With the presence of Dr. Jegarkhowein, the Vis-Representative of Kurdistan Region in Tehran, Abbas Abdullah Bayez and Khalghi Sabri from representation office of Kurdistan Regional Government in Iran, Dr. Yousef Abazari, the famed professor of sociology science of Tehran University, Dr. Rasul Khezri, Sardasht and Piranshahr representative in Islamic Consultative Parliament, Dr. Jalal Jalalizadeh, the Professor of Tehran University and the representative of Sanandaj in sixth round of Islamic Council Parliament, Kurdish famed personages, a number Kurdish representative in Islamic Council Parliament of Iran, Kurdish university students of Tehran University and Kurdish dwellers in Tehran, the commemoration in honour of martyrs of terrible chemical bombing tragedy of Halabcheh and Sardasht was held in Ibn Khaldun Hall of sociology science faculty of Tehran University.
In the beginning of the meeting held with an effort of Kurdish students of Tehran University, Dr. Rasul Khezri, the representative of Sardasht and Piranshahr in the Consultative Parliament said, although chemical bombing tragedy of Sardasht is considered as a victim of chemical weapon in the world, it faced with a high unbelief and utmost injustice from international societies and counties the main factor of selling chemical weapon and poisonous material to Saddam. If there was no clear voice of Kurdish students of Iran universities, such little informing of the tragedy probably would not have been heard, seen and reflected. I know it necessary to appreciate each of them who broke this killing silence and shouted at the world that offense against humanity and tragic massacre of innocent defenseless men, women and children of Sardasht undoubtedly rend every liberal person’s awakened conscience.
In other part of this meeting, Shuan Atuf, the famed actor of Kurdistan region of Iraq said he is so delighted to visit Kurdish students of Tehran University and to be with the in such sorrowful tragedy; however he is proud of being possessed of a nation to which Halabcheh belongs and a nation which did not give up, they wanted to vanish Kurds with Halabcheh but they could not.
As the meeting going on, Dr. Asghar Izadi, the dean of anthropologist department of sociology faculty of Tehran University, about anthropology of chemical bombing of Halabcheh and Sardasht said: university should not underestimate chemical bombing of Halabcheh and Sardasht. We have to present among victims with a logic of anthropology and this is the moral message of anthropology. Living with the subject under study for being appreciated is an understanding of the quality of the fact. We have to study the social-cultural state of Halabcheh precisely in order to say the society of science that chemical bombing tragedy is a social and cultural tragedy as well, in order to say that the universe of humanity is destroyed. In order to say that how Halabcheh and Sardasht encountered a historical tragedy.
In other part of this ceremony Ms. Tarifeh Karimain read a piece of poem about chemical bombing of Halabcheh followed by showing 20 minutes of the movie, Burned Nests, directed by Shahram Maslakhi, starred Shuan Atuf.
In the continuation of the meeting, a Kurdish student, Jalal Najjari read two sonnets in Kurdish, and in another part of the commemoration, Sadullah Nasiri, the singer from Sanandaj, together with musical band of players Jouana, performed several songs.
After that, Dr. Yousef Abazari, the sociology science professor of Tehran University, said: chemical bombing of Halabcheh and Sardasht is a horrible tragedy and we altogether should cope with it scientifically. In my opinion Saddam’s cooperation with Hassan Al-Majid so called Ali the Chemical can be studied and considered from different aspects.
He also added: Aside from chemical bombing, Saddam destroyed 4000 villages in Kurdistan; the crime that he committed, not even did Hitler. At the end of the meeting, an art performance about chemical bombing of Halabcheh and Sardasht , directed by Babak Garshasb and his artist colleagues was conducted.