The PM of Kurdistan Region: the role of Iran in political Changes of Kurdistan is Constructive

The Prime Minister of KRG of Iraq, stating the constructive of role of Iran in solving regional and Kurdistan crises as effective, said: Iran tried to get all interior groups of Kurdistan together.

According to the report of Mehr reporter, Nechirvan Barezani the prime Minister of KRG of Iraq in the primary meeting of CGM held in studies office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran, among reporters while stating that there are political disputes in Kurdistan Region and luckily these disputes have not grown said: these disputes can be solved through talking and we also aim to agree with all groups specially patriotic unity and we hope to reach a conclusion.

In a reply to a question about the role of Iran to fight terrorism he answered: the role of Iran was effective in two stages to solve the crises in the region. At first stage when ISIS attacked Kurdistan of Iraq, Iran was one of those countries helping us. After that also the role of Iran was constructive in Kurdistan political changes. Barezani added: the role of Iran in Kurdistan was constructive for it could get closer the interior groups of Kurdistan together.

He went on: we consider any changes aiming to destroy ISIS in the region positive. So we think in Syria changes cannot be military, concerns should be solves through a political process.

The P.M of KRG insisted: we think if any measure is taken to weaken terrorist in the region, it will be welcomed by us. If this quadruple correlation is going to collapse terrorist and ISIS, it will definitely be deemed as positive act in our view.

According to the report by foreign political reporter of ISNA News Agency Nechiravan Barezani presented in primary meetings of Munich Security Conference and said: political quarrels in Kurdistan Region occur, however, we are glad to say that it has lead no more quarrels and it can be solved. He added: we are negotiating with political groups, especially patriotic union and hope to reach an agreement.

The P.M of Kurdistan Region of Iraq in a response to question concerning the opening on the behalf of some in Kurdistan Region about Iran’s negative role answered: in my view it was absolutely wrong and Iran’s role at the time ISIS’a attack was so positive and Iran was one of those countries rushed to help us and we have always been witnessing Iran’s constructive role.



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