Monday, 05 October 2015 10:30

 Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran, in talk with Farshad Golzari, the reporter of Ilna News Agency, replied several questions relating to Iraq and Kurdistan Region such as political geography of KR, Kurds’ relations with central governments during history, Adorno’s recent talks- the ex-commander of American Army Headquarters about disintegration, Kurds’ resistance in Kubane, Turkey’s elections and its perspective, the event of Suruc terrorist attack and … . The matter of reformation being pursued by Heydar Al-Ebadi, the Prime Minister of Iraq, was the center of the talk.

Insisting on the affirmativeness of the reformations plan of Iraq has been put the Prime Minister, he declared: any plan that is put as a fight against corruption should be deemed positive. In my opinion Heydar Al-Ebadi expressed braveness to announce the plan. However, if this plan was put with all groups influencing on forming Al-Ebadi cabinet, it would be more powerful. Now we witness a disagreement in Iraq not just limiting to Kurds or Sunni but Shia,; the events happening arise questions that who has been asked for advice and guide and what the main aim of this plan is, or whether the plan is a coup or a reformations plan. In my opinion in following weeks there may be greater problems in Iraq, in a manner that we may see a political clash.


Pointing that this plan should have been more studied by the Prime Minister before being announced, he stated: the reformative plan is good but it seems that Al-Ebadi has made a mistake; It is meant that before the plan being announced he should have talked and discussed with main and important sides and forces of the country and then announced the reformative plan. All say that reformations and fight against corruption is good but what is now being put is that Kurdish population of Iraq share with the government of this country and has participated to form it. We need to know that when it is announced ministers have to be decreased, there are three Kurdish ministers, even among the deputies who are supposed to be expelled or their number to be decreased, there are also Sunni and Kurds. Thus this should be noticed that the role of the parties which have helped the government to be formed ought to be considered.





Friday, 02 October 2015 03:30

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Tehran, in talk with E’temad Press, dealt with Turkey-P.K.K crisis, of which outlines followed:

In the response to the first question relating chasing and escaping of Turkey’s Kurds and Army Dabbagh said: unhappily instead of following peace and comfortable solution with Kurds, Turkish government has highly increased its military performance against Turkey’s Kurds and put more pressure on the people of the country more than ever. Even though Kurdish people and political organization and their fans intend to bring an end to siege of the people in the country but unfortunately we are witnessing that people are deprived and refugee, besides leaving many injuries these attacks have not left many way to treat. He added that Ankara would increase these pressures.

Concerning the effectiveness of military way to overcome P.K.K Dabbagh stated: this has been experienced many times during long years. Military way have not given favorable outcome for many years and P.K.K and Kurds will live their own life. Both KRG and different European countries are following that both side put an end to their concerns through talk. During past years Turkish government entered into negotiations, in spite of reaching a peaceful process the government has begun to strike again. Dabbagh also added that Ahmad Davoudoghlu’s claim, P.M of Turkey, about wiping the P.K.K out reminds him of the president of former Iraqi regime talking about Kurds of this country.  



Friday, 02 October 2015 03:30

Italian News Agency carried out a talk with Nazem Dabbagh of which main points follow. Before answering the questions he declared: I, Nazem Dabbagh,am on my behalf not Representation of Kurdistan Region Government, put my views.

About the presidency of the Region Nazem Dabbagh Said: this has two sides, one is the reformation and the rules of Regional presidency, and another is the extension of the presidency of the Region for one extra round. He added that in September 17, 2015 two suggestions were offered Mr. Barezani and Democrat party on the behalf of four other parties of the Region about which Democrat Party will reveal his opinion. Another issue is whether Mr. Barezani can be candidate for presidency or not.

In a response to another question concerning the position of Islamic Republic of Iran about Iraq and the Region, Mr. Dabbagh said: I.R. of Iran’s view- Haj Qassem Soleimani was that the security and peace of Iraq and Kurdistan Region matter to Iran and it requires to be protected. That is why to solve interior problems of the Region and the concerns among parties is necessary and important. He went on: Iran believes that trough respecting each other it is possible to reach agreement and it disagrees to impose and force one by another. Coalition government needs agreement, Iranians has not reached to a point yet to support a special side. At last Iranian delegations were just listeners, and insisted on their views to solve the problems through agreement and agree with unity of Iraq and Kurdistan Region.

Relating to Kurds of Turkey Dabbagh stated: it is evident that Turkish Kurds is a part of Turkey now, and it is several years that armed fighting has begun, and at several times, especially at the time of Turgot Ouzal and Mam Jalal Talibani, for the first time the process of peace and peacefully solving the concerns between Kurds and Turkey was put. Of course, since 1986 up to now, more than 25 armed strikes have been conducted from Turkey Army against P.K.K. and Kurds. As a result of that, three years ago peace process according to set of promises and threats which Erdogan made to Kurds and Masoud Barezani and mam Jalal Talibani supported it got started. He added: I personally condemn the killing of polices and the massacre of Sorouc. He who decided to start a nationwide war was Erdogan and Turkey not Turkish Kurds. He continued: some have put phrases that they would not give up until they vanished P.K.K. Former Iraqi’s regimes also said such sayings, until the great defeat happened as a result of Al-Geria Agreement. All Kurds put their guns down and many got homeless. We witnessed Mam Jalal and Kak Masoud, which Iraqis land and water were called illegal to them, continued fighting. One grew the President of Iraq and the other the president of Kurdistan Region.

About the relations of some countries with Patriotic Unity of Kurdistan he stated: I believe that these relations is natural provided that interior regulations and the Constitution are respected. These relations are not just limited to Patriotic of Kurdistan, so do many organizations and parties of Kurds, Syria and Turkey. Thus he insisted that this must not lead to penetrate into interior affairs.

another concern by Dabbagh was to strength HDP party and those agreeing with the agreement in Turkey followed by the recent changes of Erdogan Government, to establish Kurdish-Syrian party offices in Erbil, Soleimanieh and Dohuk, the role of Patriotic Unity about peace, PYD’s right to establish relation with other countries, the possibility to unify Kurds and be supported by great powers, inefficiency of building border wall in order to prevent Kurdish refugees to Turkey, necessity of noticing refugees’ needs and finally the unity of Pishmerga and to create unity in parties and Kurdish groups.   





Saturday, 29 August 2015 22:30

Nazem Dabbag, the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government in Iran in a round table with Bahram Amir-Ahmadian, researcher of Turkey Issues, and Mehdi Motahhar-Nia, expert and Futurist,  analyzed Racep Tayyip Erdoghan’ new policy in fighting ISIS and P.K.K of which main points followed:

In the answer to the question about the cause of Turkey’s fighting against ISIS and P.K.K Dabbagh told: in my view, Turkey's invasion of ISIS and P.K.K, Suicide Terrorism of Suruc and Turkey’ reaction to that terrorist attack was a scenario as a whole. After being unsuccessful in his regional policy against Syria and establishing Ottoman Empire, Turkey wanted going to regional changing in a new manner, since if it had not had active role in the region, it would have omitted. The second issue was the current election of Turkey. The cabinet now being forced in Turkey conceived if election repeats, by missions against P.K.K and ISIS, it is able to re-obtain all votes that it has lost as a result of the political problems and ISIS in Iraq.     

Dabbagh mentioned about the duties of regional states in this critical situation. He stated: everyone looks at this situation in lens of his benefits. I, as a Kurd, always tell that Kurds should be aware that not going to the core of states contests. I currently in an interview notified that land of Kurds as an Arian race has been Iran. Hence, Iraqi Kurds and Iran could be strategic allies. Without accusation to the turkey to assist ISIS, Dabbagh stated that assistances to the ISIS dispatch by land and the solely land road for helping ISIS is Turkey.  

Dabbagh, in continue, added: in the regional changing US has win much more than other. In my point of view ISIS would not be obliterated. It will get weak but remain. For the ground making it exists in the region and, so, as long as these grounds would not obliterate, ISIS will be alive. The religious, social, economic and even cultural ground for growth of ISIS has stayed alive. 

Ultimately, Dabbagh said: the last issue I want to mention it is that the enemy of Kurdish movement created ISIS, because of this, in the first days that ISIS occupied Mosul, I had a media interview and told that this accident made Kurd and Iraq allied. But I warned that whether ISIS could occupy Baghdad or not, it would assault to Kurdistan Region.







Monday, 24 August 2015 09:00

Kurds Press/ Nazem Dabbagh the official representative of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq in Iran through an interview with Kurdish news site, Avineh, answered some questions relating about current concerns of the Region especially the position of the presidency of Kurdistan which has turned out to be a crisis in the Region for it is approaching to the end of Mr. Barezani’s presidency period, and Iran’s role in these changes as followed:

Relating to the rumors about the role of General Qassem Soleimani to extend the presidency of the Region for another two years Dabbagh claimed to be ignorant of that. Concerning with type of Iran’s interfere in ISIS concern Dabbagh continued: Iran’s policy is relied on supporting the union and correlation of political movements of the Kurdish Region and helping solve the problems and differences. It desires to deal with the problems according to rules of the Region, but I have no more information about its details.

About the positions of Dr. Reza Amiri Moghaddam, the Middle East general manager of national security supreme council of Iran expressed at the presence of Dabbagh and the officials of the Region he said: the meeting in which I presented I noticed that Iran’s view toward the presidency of the Region is that the presidency concern should be solves with the participation and presence of parties and through talking as the Regional Government.

He added: in all meeting and conventions I did not present but in Dr. Ahmadi Moghaddam’s. Iran desires important problems should be solves with cooperate of all parties of the Kurdistan Region. In addition Dabbagh considered the common positions of Patriotic Union, Islamic Union (Guran) and Islamic Group (Komel) to get together effective and said what is said about Iran’s role about this is just rumor.


The reporter of Avineh asked Mr. Dabbagh: Does Iran, in your opinion, have an active present by August 20 to prevent unrest and challenges in the Region?’, Dabbagh replied: now if any unrest and tension occurs in the Region, it will affect Iran and Turkey, in spite of not having detailed information about this, however, I know that after its agreement with 5+1 Iran is trying to act according to plan in order to meet its goals of the agreement; and all countries that were Iran’s allies at tough and hard times have to remain as friends. Iran also has to be their ally as the peace time which Kurds is one of them that during its fighting and being homeless have kept pace with Iran. For this the true policy between Iran and Kurds is that the problems remove. For calmness and stability of the region I.R. of Iran is trying, otherwise why does America agree with Iran and does Iran? All these reasons will lead to stability and agreement. 

Friday, 21 August 2015 13:30

About three important concerns recently affecting KRG, Isna News Agency had talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran of which the most outstanding lines as followed:

 The President of KR, Vital file for Kurds fate

About this Dabbagh says: now the matter is not the non- or extinction of Masoud Barezani’s presidency period, but is the compilation and regulation of governing rules over the selection of the head of the Region and his authorities. The concern of head of Region and its extinction is a big problem in the Region; the leaders of the parties are looking for a solution for this problem, since this matter cannot be solved through statute and parliament.

All hope that the last message of the President desiring all leaders to get together to solve the problem before August 20, (the date of Masoud Barezani’s presidency period end) wrap up. About the claim that Kurds have not any personification as qualified as Barzani to substitute him, he turned it down and say: we have enough men for the post of presidency; Mr. Barezani has very high position, whether to be a president or not he will be respected as Mr. Talibani which despite of his illness and having no authority but many interior and foreign authorities are commuting his home.

Barezani’s being or not being is not the matter, but is to define and compile the ruling mechanism of the presidency election and the range of its authorities. Now, the problem is that political system should be either chairmanship or parliamentary, these concerns have to be solved. Democrat party insists that Barezani reinstate in its position. It is true, he is a strong option for being the head of the Region but the statute does not allow this anymore.This also happened in Iran at the time of Hashemi presidency period.After being the president of Iran for two rounds, men were seeking to extend his presidency but the leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, ordered to obey the statute and it is not possible to change the constitution for one, and all accepted.

Some say that Barzani indeed are looking for to lean back on the Iraq presidency’ chair after his chairmanship of the Region ends and to take this post which now is under his rival party, namely, patriotic union of Kurdistan and instead to give up the post of the Region presidency to them. Nazem Dabbagh said to Isna: if one day Mr. Barzani wants to be the president of Iraq, I don’t think none of the Kurdish parties is opponent, but this has not been put yet. In my opinion this is not possible for me to say no if I am asked to agree with Mr. Barezani’s presidency on Iraq.


The actions of Iraq Prime Minister, Coup or Reformations

About the actions of Haydar Al-Ebadi in the field of confronting corruption Dabbagh said: Ebadi has taken important steps, but how to perform them is the matter. This action should be appreciated, but here is the problem that the change in Iraq will not happen unilaterally and without agreement among all groups. The question is his action will wrap up to a useful reformation for Iraq or this action is a political competitive and or party action.

I feel that to perform this plan Al-Ebadi will face many problems. He added: When Al-Ebadi remove a minister or ministry he has to regard the portions of the elections based on the number of representative of political groups in the parliament, on the other hand, he has to give position to that groups somewhere else. This is why that we say the project of reformation should be accompanied with cooperation of all groups. If it occurs individually and if all groups cannot reach an agreement it will follow result worse than a coup in this current political condition of Iraq.


The Turkey’s Attack to P.K.K and the Region’s Role to Calm the Situations

Nazem Dabbagh says overt and closed attempts on the behalf the authorities of the region are ongoing until the new wave of violations between Ankara and P.K.K subsides. He added: as of a yet Turkey has attacked P.K.K more than 25 rounds. The Region authorities’ attempts to solve the problems between Turkey and Kurds refers to Turgut Ouzal, the eighth president of Turkey (1993-1989), which started through good offices of Jalal Talibani and Maoud Barzani; it led to good accomplishments those days.

These attempts were more regarded at the time of Erdogan. All went well, but the lack of honest intention of both sides caused all process to be destroyed by a small pretext. The Suruc’s explosion occurred, and then P.K.K undertook the death of two Turkish soldiers. All were destroyed as a result of these two events. He added: Ankara should not bombed 150 villages of the Region and P.K.K bases on the pretext of this matter. In spite of these damages, the Region asked both sides to come to discuss. We believe that the best way is negotiation and Turkey and Kurds should come to do it. The KRG is not disable, and are trying to get both sides back to discuss and the negotiations should get again started or else a great mistake will happen.




Thursday, 20 August 2015 04:30

Raymond Adorno, the head of command headquarters of land forces of America army has recently said that the Disintegration of Iraq is the only solution to end the crisis in this country. The reporter of Jame Jam Press, relating this, had an interview with Mr. Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Iran of which as followed:


General Raymond Adorno, the head of command headquarter of land forces of America Army has announced disintegration is the only solution to accomplish the rapprochement between Shia and Sunni. Why has this put again now?

It is long time that the disintegration of Iraq has been being put in Medias, but I think it should be done by people and organizations’ satisfaction. To do so, Kurds, Arabians, Shia and Sunni have to make a decision that nobody has the right to give any ideas about this from out of the country. America thinks if Iraq get disintegration, the people of each part can fight better with ISIS and combat this terrorist groups, however, the disintegration of Iraq and the security concerns of the region relate to just Iraqis.  


Can we say that America seek to disintegration of Iraq?

I can’t say with bluntness that America are looking for disintegration of Iraq, but after World War I and the fall of Ottoman government, the region got separated. In fact America is seeking to preserve its benefits, and go to everywhere that it has benefited.


Do Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Zionist Regime seek to disintegration of Iraq to penetrate this country and they want no strong central government to present?

I cannot say that Turkey and Arabia are looking for disintegration of Iraq, but is Zionist region to supply its benefits followed the disintegration of Arabian regions and the Middle East. In my opinion if central government is their ideal, they will not have any problem; since they want Sunni to overcome Iraq as at Saddam Hussein time, but when they see that Kurds share the destination of Iraq this is tough for them.


Has the betrayal of some inner groups to take ISIS not been an artificial work to make Iraq disintegrated?

The betrayal of this people causing ISIS to overcome the region and Kurdistan, was the betrayal against humanity and Islam, and I dare to say that Kurds has performed better to fight against ISIS.


What is the phase of ISIS position and of fighting it?

Sunni has cooperated ISIS to a high extent, and this has caused that fighting against this group has got more difficult. Of course the position of ISIS in the regions of Kurdistan is not good, for %95 of the regions occupied by this terrorist group has been freed. ISIS present more in Falluja and Al-Anbar the Army of America and Iraq has not been able to have an outcome in these regions yet; however the second stage of freeing Al-Anbar has started.


Why do Iraqis opposite to corruption in their country?

Nobody dares to be opponent to reformation and fighting against corruption in Iraq; of course this is a fact that these attempts are made to act to decrease the authorities of one side and one’s domination on others. Many interpret these attempts as coup, but I personally support reformations.


What can government do about this?

If government has a complete cooperation with political groups in Iraq, it can fight against corruption. This matter is not limited to fire just few authorities or remove the deputies of the President but the government has to monitor the ministries more which are given great budgets, like electricity, commercial, health ministry and municipal which have to offer more services to people.  







Tuesday, 18 August 2015 04:30

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran left a note of for Iran Press on Thurseday concerning the terrorist attack to Kurdish youths caravan in Surouch of Turkey of which most important line as followed:

Surouch adjacent to Turkey and Syria border was the scene of a horrible terrorist explosion. Ahmed David Oughlu, the prime minister of Turkey knew ISIS the cause for this suicidal attack. While condemning this terrorist action, he promised to punish the actors. Nevertheless, Turkish Syrian and Iraq Kurds have suffered hurts like Kubane tragedy as a result of the appearance of ISIS, they will not consider Davaid Oughle’s promises sufficient and Pishmerga will arise to take revenge for their innocent youths aiming to help their war-worn mankind.

Regarding Iraq and Syria’s changes it can be realized that Kurds, women in special, men and Pishmergah were the only forces who stood thoroughly against the terrorist group and played the most important roles. In addition, the victory of Democratic People Party of Kurds (HDP) in parliamentary elections of Turkey has given Kurds double strength. Nowadays the enemy of Kurds especially in Iraq, Syria and Turkey are trying to destroy them, as time being the more terrorists acts against Kurds, the better Pishmergah reacts.

Another point that should be noticed is that ISIS is not fed through sky, there are absolutely borders through where army and human aids are reached by ISIS and they are Turkey’s border. The terrorist attack om Monday to Kurdish youths caravan on Turkey border has once more again showed Ankara’s authorities that ISIS is a not a danger to one or two groups but it is an international danger.


Thus it seems that even if Turkey does not agree to withdraw from its foreign policy in the Middle East now, it will in the future. In addition to Turkey other regional countries should be warned the only option against ISIS is the international unity.   

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