Friday, 10 October 2014 17:30

The representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Iran said: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Iran are allies and have never kept it a secret.


Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in talk with Levin about Kurdistan Region parties and Iran relations stated: Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Iran are allies and have never hidden it.


He also said: the Patriotic Union and Iran are allies and in addition Iran desires it to be a strong ally and to collaborate with other political parties and groups of Kurdistan in order to establish security and improvement in new Iraq.


Nazem Dabbagh in other part of his speech about Iran relations with Democrat Party of Kurdistan under Masoud Barzani leadership the president of Kurdistan region said: in spite of current rumors Democrat Party of KRG has a good relationship with Iran.

He also described Nechirvan Barzani recent travel to Iran as a distinctive sample of strong relation Party and Iran and continued to state: furthermore of Kurdistan Region like Socialist, Zahamatkeshan(Laboursit), Islamic Group, and the Move of Change (Guran) have good relations with Iran as well.





Wednesday, 01 October 2014 07:00

Concerning the recent changes of Iraq after ISIS attacking to Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Mojgan Modarres Olum, from JARAS Press held a talk with Mr. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran of which the main points follow:


About serious international danger of ISIS he believes ISIS is a danger for all civilization and countries. This group is the people who possesses a country and that is why it leaves nothing but killing and violating. In his view the growth of ISIS is for mismanagement of governments and their incorrect performances.

While some of them are European and are supported by European countries. Thus it is not a danger just to Iraq and Syria but all countries. That is why should begin to fight this group. Kurds have been the only group fought them sincerely.


Mr. Dabbagh in a response to a question concerning the presence of potentials for international coalition against ISIS said that the USA’s attack to ISIS has been made when the danger of ISIS got clear. ISIS follows the goals just the as Ba’aths, namely, to unify Iraq, Syria and Egypt. The west, Turkey and Saudi Arabia supported this group sometime now they have found out the danger of ISIS.


Undoubtedly if ISIS overcomes Iraq, it will attack to those countries. Nevertheless the coalition for confronting ISIS is affective when it will not superficial. He continued if international coalition does not form against ISIS, in the future ISIS will endanger them in their countries. Therefore, superficial acts does not work but deep so that after being diminished of this ISIS, another ISIS cannot substitute for it. Iran’s position indicates that it is determined to confront ISIS he said.      






Saturday, 20 September 2014 08:00

Iran press, in the thick of Iraq struggles, held a meeting to decode ideological background of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and to map the movements of this extremist cell. Masood Asadollahi the experts and knowledgeable in Arab world affairs, Hojatollah Judaki the researcher and expert in Middle East and Islam world affairs and Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran to accept Iran’s invitation, proceeded with the matter of ISIS.


In this meeting Nazem Dabbagh concerning the time when the signs of takfiri (unchurching) appeared in Iraq said this case had got to be considered in detail. In his view the emergence of takfiri idea was the results of a process which was managed by the west.  For while the west took advantage the takfiri groups to stand against the communism influence in the region. One instance was the groups like Al-Qaeda.


Even Saddam at a moment tended Islamism and printed the word ‘Allaho Akbar’ (Great God) on the flag of Iraq. Therefore, after September 11th, they felt the danger. That was why they drew decision to react it. When the crisis began in Syria, several groups unified and formed free army of Syria while some of them were takfiris. The government s like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported them with the aim of helping Syria nation. Presently 13 groups of Ba’ath under different titles have joined ISIS. Dabbagh in a part of his phrases mentioned the Saudi Arabia role to create a group called tribal revolutionary council to charge the actions of ISIS in Mosul, Tikrit and Samarra with this group.


About the correctness of a scenario concerning Kurds supporting the move weakening Mr. Maliki he was asked. He responded there were two concerns causing the struggles between Maliki and the KRG. One was the lands which accordance with article 140 has not assigned to the Region, and the other was Mr. Maliki policies which are more hegemonic than democratic. He continued that before ISIS transferring to Mosul we warned Mr.


Barezani twice about the suspicious moves in Mosul, but he did not notice. We entered Kirkuk when Iraq Army fell. Mr. Dabbagh said to exit the current crisis the conditions of the establishment of a democratic government with the participation of all groups have to be made. In present situation Iraq are divided into three parts Shia, Sunni and Kurds. Whether we should tend to con-federalism, namely, three independent allied governments with their own authorities, or does to federalism.


In a response to a question Nazem Dabbagh said the KRG which was occupied by Pishmerga was abandoned by Iraq Army; for preventing ISIS to flow this region Kurds entered. Thus, there was no intention to invade or to take points. He added that it is Iran’s gain to have a Kurdish and Shia neigbour on the west. He also mentioned the aids and cooperation of Iran nation during Royal era and Islamic Republic.


To complete a participant’s phrases Dabbagh said that the president of KRG appreciated the necessity of the unification with Shia. They may enter the oil-rich regions on the north of Iraq or be employed by Turkey to react P.K.K. Thus the leadership of the Region realizes the necessity of unification with Shia. This unification make guarantee the maintenance of Iraq unity. They say they are concerned about Nuri Al-Maliki policies but Shia.





Saturday, 06 September 2014 03:00

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran met Hajime Ueda the political counselor of Japan Embassy in Iran. Hajime Ueda visited the office of Kurdistan region in Tehran on Monday, July 7, 2014 and was welcomed by Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Tehran.

Hajime Ueda visited the office of Kurdistan region of Iraq in Tehran in order to begin his job as new counselor of Japan Embassy in Tehran and to get to know more and to introduce himself; and along with Nazem Dabbagh concerning in between relations of both sides as well as present position and future situation of Iraq exchanged ideas.

Political counselor of Japan Embassy in Tehran in this meeting appreciated Masoud Barzani efforts and Kurdistan region government, as deputy-foreign minister of Japan travelled to this country, for his collaborations to help refugees of Syria and to cooperate with them.

In this visit the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran insisting on good collaborations with Kurdistan region with Syrian refugees announced a large number of refugees of central towns of Iraq sought asylum Kurdistan region meanwhile.

Nazem Dabbagh to dissolve the current problem of Iraq and to have good prospects for this country emphasized this point that the future government of Iraq has gotten to include all groups, parties, tribes and religions of the countries.   












Wednesday, 03 September 2014 13:30

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran in an interview with Nasim Bidary Monthly, concerning current situation in Iraq, resulting from the attack and occupation of Mosul made by ISIS, gave some speeches of which main phrases as followed:


In a response to the first question he answered that one of our concerns with Mr. Maliki dates back to his employing security and intelligence forces of Ba’ath in the body of the Army of Iraq and its security constructions. He said that KRG authorities along with some Shia political personifications about this warned Mr. Maliki many times, but he underestimated our warning.


Dabbagh continued to introduce ISIS and considered it derived from Ba’ath. Since just the same as Ba’ath he would follow to unify Iraq and Syria. Dabbagh added that 13 terrorist groups came to an agreement to occupy Mosul. He said the former officers of Ba’ath regime were employed in military and information positions who separated from the Army and joined ISIS.


Also Dabbagh stated that witnesses denote that ISIS forces were only 3000 when they attacked to Mosul. But the sleeping kernels including those 13 groups join ISIS. Thus Mosul with two millions only within six hours was under ISIS’s control. In a response to a question Dabbagh mentioned the three main political groups of Iraq including Kurds, Sunni and Shia and recited the interior grouping concisely. Furthermore he said that before ISIS attacking to Mosul nobody said he was a Kurd, Shia or Sunni. Presently such phrases no longer are made. He frankly said now Iraq has divided into three federals.


Additionally he said that after ISIS attacking to Mosul Pishmerga forces approached the regions in dispute between Iraq and KR, they did this to prevent this region from being occupied by ISIS and took the control of the posts. Another concern between the central government and KR is Kirkuk. In his view Kirkuk itself matters so much to Kurds but its oil. To prove that whether this area is a part of Kurds or not, the maps and historical documents should be referred.


About the Army fall against ISIS he added that in spite of Maliki’s spending $27 billion for the Army it did not put up any resistances against ISIS forces just having Kalashnikov and R.P.G. the reason was that the people was dissatisfied with the government and the authority did not believe in the central government.

He said presently ISIS has taken the control of three million people in a wide area that is larger KR and central government country. To control the people and the regions increasing day by day ISIS needs a budget. Thus the attempt to Kirkuk having oil and Biji having refinery is possible.


Dabbagh said adopting non-democratic policy from Maliki caused Sunni and Kurdish political groups were not such encouraged to collaborate with the government. Their cooperation with the government is just accordance with the benefits based on the number of seats of the parliament. In a such situation it is possible for Sunni and Shia to fight. In this fighting we will just preserve our region and will not support neither sides.


He continued to say the cases in dispute with Baghdad such as the regions under quarrel and oil in special in Kirkuk and added that Maliki’s second government was basically founded in Erbil, but then after being formed of the government they neglected all agreements and he know the reason as Baghdad concern for the Region’s getting power through oil sources.


Concerning Ms. Clinton’s charge of Iraq government’s being affected by Iran he said presently both the USA and Iran support Iraq government, nevertheless the concern of Iraq now is Mr. Maliki’s being unsuccessful in the post of Prime Ministry of Iraq. Dabbagh turned down the loss of a national personification and said Mr. Talibani is national one for all Iraqis. Additionally the president of KRG cannot act as the chairman of the parliament or as the president of the government.


The past indicates that Mr. Talibani’s policies were convergent with the policy of unity maintenance. He said now Iraq needs a Gandhi. He added that after eight years of having the reign it is better Mr. Maliki give this up and somebody else from the same party substitutes for him. At last Mr. Dabbagh said presently in Iraq there are national personifications, the politicians who have fought during history, they can be employed provided that they want Iraq to be preserved.        






Tuesday, 02 September 2014 13:30

Following Mohammad javad Zarif’s recent travel, International Peace Studies Centre held a talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran in order to study the different aspects of this travel of which details as followed:

In Mr. Dabbagh’s view this travel is so important especially when Mr. Zarif was welcomed by Masoud Barzani and Nechirvan Barzani.


In his opinion this travel states the importance of security and tranquility of KR of Iraq in foreign policy of I.R. of Iran and this collaboration more than anything is for confronting ISIS, Dabbagh continued this travel was done after ISIS’s attack to KR and after being appointed of the president, the chairman of parliament and the prime minister, nevertheless thereby I.R. of Iran intends to support this country to confront with ISIS by doing so the new government of Iraq. The representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran regarding Kurdish parties’ attitudes towards Mr. Zarif’s travel said all parties of KR had a positive opinion and view about this.


Mr. Dabagh said undoubtedly the presence of Mr. Zarif in the field of Iraq policy and his support of the way concerning solving current problems among Iraqi, Kurdish, Sunni and Shia groups will be a positive role. As Mr. Zarif said: we support to solve all problems existing in the agreements and contracts between KRG of Iraq and federal government. Dabbagh added that this travel would lead to more cooperation between Tehran and KR.


In a response to a question he replied that their political positions rely on the current political situations but demands. Since the current situation happened in Iraq results from the mismanagement and if these reasons change so will the outcome. Kurds are obedient to the constitute and following the agreements between Iraq and Kurds and Iraq groups, which Foreign Minister of Iran emphasized, cause all problems to be solved and to found a new, common and pervasive Iraq is the best guarantee for all groups.    






Thursday, 21 August 2014 09:00

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KR of Iraq in Tehran concerning the future of central government of Kurds says if Iraq is willing, as usual Kurds will play their role and be a part of the solution but the problem. As recently the delegation of the Region Government presented in Baghdad and the Kurdish representatives of the parliament participated in the first meeting and took legal oath. In addition by this Kurdish authority’s saying, as of a yet Kurds have not taken any decision to announce their independence. If they in some regions took action against ISIS, it was for the army frightened by extremists emptied those places and it was just Pishmregas who remained there. Mosallas Weekly ran an interview with Mr. Dabbagh and sought for some aspects of current security situation in Iraq.

In his view the occupation of some regions of Iraq by ISIS has changed the security conditions. He continued: whilst security forces of Iraq left the regions under dispute according the article 140 of constitute it was the Pishmergas only remained there to protect them and resisted. He also added Kurds have not stated their independence yet and added that if ISIS attack the region Kurds will resist. In addition to this claim that Iraqi Kurds took advantage from this happened situation to gain independence was rejected by him, said such phrases are put by those who have been unsuccessful to manage Iraq.

In a response to question he replied that Turkey seeks for his advantages in Iraq, even though he stated ISIS will attack Turkey in the future as well. Concerning peace talk of Turkey with P.K.K he said apparently the peace is smelt from these talks, therefore we should wait till the outcomes of the negotiation emerge.


Concerning the conditions of Mosul and Kirkuk in the case of being separated from Iraq Dabbagh said this condition will be stated at the time of forming the new government. About the budget of KRG of Iraq in the region under dispute he also said that this budget is being prepared through selling oil since the central government stopped paying the budget. At the end Dabbagh said: I completely surely say if Iraq wants, as usual Kurds will play their role and be a pet of the solution but the problem. The only way to transit out this crisis is agreement, compatibility, mutual respect, to be one-handed and real and actual participatory government away from tribal and national dogmatisms and to obedient to the constitute of Iraq and following the agreements that lead Iraq to peace and friendship.





Wednesday, 20 August 2014 09:00

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran visited the ambassador of Turkey in Iran. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran invited by the ambassador of Turkey visited the embassy in Tehran at 10am on Thursday on June 24, 2014; he was warmly welcomed and greeted by Umit Yardim the ambassador of Turkey.

In this visit both sides in general discussed and exchanged ideas about current situations of Iraq and the region specially Kurdistan Region. They also had a talk concerning trade relations between Kurdistan Region and Turkey.


In this meeting they talked and exchanged ideas about prominent advances of Kurdistan Region in economy. The ambassador of Turkey in Iran stated such relations and visits between both sides should continue.





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