Nazem Dabbagh Talk with Arman Press: We Warned about Ba’ath Influencing

In talk with Arman Press, Nazem Dabbagh depicted aspects of ISIS attack to Mosul and some other areas of Iraq turning to the most important news of Iraq these days. ISIS could overwhelm Mosul as well as Kirkuk and Tikrik, he said.


In his view Iraq forces’ spirit has got weakened but Pishmergas could free some parts of Kirkuk. In addition he mentioned Mr. Maliki’s phrase, the prime minister of Iraq, having said in a few days ISIS would be evicted from occupied lands.


Namely, some of the political groups for drawing votes of Ba’aths and their supporters promised to cooperate with them. He believed he would have to avoid giving important jobs to Ba’aths. He had documents proving some Ba’aths were used to attack Tikrit along with terrorists those who formed Anfal operation (genocide of Kurds) he said.


Nazem Dabbagh rejected the news about not being accepted of refugees of Mosul by KRG and added the prime minister of KRG, Mr. Nechirvan Barzani, frankly asked region authorities to give hand to them. He continued to say that Pishmergas are able to run operations against ISIS; therefore their being engaged to this quarrel is required general commander’s and KRG’s agreement. The close partnership between people and Iraq security forces against any threats is vital he believed.


Dabbagh put the possibility of ISIS attack to Baghdad under doubt and said did Baghdad fall, the whole country would. This is dangerous for Kurds since the next goal is Kurdish region and the region as whole. He quoted Mr. Talibani’s view saying the moment ISIS got formed in Syria it should have treated there and would not be allowed to be widespread.


In a response to a question he said Mr. Maliki asked America, to this purpose 4000 American forces entered Iraq.


Dabbagh put two strategies as solutions to ISIS. First is the formation of the real government of Iraq with presence of the majority of Iraqi groups. In this direction, he cautioned taking advantage of military forces of Iraq and Pishmergas in special having fighting background. The second strategy was is to establish an Iraqi identity for all groups, tribes and races, so that each Iraqi knows himself Iraqi first


of all. He claimed, if not so, again we would return to the previous government.

Continuing his talk he considered ISIS as a danger not only for Iran, but also for its fans Arabia and Turkey and even Europe. He even mentioned Iraq as a country suffering lots of problem and said reaching a unanimous agreement among Iraqi political groups was the concern neglected coalition of legal government governing. In his view Maliki did not manage to appeal all groups’ participations.


Dabbagh continued to say his predictions about Iraq were met and presently he is to predict that Iraq may change to another Afghanistan. In a response to a question he said if Kurds and other groups do not share affairs, the race identity will raise and if so ISIS would overcome Sunni sections, I say it is none of my business for I am Kurdish. In an answer to a question he said the solution to react ISIS is the unity among all groups and it is necessary to respect everybody’s right.


He mentioned the process of Erbil protocol formation according which the responsibility of prime ministry and general commander was taken on Mr. Maliki. Therefore in his view Maliki did not take any action to solve the problems of country. Frankly he asked federal government to respect Kurds rights so that they remain as a part of the country and accept the responsibility for its problems.






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