Sunday, 17 August 2014 13:30

E’temad Press had a short talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran about stating the new president of Iraq, visiting Ban Ki-moon the general secretary of UN with Ayatullah Sistani as well as some question concerning the future of Iraq government and asked his ideas for the recent changes of the country. In this interview Mr. Dabbagh about the new president of Iraq said Dr. Fuad is a proper choice having great record. He used to be the PM of Kurdistan region for a period of time. In addition in a transitional period he undertook the chairmanship of Iraq Parliament. He had a dynamic presence in many international organizations and he sure is a very strong person and definitely pursues his job with a good method. In a response to a question he said presently no one can be like Talibani but Mr. Ma’sum keeps closely in touch with him. About visiting Mr. Ban Ki-moon with Ayatullah Sistani he added: in my opinion this visiting has a spiritual phase. Such international organization’s actions include advertisement viewpoint preferably or else about which country they have ever offered any strategies.

About the future of Iraq Dabbagh said the new PM must be a new one and has got new thoughts which I hope by next week it to be stated and make an exit to the current crisis in Iraq. He also added no one but Mr. Maliki thinks of being the PM of Iraq for another time. He continued if Parliament could form a government it would have done that.







Sunday, 17 August 2014 04:30

Neda Nazari: Iraq, which these days are engaged in Terrorist ISIS, has gone past difficult days to form a powerful government, however; to state the head of both important unit of presidency and parliament in recent days has caused encouragements concerning possible political agreement and reconciliation for Iraqi groups in near future. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran made an analysis of recent political events in a short talk.

About the effects of Fuad Ma’sum to be selected as the president of Iraq he said that his being selected as the president of Iraq is an introduction to agreement and political reconciliation of Iraq and suggests the country is slowly going toward political peace, for as we observed recent weeks in the first meeting of parliament Salim Aljaburi from Sunni coalition occupied the position of parliament chairmanship and in second meeting the presidency position got specified and Fuad Masum from Patriotic Union Party was selected for this position with a majority of the parliament votes. If Iraq PM get to be selected by all political groups’ agreement the perspective of the political future of Iraq will be clear. In a response to question he said Kurds and Fuad Ma’sum have always been following the constitution of the country and tended to consolidate Iraq. However all Kurd parties’ participation in all elections held in Iraq indicates this obedience. In addition Kurds insist on to carry out all parts of the constitution of Iraq, in some cases it is not completely conducted though.

About the position of Prime Ministry he added to change the personifications and political persons does not matter as much as groups’ and moves’ thoughts. If groups are obedient to the constitution by changing their thoughts all difficulties with which Iraq has confronted will be diminished; therefore thoughts will remain the same the prospect of the country will still be ambiguity in spite of changing the personifications. In recent years there have been problems in Iraq causing not only Kurds but also Shia and Sunni to be away from the government. The new future government of Iraq will have to be able to establish peace and reconciliation among parties and groups of Iraq and manage the country with all groups' participation.                     







Sunday, 17 August 2014 09:00

The representative of Kurdistan regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Tehran in talk with Mehr News Agency considered the establishment of a pervasive and participatory government as the only way of avoiding Iraq being separated. About current security condition in Iraq followed by the occupation of a part of the country by ISIS, Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with Mr. Dabbagh whose main lines as followed:

In a response to a question concerning claiming that Maliki’s government pause to do the article 140 of the constitution and holding referendum to find a solution for KRG’s problems and central government he said: article 140 of the constitution of Iraq include 3 provisos whose third one says the referendum about the regions under debate of Kurds and the government; after Saddam’s fall, three governments have been established during which none of them has performed the article 140. Unfortunately the effects of such actions cause ISIS and terrorists groups appear in Iraq. Presently one third of Iraq land is taken control by ISIS. Unluckily today the distance between the region and KRG along the border which is under debate is nearly 1050km whose 1010km is under the control of ISIS and Pishmergas opposite; just 30 or 40km is occupied Iraq Army, ISIS and Pishmergas which some time land commuting is impossible because of fighting.

Dabbagh said: if the central government of Baghdad put past mistakes away and follows the constitution, additionally an inclusive and participatory government in which there is a real participation get to be established I think the problem of Kurds independence will be solved. Indeed former governments and their thoughts have caused these current situations. If the government do not change its thoughts Iraq will be separated into three regions. He also said Masoud Barzani has granted the independence of Kurds to Kurdistan Parliament and it is not clear yet that when it will make decision about it. He added that the most important desires of Kurds from new government is to establish a pervasive and participatory government, having new person and thought and following the constitution. In a response to a question concerning Patriotic Union opposition with separation he said that Patriotic Union is not out of Kurds coalition and make any decisions according to the law.

About Turkey position for Kurds independence Dabbagh said in my opinion Turkey’s, Iran’s and Iraq’s positions about Kurds are same, namely, these countries are against Kurds’ independence and want them to unify with central government of Iraq. In general when they want such thing they also desire to settle the debates of KRG and central government of Iraq.             







Friday, 08 August 2014 09:00

Tehran, June 15, IRNA – Daesh terrorist group is a threat to security the entire region, Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Nazem Dabbagh, said on Sunday.

Talking to IRNA, he noted that certain regional governments and global powers as well as the outlawed Iraqi Baath Party are supporting the Daesh terror group.

Daesh is desperate and has no place in the future of Iraq and Syria democratic process, Dabbagh noted referring to the recent presidential election in Syria and parliamentary election in Iraq.

He called for international support for the Iraqi government in campaign against the terrorists.

He said that Iraqi Kurdistan regional government troops are on full alert to thwart the menace of terrorism.

He also reported that half a million refugees who have escaped Mosul have already entered the Iraqi Kurdistan province.


Daesh is a Salafi organization affiliated to al-Qaeda. The terror group was first founded in Iraq in 2004.





Thursday, 19 June 2014 04:30

Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Iran, said: while Iraqi groups got unified to destroy Saddam, so they do to oust Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (SIS) from Iraq.

Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in talk with foreign policy reporter of Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) added: unluckily ISIS forces are about to consolidate themselves in Iraq in Sunni places in special.

Mentioning Kurdistan region conditions he declared: Pishmerga forces keep both the region located in Kurdistan and those out of the article 140 of constitute under their control as whole. A number of ISIS forces have been killed and some were arrested by Pishmerga forces.

Concerning the unity among Iraqi people stating that it acts as antitoxin against ISIS, Dabbagh added: the current condition of Iraq results from lack of unity of political leaders. The loss of the unity among political leaders and groups of the country on security and forces and army has a negative effect, in addition, it has made unsatisfactory between people and the government. 

While some of the residents from Sunni regions do not favor ISIS, but for reacting to Maliki government they have cooperated with them and it is an undeniable case.

The representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran added: if the army resisted in the occupied regions, they would not fallen down too soon. A large number of army and security forces submitted their weapons to ISIS Troops by themselves. Meanwhile considerable heavy weapons have been sent to Syria from these regions.

He specified: establishing unity among political groups and identity validation for the nation of the country in a way they feel Iraqi, but Sunni, Shia and Kurd, is the most important present concern.

Regarding the role of strange interferes in Iraq condition he stated: all extra-regional and regional powers’ interests are affected by the resent changes of Iraq. To strengthen ISIS relies on strange factors and it is absolutely inevitable.


Nazem Dabbagh specified: as Iraqi groups became unified to destroy Saddam, they have to join forces. In such conditions political groups have got to give up their political personal and band interests to national ones of Iraq so that a real federal government and cooperative manners establish. 





Thursday, 19 June 2014 13:30

Tehran-IRNA- Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kordistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Islamic Republic of Iran stated: in our view Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a dangerous terrorist complex …. We deem it our duty to defend our regions and whole Iraq against this terrorist squad action.

He continued: we are in favor of Iraq Army to this terrorist complex and deem to defend Iraq our duty, but we have received no demand of help on behalf of the Army.

Presently Kurdish Pishmerga forces are watching out all regions of Kurd like Senjar and Jula, as strengthening our position, we have established a defend line against possible attacks of ISIS so that we can stop their possible progressing, he said.

According to current reports he continued: in the progress of these attacks the number of ISIS forces amounted to over 100000 people; however they could take up several central regions of Iraq.







Wednesday, 18 June 2014 22:30

Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in Tehran in a note published in Shargh news paper portraiture some aspects of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) attacks were presented.

He began the note with a short description of recent operations of ISIS’ forces and then put this question of though military forces, police, security forces and Kurdish Pishmerga together with some tribes are trying to react this destructive threat, ISIS progression is so much questionable in spite of such a high degree of military and security forces.

He also raised this question that how ISIS could domain some prominent regions of Iraq. He mentioned some cases concerning Iraqi security forces’ weaknesses like the down spiritual condition of the army, false policies along with the type of political and governmental reactions of Iraqi groups, the relations between official elements and ISIS group as the factors influencing ISIS’ recent attacks.

Dabbagh continued to say: it seems regarding being Sunni of some regions like Al-Anbar, Fallujeh, Neynava and being adjacent to Syria, ISIS follows establish an independent region. The second greatest city after Baghdad in Iraq is Neynava. To overwhelm it means to enjoy (profit) interior and exterior favor for ISIS. ISIS’ leaders believe that if they get be able create an independent region and sustain it, the can spread their attack to more parts of Iraq.

The only possible and available way is to strengthen and overview the unity among Iraqi groups. In addition, to mend the security forces, dissolving political and official concerns, to overview the legal government of the law to achieve a solution to problems of Sunnis with central government.

At the end, concerning the policy of regional government, Mr. Dabbagh said: KRG strengths the position of its forces in border regions, and those have demanded help have been accompanied by them. By the permission of federal government it is possible to emit Pishmerga to other occupied regions.







Thursday, 19 June 2014 18:00

Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran indicated some aspects of the recent attack of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) in note for Etemaad news paper.

At the begging he said as the ISIS concern is not new but the problem is the extra forces of ISIS that were active in Syria entered Iraq. Therefore intelligence force of Iraq could not assess this case. He continued: Mosul is the second largest city after Baghdad. ISIS managed to after occupying this city headed Samarra, Salaheddin and Kirkuk, and took them under its control.

Although Iraqi forces could get back the control of the regions, Iraq needs to overview security problems. Dabbagh found the army weak, he knew the reason that nearly 100000 security forces could not prevent 3000 to 6000 forces of ISIS. In his view this weakness is in the security and intelligence system of Iraq, as in Iraq government.

At the end, Dabbagh started to offer strategies to influentially react to ISIS of which the center was people cooperation with the army. In the direction of obtaining necessary information concerning cases of people cooperation with the army was his desirable requirements. Dabbagh continued: to create national unity and serious participation among interior groups and parties of Iraq as well as Pishmerga of Iraq, army and security forces can find the main solution for present crises of Iraq. Finally he deemed the creation of unity among all Iraqi groups as necessary condition to react against ISIS and claimed if it fail to from the unity, the this terrorist groups will appear on political map.    







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