Sj world news (1015)
The University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Cooperate with Scientific and Educational institution in Kurdistn of Iraq
According to the university section of ISNA, Dr Hamid Reza Khorram Khorshid, the head of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Mentioning abilities of the university, while meeting Nazem Dabagh, the representation of KRG in Iran, believed that the ground for cooperation between that university and instructing institution of Kurdistan is widespread. Also Mohammad Ali Mohseni Bandpay, the assistant of the head in International Affairs of that university, with regard to sensitive condition of the region and current war and conflict in the Middle Eastern countries, emphasized the role of rehabilitation majors in training of human resources to make health and treatment requirements of neighbor countries, especially in the fields of rehabilitation of people with disabilities and damaged individuals.
Also, Dr Nazem Dabbagh, accompanied by educational and cultural counselor of the Kurdistan Region in that meeting, while indicating educational requirements of Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the favorable ground for cooperation available in this field in the Region, expressing satisfaction with the mutual activities of University Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences with Kurdistan region. Thereafter, they set up to provide the memorandum of understanding in which distinguish the fields of scientific, educational and cultural cooperation between them.
According to Dr Mohseni, training human specialists, holding the common scientific conference and congress with ministry of Health of Iraq, fulfilling common research projects in the field of medical science and rehabilitation in both national and international level, and visiting medical and rehabilitation center of two sides in the direction of upgrading the quality rehabilitation services in Kurdistan Region will be some cooperation zone.
Nazem Dabbagh’s Note for Sirvan Weekly/ the Creation of a Free Zone and Maintenance of Common Interest
In its new number and a note under the subject ‘the creation a free zone and the maintenance of common interest’ by Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Iran, Sirvan Weekly dealt with researching the achievements of the pass of free industrial trade zone of Baneh-Marivan.
According to the Navaye Abidar, it is stated: if we take look at the relations between Iran and Kurds during the history, we see that these relations have continuously accompanied by cooperation and support, definitely this process will flourish when there are common interests and lead both sides to a common aim. Before the formation of the new Iraq, economic relations, settlement of needs and trade routes of both sides were carried out through Kurdistan, looking through the common interests, we will notice that Kurdistan has been the relational bridge between the East and the West as Hamilton Lines, Silk Road between Asia and Mediterranean Sea that Kurdistan relational way was of much important.
Trade borders and economic activities among cities, Kurdistan Region and Iran have continuously been ongoing; Longer ago cities like Tabriz, Orumiye, Mahabad, Baneh, Sanandaj and Kermanshah had economic relations with Erbil, Quisanjagh, Soleimanieh and Garmian areas of Kurdistan.
Specifically after the formation of the new Iraq and continuously fighting of Iraq and Kurd nation, Iran always has been a military, economic and spiritual supporter. After Iraq-Kuwait-Persian Gulf war these economic activities have increased, it can be said that Kurdistan has changed to a relational bridge and transition line between Iran and Iraq.
After establishing new borders and formation of free zone in common border points between Iran and Kurdistan, it has created trust as well as another motivation for activities and qualities of lives of these areas while investing, economic activities and the level of economic relations have been developed which have led to more improvements and developments of both sides.
Improving trade and economic activities on borders and to create security and peace in these regions will lead to maintain common interest and at last will deeply influence on bilateral relations to get better. What is required to be insisted on is that the process of trade and economic activities and development should be carried out accordance with the necessary standards, legislative support and Marketing need.
Nechirvan Barezani Visited the Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif
Service: Policy- Foreign Policy: Nechirvan Barezani the Prime Minister of KRG and Mohammad Javad Zarif the foreign minister of Iran, exchanged ideas about the most recent changes of bilateral relations, Iraq and the Region problems. On the report of Iranian Students News Agency of Iran (ISNA) the prime minister of Iran, mentioning the progressive procedure of economic cooperation between Iran and Iraq and said: the government of Iran will, in order to get aside the barriers, take all necessary measures to improve and deepen the relations. Mentioning authorities’ assessment of commercial and economic sections in government and of private area, he hoped the preparation to progress obtained agreement has been simplified by Iraqi’s authorities.
Mohammad Javad Zarif, besides supporting the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq, stated through the correlation and willpower of statesmen the preparation to release areas occupied by ISIS will be provided for central government. In this meeting Nechirvan Barezani the PM of KRG of Kurdistan of Iraq stated: we are happy, as the result of Foreign Minister’s attempt and fulfilment of Barjam (comprehensive Program) agreement, the grounds to open economic relations between Iran and Iraq will be laid. He expressed his congratulations on these attempts and stated: all Iraqi groups with strong will are going to confront extremist and terrorism in Iraq.
Nechirvan Barezani’s Travel to Tehran/ Meeting Iranian Authorities on Kurdistan Regional P.M’s Agenda
Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Iran, notified Nechirvan Barezani’s travel to Iran. According to the international report of Ana News Agency, Nechirvan Barezani, the P.M of KRG has gone Iran to attend in Munich Security Conference (CGM).
The primary meetings of CGM, with the cooperation of Political and International Study Office of Department of State will be held on Saturday, October 25, to study the concerns of the region for one day in Tehran. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran notified on Thursday that in the response to the official invitation of Iran to attend in primary meeting of CGM held in Tehran will go to Tehran on 9 of this month. In addition Dabbagh said that the P.M of KRG will most likely visit a number of authorities of Iran and consult with them.
Nazem Dabbagh: Iran is the main Supporter of Kurds of Iraq to Fight against ISIS
Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), while visiting Mehr News Agency and offering congratulations on the occasion of inauguration of Kurdish Language Service of this News Agency, had an interview of which main points follow:
About the current situation of the relations between Iran and I.R. of Iran, Mr. Dabbagh was asked and he replied: I.R. of Iran is close to Iraq and has a close relation with this country and Kurds in special. Pointing the common features between two countries in cultural, political, economic and social fields, Dabbagh said relations of both sides at current situation is desirable. He added he tries to improve the exchanges mutual cooperations in all parts in especially economy and trade.
In a response to another question, Nazem Dabbagh considered the infrastructural concern in the fields of border terminals as the most important but political-security relations as desirable. He said after the Islamic Revolution’s victories Iran has been a friend for Iraqi Kurds and specifically supported them when having been chemically bombarded and attacked by ISIS.
About the differences relating the presidency of Kurdistan Region of Iraq among parties and Kurdish groups he said: the issue of oppositions in the Region has to be managed so that it cannot damage public properties. He added: in spite of holding such oppositions it can be solved only through talking. Dabbagh said: it is absolutely not nice to improperly treat great men like Masoud Barezani who has a long fighting record.
About rumors concerning Iran’s role to reinstate Barezani, he stated after this accident different boards of Iran visited the authorities and officials but they never said anything about staying and going of anyone, they instead tried to preserve unity in the Region. He continued that in the days ahead a team under Me. Ghasem Rostami will travel to the Region to talk over how to manage financial concerns and economic crisis of the Region.
In a response to question Dabbagh said: about the difference with the central government of Iraq, according to the constitutions the central government has responsibility for the Kurdistan Region that unfortunately some parts of these promises have not been carries out, that is why the Region gets into problems in specially budget and financial concerns being supposed to be solved through talking. Dabbagh suggested the salary of Peshmerga and oil as the most important aspects of these differences.
The Chief Executive Officer of Mehr News Agency Considers the Major Aim of Kurdish Language Service of Mehr Attention to Cultural Activities
Based on the report of Mehr News Agency, as the representative of KRG of Iran visiting Mehr News Agency, Ali Asgari on Monday noon stated: Mehr News Agency tries cultural attitude, this is why that it is a priority in Kurdish Language Service. He added: sine inaugurating Mehr has sustained its cultural approach, and in this direction while trying for more intimacy and unity Kurdish language is endeavoring that cultural concern is supposed to be a priority by this attitude.
Mentioning that the relations between Iran and regional counties have to be strengthened, the Chief Executive Officer of Mehr News Agency added: one of our priorities in Kurdish language is to try to achieve this goals and that is why we are making attempts to move in this direct. He deemed producing news in Kurdish language a high sensitivity and said: we are following these sensitivities and trying to provide more intimacy and cooperation in the region. The managing director finally asked the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran to have a nice cooperation with this media and lay the ground to support Kurdish language of Mehr News Agency.
As expressing his happiness for inaugurating Kurdish Language Service of Mehr News Agency, the representative of KRG also said: it is expected that Mehr News Agency can sincerely try in this new direction.
Nazem Dabbagh in Talk with Mersaad News: Russians Are Wiping out ISIS Infrastructure Place by Place/ ISIS, the Enemy of Humanity and Civilization
Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in Iran, taking with international reporter of Mersaad News Transmission about Baghdad which has asked Moscow to present in Iraq to fight against ISIS, stated: fighting against ISIS for KRG is a priority over everything, since ISIS is the enemy of humanity and civilization, not merely the enemy of a group or special people. He added: since the heading of our jobs is to wipe out ISIS, we welcome any government to enter on fighting it.
Dabbagh said: now Pishmerga are cooperating with Iraqi army to remove ISIS, for we know ISIS as a national concern. The representative of KR of Iraq in Iran stated: if the policy of the government of Iraq is enter Russia or any other force on fighting ISIS, we agree with this and Pishmerga will also fight against ISIS along with them.
The PM of Kurdistan Region: the role of Iran in political Changes of Kurdistan is Constructive
The Prime Minister of KRG of Iraq, stating the constructive of role of Iran in solving regional and Kurdistan crises as effective, said: Iran tried to get all interior groups of Kurdistan together.
According to the report of Mehr reporter, Nechirvan Barezani the prime Minister of KRG of Iraq in the primary meeting of CGM held in studies office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran, among reporters while stating that there are political disputes in Kurdistan Region and luckily these disputes have not grown said: these disputes can be solved through talking and we also aim to agree with all groups specially patriotic unity and we hope to reach a conclusion.
In a reply to a question about the role of Iran to fight terrorism he answered: the role of Iran was effective in two stages to solve the crises in the region. At first stage when ISIS attacked Kurdistan of Iraq, Iran was one of those countries helping us. After that also the role of Iran was constructive in Kurdistan political changes. Barezani added: the role of Iran in Kurdistan was constructive for it could get closer the interior groups of Kurdistan together.
He went on: we consider any changes aiming to destroy ISIS in the region positive. So we think in Syria changes cannot be military, concerns should be solves through a political process.
The P.M of KRG insisted: we think if any measure is taken to weaken terrorist in the region, it will be welcomed by us. If this quadruple correlation is going to collapse terrorist and ISIS, it will definitely be deemed as positive act in our view.
According to the report by foreign political reporter of ISNA News Agency Nechiravan Barezani presented in primary meetings of Munich Security Conference and said: political quarrels in Kurdistan Region occur, however, we are glad to say that it has lead no more quarrels and it can be solved. He added: we are negotiating with political groups, especially patriotic union and hope to reach an agreement.
The P.M of Kurdistan Region of Iraq in a response to question concerning the opening on the behalf of some in Kurdistan Region about Iran’s negative role answered: in my view it was absolutely wrong and Iran’s role at the time ISIS’a attack was so positive and Iran was one of those countries rushed to help us and we have always been witnessing Iran’s constructive role.
Nechiravan Barezani in Talk with Bulletin News: We Will Solve the Crisis through Talking
About his message to Kurdistan Region from Tehran, Nechiravan Barezani said: there is absolutely a serious will to solve the problems of the Region and my message is that to try solve the current concerns through talking. It is meant that we will continue to negotiate.
International group: as Nechiravan Barezani the PM of KRG of Iraq arrived in Tehran said to the reporters of News Bulletin: I travelled to Tehran by the German foreign minister’s invitation to attend Munich International Security Meeting and it is natural that we will visit Iranian authorities to be more compatible.
On Saturday Nechiravan Barezani along with foreign ministers of Iran and Germany and tens of authorities of the regional countries attended in Munich International Security Meeting in Tehran. We believe that the crisis of Syria is not solved by military operation but negotiations.
Nazem Dabbagh in Talk with Bulletin News: the presence of Kurdistan Regional Government in Tehran Meetings was Important
Nazem Dabbagh, the representative of KRG in talk with Bulletin News said: the presence of KRG in Munich International Security in Tehran was important. He added the presence of Kurdistan Region that nowdays known as main confrontation to fight terrorism in Munich Security Meetings was important to talk about its important role in this direction. Thus, such meeting is considered as a precious chance for Kurds and you all witnessed that the PM of Kurdistan Region presented.
In continue, about the crisis of Syria and the role of Kurds in this country he said: undoubtedly attempts to establish democracy in Syria is a great achievement for Kurds and they will also benefit it. So we support any attempt to stabilize and establish democracy in Syria.
President Barzani Meets U.N. Special Representative for Iraq
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