Wednesday, 18 June 2014 18:00

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Tehran said: the news of Masood Barezani’s, the president of KRG, visit the commander of Monafeghin group in Paris is basically untrue.

A report of the Iran Students News Agency (ISNA) Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Tehran in a talk concerning the counterfeit news on a visit between Masoud Barzani and the commander of Monafeghin group in Paris broadcasted in some public medias said: this news is basically false, for such visit never occurred, in special, high-ranking authorities’ attitudes and beliefs of KRG of Iraq relating to this matter are apparent and clear.

And always they appreciate the place and role of Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with Kurds on their right fighting against Baath regime.

He, at the end, declared: the Islamic Republic of Iran has an outstanding role and place in forming the new Iraq and federal government, thus broadcasting such false news is considered in the direction of a plan to destroy the relations between Kurdistan regional Government and Kurdistan region.   







Thursday, 15 May 2014 22:30

 Dr. Ruj Nouri Shawis, deputy-prime-minister of Iraq in economic affairs, accompanied by high-ranking delegation participated in the banquet by representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Tehran.

Tuesday of May 13th, the representative of KRG of Iraq, Nazem Debbagh gave a big party honouring Dr. Ruj Nouri Shawis, deputy-prime-minister of Iraq in economic affairs accompanied by high-ranking delegation of federal government of Iraq including Minister of  Finance,the Chief of National Investment Institute, the Chief of National Custom and the deputies of other economic ministries of Iraq along with Muhammad Majid Al-Sheikh, the Ambassador of Iraq in Iran as well as a number of the embassy.

In this party, Dr. Jegarkhowein, deputy-Representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran accompanied by Hiva Rasul Rashid and Dr. Ramazan and a number of stuff from KRG office presented as well.

During two-day journey, Dr. Shawis accompanied by the high ranking delegation of Iraq Federal Government entered Tehran in order to develop economic and investment relations between two countries and to sign several economic cooperation agreements; and they also welcomed by Hussein Amir-Abdullahian, the Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iranin Arabia and Africa Zone.

In his two-day journey to Tehran, Deputy-Prime-Minister of Economy visited and talked to Ishaq Jahangiri, the first deputy of the president of Islamic Republic, Dr. Ali Larijani, Chairman of Parliament, Dr. Ali Tayyebnia, the Minister of Economy and a number authorities of economy of Iran; a contract of economy relating to investment, custom, tax, bank and standard was included.










Monday, 19 May 2014 09:00

Mr. Nazem Dabbagh, the Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iran, visited the injuries of Khanegheyn Terrorist Attack an closely inquired the last steps of their remedies.

He visited injuries in one of the hospital of Tehran in May 6 and wished health for them and told that the representative of KRG was prepared to give them any possible helps. Also injuries stated that they were delighted to visit Mr. Dabbagh.





Monday, 19 May 2014 13:30

Mr. Nazem Dabbagh, the Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iran, welcomed Salah Al-Zawari,the Palestinian Ambassador in Iran in May 6 in the Office of the Representative of KRG in Tehran.

They discussed the situation of Iraq and Kurdistan Region. Al-Zawari asked about health position of Mr. Jalal Talebani and wished safety for him. Al-Zawari emphasized the role of Jalal Talebani and other Iraqi Kurds leasders such as Masoud and Nichirvan Barzani.





Thursday, 27 March 2014 18:00

Mr. Nazem Dabbagh in talk with Iran-Kurd announced: during history Iran has been a safe shelter for Kurds to have liberal move Kurdistan region, Iranian and Kurds share a race so that so there is a high kinship between us. Nazem Dabbagh, the Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iran, in talk with Iran-Kurd magazine said about historical relations of Kurds in Kurdistan of Iraq with Iran: the cultural and social concern are not strange words for Islamic Republic of Iran and Kurdistan region, since Iranians and Kurds have the same origin and high kinship. He also said during the history Islamic Republic of Iran has been a safe shelter for Kurds to have liberal move in Kurdistan region of Iraq, however these relations has caused to improve cultural relations of both sides. If Kurds and Iranians’ culture are not the same, but they are somewhat related to each other. To make these two cultures be tied we should try more, whereas to strengthen the cultures relies upon art and professional cooperation and even education.

The representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government at the end of this talk said: these three above-mentioned matters can highly impress more cultural kinship between two sides. In spite of this unfortunately there are some related problems that should be solved. I specially want to say about the problem relation to students’ education of Kurdistan of Iraq. My suggestion is about to improve cultural relations and coming up with a solution for this.

Note: this talk was run before solving the problem of Students of Kurdistan region studying in Iran universities. Immediately several days after this talk all problems of these students were solved.









Friday, 21 March 2014 22:30

Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Region Government of Iraq in Tehran said: Maleki’s talks have political goals, while we are approaching Iraq elections, it is important this event not change to a political aim.

Wednesday, 05 March 2014 07:30





With the presence of the Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government in Iran, a ceremony, in honor of martyrs killed in chemical bombarding in Halabcheh was held in the Behesht Zahra of Tehran.

With presence of Nazem Dabbagh, the Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government in Tehran, Dr. Ahmad (Jegarkhawein), the deputy-Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government, the representative of political parties of Kurdistan Regional Representative office in Tehran like: Loghman Hakim Seif, the Representative of Democrat-Socialist party of Kurdistan, Amjad Babahaji, the representative of Islamic Union, Hiva Rasul Rashid, the representative of Islamic Population, the representative of Islamic republic of Iran, General director of Behesht Zahra, 35 numbers of the families of victims of Halabcheh bombardment, the ceremony service of the victims of chemical bombardment of Halabcheh was held in the sections 25 and 40 of the cemetery of Behesht Zahra in Tehran at 1 o’clock, in the afternoon, on Monday, on Isfand, the 5; the audience commemorated the memory of these martyrs with offering garlands and praying for them.

In the ceremony held in memory of martyrs of chemical bombarding of Halabcheh, a few of audience gave speeches.

A number of martyrs of chemical bombardment of Halabcheh died in Iran at that time and reposed on the cemeteries of Iran. Nearly 70 of the martyrs were buried in the sections 25 and 40 of Behesht Zahra of Tehran and 44 of the martyrs rested together in section 25.

By order of the prime minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, 35 numbers of victimized families of chemical bombarding of Halabcheh traveled to Iran to visit the tombs of their beloved dead. After the chemical bombarding of Halabcheh city by Ba’ath regime, a number of victims of this tragic event were taken to different hospitals in Iran to be treated their wounds and injuries and most of them left for Tehran to be cures and healed. Unfortunately a number of these victims, for the toughness and violence of injuries, died in Tehran and were buried in the cemetery of Behesht Zahra. Every year human organization under the heading NGO, Kurds inhabiting and the families of martyrs of chemical bombarding of Halabcheh, commemorate the memory of the royalty martyrs with presence at their cemeteries and offering garlands and praying for the dead.   














Friday, 28 February 2014 17:30

Mr. Dabbagh, the Representative of Kurdistan Region in a talk with Kurdistan Noyee Newspaper in Tehran stated the plan made in a special way for Islamic Revolution was conducted successfully. By this year, it is 35 years that Imam Khomeini returned Tehran, however it has changed the way of people’s living; concerning this the Representative of Kurdistan Region government in Tehran in talk with Kurdistan Noyee Newspaper mentioned the plan made in a special way for Islamic Revolution was conducted successfully.

Mr. Nazem Dabbagh continued to say the royal regime oppressed compatriot of his land; there was no freedom, instead admiring Shah was a top priority. In addition signing the Algeria contract made him proud and delighted; these all caused Iranian nation together with all tribes and religious supported and encouraged joined a protesting and remonstrative movement formed against dominance and –ruling of the time. The plan made in special way for the Islamic Revolution was conducted successfully. Therefore the purposes of the revolution caused few regional countries’ dissatisfaction and concern, though at last it reached many accomplishments and the Islamic Republic government of Iran was established.

About Iranian Kurds in Islamic Revolution, He said the role of Iranian Kurds and all other religions in this historic and dominant event was clear, so Kurds of Iran played special role in this Revolution’s success and was a part of the Revolution and popular opposition. The reason was Iranian nation detested being oppressed.

The representative of Kurdistan region declared in general Islamic Republic of Iran caused once again the gate development and improvement was opened to liberty movement of Iraq Kurdistan and changed to an important entrance through which we could have freely commute to Iran and took measures in order revive our nation’s absolute right.

At the end of talk, Mr. Nazem Dabbagh about Dr. Ruhani’s promises to Iranian tribes and religions in presidential election of Iran stated: after Dr. Ruhani became the president of Iran he selected his high advisor for this case so this action itself is a step toward make his promises for Iranian tribes and religions; a few days ago Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the leader of Isalmic Republic of Iran, in his phrase declared to give more chance to Dr. Ruhani in order to make his promises in presidential elections.










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