the international coalition on preparation for the Mosul operation. 

Foreign Secretary Hammond admired the military successes of the peshmerga forces against ISIS, and said the UK would continue to train and supply the peshmerga forces. 

He added that the international community is prepared to help the KRG in meeting the economic challenges it faces, including support in undertaking economic reforms by the KRG. 

“I can assure you Mr. President that we will work with you and support you as you meet that challenge [economic crisis], just as we have done as you have risen to meet the challenge of fighting Daesh,” said Philip Hammond.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 04:30

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani today met with US Ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones, US Presidential Deputy Special Envoy to the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS Brett McGurk, and senior US military generals to discuss the status of the fight against ISIS. 

They discussed the ongoing efforts to defeat ISIS in both Iraq and in Syria and preparation for the liberation of Mosul, including cooperation and coordination among the peshmerga, the Iraqi, and the coalition forces.
They also discussed the political developments in the country and relations between Erbil and Baghdad.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015 09:00

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( - Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani yesterday received the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran and Deputy Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter-ISIL, Mr. Brett McGurk, and his accompanying military and diplomatic delegation.

The security situation in Iraq in general and anticipated liberation campaigns of Anbar and Mosul in particular were discussed.

They also discussed maintaining coalition airstrikes in support of Peshmerga forces, and also in Anbar and Hasaka, (Syria).

The U.S delegation emphasised the need for effective mechanisms to prevent radical jihadists joining the Islamic State terrorist organization, ISIS, as well as ways to assist Sunnis to confront ISIS.

Prime Minister Barzani expressed his hope for coalition forces to further train Iraqi military, police, and Peshmerga forces, and extend military operations to accelerate eradicating the ISIS terrorist organization and normalise the region.

Regarding the relations between Erbil and Baghdad, Prime Minister Barzani reiterated that the current situation is not sustainable.  He said Baghdad continues to reduce funding the Region in breach of last December’s agreement and the Iraq Federal Budget Law 2015 at a time when the Region is serving the needs of nearly two million displaced people and fighting ISIS.

He noted that if the Constitution was fully respected three years ago, Iraq would never have seen these days.

Monday, 06 April 2015 09:00

Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, ( President Masoud Barzani welcomed a delegation from the Federal Government of Iraq headed by Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi. The delegation included a number of military and security officials as well as immigration and other Iraqi officials. President Barzani and Prime Minister al-Abadi discussed the latest military advanced by the Peshmerga forces and commended their achievements and also the Iraqi armed forces and the latest advances against the terrorists of the Islamic State in the province of Tikrit. The two sides also spoke of the upcoming operations especially regarding the liberation of Mosul from the hands of the terrorists of the Islamic State.

Prime Minister al-Abadi stated that the mutual interests of the Kurdistan Region and the Federal Government in Baghdad are far more significant than any obstacles. On his part, President Barzani stated that the cooperation between Erbil and Baghdad will continue and that the relations between the two will only be strengthened.

Prior to the completion of the Prime Minister's visit to Erbil, President Barzani and Prime Minister al-Abadi visited the refugee camp of Bahrke in the outskirts of Erbil to see the current situation of IDPs from the Nineveh plains and other areas that have been under the control of the terrorists of the Islamic State. President Barzani and Prime Minister al-Abadi both stated to a number of families in the camp that their main priority is liberating their areas and ridding Iraq of terrorists.





Friday, 27 March 2015 04:30

After overpower a large part of Iraq land whose residents are Sunni, speculations about the future of the country and the establishment of Sunni region intensifies.


Meanwhile the positions and attitudes political meetings of Kurdistan region and authorities’ opinions got Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) neighbors after taking the full control of regions under conflict represent Kurds’ views for the changes, expectations and concerns ahead in the political future of Iraq.


Kurds News Agency to analyze the recent changes of Iraq went after Nazem Dabbagh the Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in I.R of Iran and interviewed him.


In response to a question Mr. Dabbagh described the current situation of Iraq, and that was how he introduced those regions including Mosul, a major part of Tekrit and Salaheddin occupied by ISIS. He continued to mention the areas released by security and army forces of Iraq and Pishmergas. ‘Right now (the moment interviewing ongoing) fighting is progressing’ he said.


  He about the loss of security forces’ reaction in Mosul against ISIS terrorist said all their attacks to this town are suspicious and unclear. The forces surpassing 3000 overwhelmed the town he said. It was happened in the situation that nobody saw them. With only the slogan of “Run away, they come”, all people escaped. He added: ‘this attack was in advance planned and collaborated with the security forces of town’. Just within six hours the whole town was occupied by ISIS.


In his view another reason of which town got occupied by ISIS was tribal combination. %99 of the two-million town are Sunni, furthermore the major elements of the army of Ba’ath Iraq are from this town and its tribes. That is why the same as Kurd rise People collaborated with ISIS in Mosul.


In some areas also Pishmergas could take the control of regions from which Iraq army sit rear; and it cover the regions Khanegheyn, Jelola and Hamrin till Zakhu. I can say the borders of the regions stated in Article 140 are presently under the control of the Pishmerga forces.


About being aware of security forces of Iraq of this attack, Kurd Press asked Dabbagh and he also answered the possible attack of ISIS from Syria land to Iraq have already been warned by major authorities of the KRG. Mentioning former warning by some people to Nuri Al-Maliki about some militaries joining Iraq Army he said some of these fellows were defeated, others escaped and the others joined ISIS.

Sunday, 15 February 2015 03:30

Salahadin, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, ( President Masoud Barzani received a United States military and diplomatic delegation at his office today. The U.S. delegation was headed by General Joseph Votel, the Commander of the Special Operations Command as well as the U.S. ambassador to Iraq and other U.S. defense and state officials.

During the meeting President Barzani shared his perspective on the conflict with the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and made reference to the liberated areas by the Peshmerga forces. President Barzani also took the opportunity to express his thanks to the allies' air support against the terrorists of I.S.I.S. and added that the Peshmerga forces are in need of continued support with the ultimate aim of ridding the Kurdistan Region of all I.S.I.S. terrorists.

The meeting was also attended by the Chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council, Mr. Masrour Barzani who spoke of some of the details of the areas under Peshmerga control including the Mosul dam.

General Votel expressed, on behalf of President Obama his continued support to the Kurdistan Region in its efforts against the terrorists and added that the U.S. will remain committed to the operation against I.S.I.S. He also commended President Barzani and the Peshmerga forces for the latest military advances.





Friday, 10 October 2014 14:00

In talk with Arman Press, Nazem Dabbagh depicted aspects of ISIS attack to Mosul and some other areas of Iraq turning to the most important news of Iraq these days. ISIS could overwhelm Mosul as well as Kirkuk and Tikrik, he said.


In his view Iraq forces’ spirit has got weakened but Pishmergas could free some parts of Kirkuk. In addition he mentioned Mr. Maliki’s phrase, the prime minister of Iraq, having said in a few days ISIS would be evicted from occupied lands.


Namely, some of the political groups for drawing votes of Ba’aths and their supporters promised to cooperate with them. He believed he would have to avoid giving important jobs to Ba’aths. He had documents proving some Ba’aths were used to attack Tikrit along with terrorists those who formed Anfal operation (genocide of Kurds) he said.


Nazem Dabbagh rejected the news about not being accepted of refugees of Mosul by KRG and added the prime minister of KRG, Mr. Nechirvan Barzani, frankly asked region authorities to give hand to them. He continued to say that Pishmergas are able to run operations against ISIS; therefore their being engaged to this quarrel is required general commander’s and KRG’s agreement. The close partnership between people and Iraq security forces against any threats is vital he believed.


Dabbagh put the possibility of ISIS attack to Baghdad under doubt and said did Baghdad fall, the whole country would. This is dangerous for Kurds since the next goal is Kurdish region and the region as whole. He quoted Mr. Talibani’s view saying the moment ISIS got formed in Syria it should have treated there and would not be allowed to be widespread.


In a response to a question he said Mr. Maliki asked America, to this purpose 4000 American forces entered Iraq.


Dabbagh put two strategies as solutions to ISIS. First is the formation of the real government of Iraq with presence of the majority of Iraqi groups. In this direction, he cautioned taking advantage of military forces of Iraq and Pishmergas in special having fighting background. The second strategy was is to establish an Iraqi identity for all groups, tribes and races, so that each Iraqi knows himself Iraqi first


of all. He claimed, if not so, again we would return to the previous government.

Continuing his talk he considered ISIS as a danger not only for Iran, but also for its fans Arabia and Turkey and even Europe. He even mentioned Iraq as a country suffering lots of problem and said reaching a unanimous agreement among Iraqi political groups was the concern neglected coalition of legal government governing. In his view Maliki did not manage to appeal all groups’ participations.


Dabbagh continued to say his predictions about Iraq were met and presently he is to predict that Iraq may change to another Afghanistan. In a response to a question he said if Kurds and other groups do not share affairs, the race identity will raise and if so ISIS would overcome Sunni sections, I say it is none of my business for I am Kurdish. In an answer to a question he said the solution to react ISIS is the unity among all groups and it is necessary to respect everybody’s right.


He mentioned the process of Erbil protocol formation according which the responsibility of prime ministry and general commander was taken on Mr. Maliki. Therefore in his view Maliki did not take any action to solve the problems of country. Frankly he asked federal government to respect Kurds rights so that they remain as a part of the country and accept the responsibility for its problems.






Wednesday, 03 September 2014 13:30

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran in an interview with Nasim Bidary Monthly, concerning current situation in Iraq, resulting from the attack and occupation of Mosul made by ISIS, gave some speeches of which main phrases as followed:


In a response to the first question he answered that one of our concerns with Mr. Maliki dates back to his employing security and intelligence forces of Ba’ath in the body of the Army of Iraq and its security constructions. He said that KRG authorities along with some Shia political personifications about this warned Mr. Maliki many times, but he underestimated our warning.


Dabbagh continued to introduce ISIS and considered it derived from Ba’ath. Since just the same as Ba’ath he would follow to unify Iraq and Syria. Dabbagh added that 13 terrorist groups came to an agreement to occupy Mosul. He said the former officers of Ba’ath regime were employed in military and information positions who separated from the Army and joined ISIS.


Also Dabbagh stated that witnesses denote that ISIS forces were only 3000 when they attacked to Mosul. But the sleeping kernels including those 13 groups join ISIS. Thus Mosul with two millions only within six hours was under ISIS’s control. In a response to a question Dabbagh mentioned the three main political groups of Iraq including Kurds, Sunni and Shia and recited the interior grouping concisely. Furthermore he said that before ISIS attacking to Mosul nobody said he was a Kurd, Shia or Sunni. Presently such phrases no longer are made. He frankly said now Iraq has divided into three federals.


Additionally he said that after ISIS attacking to Mosul Pishmerga forces approached the regions in dispute between Iraq and KR, they did this to prevent this region from being occupied by ISIS and took the control of the posts. Another concern between the central government and KR is Kirkuk. In his view Kirkuk itself matters so much to Kurds but its oil. To prove that whether this area is a part of Kurds or not, the maps and historical documents should be referred.


About the Army fall against ISIS he added that in spite of Maliki’s spending $27 billion for the Army it did not put up any resistances against ISIS forces just having Kalashnikov and R.P.G. the reason was that the people was dissatisfied with the government and the authority did not believe in the central government.

He said presently ISIS has taken the control of three million people in a wide area that is larger KR and central government country. To control the people and the regions increasing day by day ISIS needs a budget. Thus the attempt to Kirkuk having oil and Biji having refinery is possible.


Dabbagh said adopting non-democratic policy from Maliki caused Sunni and Kurdish political groups were not such encouraged to collaborate with the government. Their cooperation with the government is just accordance with the benefits based on the number of seats of the parliament. In a such situation it is possible for Sunni and Shia to fight. In this fighting we will just preserve our region and will not support neither sides.


He continued to say the cases in dispute with Baghdad such as the regions under quarrel and oil in special in Kirkuk and added that Maliki’s second government was basically founded in Erbil, but then after being formed of the government they neglected all agreements and he know the reason as Baghdad concern for the Region’s getting power through oil sources.


Concerning Ms. Clinton’s charge of Iraq government’s being affected by Iran he said presently both the USA and Iran support Iraq government, nevertheless the concern of Iraq now is Mr. Maliki’s being unsuccessful in the post of Prime Ministry of Iraq. Dabbagh turned down the loss of a national personification and said Mr. Talibani is national one for all Iraqis. Additionally the president of KRG cannot act as the chairman of the parliament or as the president of the government.


The past indicates that Mr. Talibani’s policies were convergent with the policy of unity maintenance. He said now Iraq needs a Gandhi. He added that after eight years of having the reign it is better Mr. Maliki give this up and somebody else from the same party substitutes for him. At last Mr. Dabbagh said presently in Iraq there are national personifications, the politicians who have fought during history, they can be employed provided that they want Iraq to be preserved.        






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