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About the reasons of outstanding increase of Kurds’ role in Syria followed by domestic crisis of this country, Iran Press had an interview with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Governemt of Iraq in Iran and one of the senior experts in Kurdish affairs of which its outlines follow:
In the response to the first question, Nazem Dabbagh replied that after the emergence of ISIS phenomena and opposition of Syria, Kurds had an opportunity to refresh and assert them. Through occurred conditions they pursued to restore their wasted rights, so did they start to fight against terrorists and interfering forces. What characteristics of Kurds warriers that differ from other fighters is their sincerity, bravery and courage. He continued: according the constitution, the first aim is to protect existence of their policy and military. After the fight between Bashar Assad’s government and oppositions commenced, Kurds started to fight its territory rather than supporting them; so they avoided fight and tension with Syria Regime. While it seems when ISIS and Al-Nosrah Front threat goes on, Kurds will also avoid fight with Syria Regime.
The representative of Kurdistan Region in Iran relating to the close relationship with Syrian Kurds with P.K.K and Ankara’s policy said that Syrian Kurds and P.K.K have many common ideological and structural characteristic. Syrian Kurdish party is a branch of Turkish Labors. Thus it needs to be mentioned that these groups are obedient to the Constitution of their countries; and their cooperation does not mean estrangement between them and their political regimes. This is truer for Syrian Kurds. Concerning with hardware entrance of Turkey it needs to be indicated that Ankara has involved in serious strategic mistakes in the field of changes of Syria. Disregarding the roots of crisis, by their unexamined acts they have made Syria security.
On the occasion of Newroz, the Kurdish New Year, Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani sent his best wishes to the people of Kurdistan and hailed the sacrifices and bravery of the peshmerga forces in defending Kurdistan against ISIS.
In his message the President voiced his deep concern about the escalation of violence in Turkey, and expressed his hope for a speedy end to this violence and the prevention of further escalation to communal strife.
On Syria, the President expressed his support for the proposed federal solution for the future of the country and added that all sides must come to agreement for this to succeed.
In his message the President also talked about the question of Kurdistan Region Presidency, and repeated his call on the political parties to end this political impasse. He stated that the best way forward is to reactivate the parliament, elect a new presidency for the parliament, and form a new cabinet for the KRG.
The President reassured the people of Kurdistan that the economic crisis will not last and thanked the people for their patience and resilience during this crisis. He said that the reform package that has been announced will soon deliver positive results, and will help ease the economic crisis.
On relations with Baghdad, the President said, “we have two options before us: either we forget the struggles and sacrifices of our people in the last hundred years, or the current situation and the mature of our relationship with Baghdad must change. We will not accept to be subordinates to Baghdad, and Baghdad does not accept our partnership. Independence for Kurdistan is a peaceful call and is not a threat to anyone. We want to reach an amicable agreement with Baghdad on this question through mutual understanding. Before holding the referendum, the Kurdistan Region will engage in a serious and frank dialogue with Baghdad on our disputes and relationship.”
Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iran supporting idea of holding referendum of independence of Kurdistan Region said this is accordance with the constitution of Iraq.
According to the international reporter of Ana News Agency, Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran said: in the constitution of Iraq the right to determine fortune and holding a referendum for all people is emphasized. Naturally this the absolute right of Kurdistan people to express their opinions for their future.
About the purpose of this holding such referendum in the present complicated situations of Iraq he said: Kurdistan Region wants to determine position through this referendum and know that the news implies independence declare of people is indeed whether people’s opinions themselves or rumors to which the Region are inspired by other sources.
While stating that never do Kurds want to begin to hold a referendum of independence without Central Government’s permission, Dabbagh said: based on this there have been negotiations between Central Government and Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Naturally for this KRG should enter negotiation with government. Already Masoud Barzani the president of KRG relating a referendum of independence said: the Kurdistan Region is looking for being a real partner in Central Government, if not possible so, about being or not in the frame of Iraq we do hold referendum. Barzani alerted: Iraq is about to fall. The outcome of following parliamentary elections may be determinant, if there is respect to the constitution and its performing, Kurds will cooperate to establish Iraq. About these phrases of Barzani Nazem Dabbagh said to Ana reporter: since ISIS attacked Iraq, it has been divided into three sections. One is the areas of Baghdad and south of Iraq under Central Government, another as before is under Kurdistan Region and the other in under ISIS. In fact, we are facing heterogenic condition which more than ever reveals the necessity of being united to fight terrorists like ISIS.
Criticizing the weak army help of Central Government of Iraq to Kurds against ISIS he Said: we want Central Government of Iraq to support Kurdistan Region to fight against ISIS, but we consider them insufficient. Naturally helping the Region should not be limited to military but to political, back-up, diplomatic … fields.
The representative of Kurdsitan Region of Iraq in Iran stated: Iran has always offered its political and military helps to us and has repeatedly appreciated for their positive positions to changes of Kurdistan Region.
Government of Iraq has made his decision to release Ramadi and is determined to do this. However, in past, Iraq Army did carried out many attacks to release Ramadi and somehow succeeded to take it back, at last ISIS could reoccupied it. But this time accordance with present information filed evidence Iraq Army intends to take it back from ISIS by international and human force and to maintain it, as past experience has raised this concern that has the ability to release Ramadi, but has never been able to keep it for ISIS by suicidal cars and mine-laying would not let Army forces to stay in town and reoccupy it. In general it has to be said that the condition of Iraq army has changed as compared to past. Firstly the whole Army and government of Iraq as well as the force of coalition and of different countries are insisting on releasing Ramadi. Secondly after being repeatedly defeated ISIS does not have past conditions, on the other hand, the conditions are more provided than before for ISIS to be defeated.
Thirdly Iraq Army is equipped with new technologies like bomb- and mine-offsetting. In addition Iraqi forces have been seriously trained to fight against terrorists of ISIS and changed its position as compared to the past and increased its abilities. Meanwhile the presence of Hashad Al-Sha’bi and different forces of people and quite preparedness of Sunni group to fight against ISIS have made it more hopeful to the past.
Nevertheless for past bad experience there is this concern that past accidents may occur again; we should wait and see what conditions may come up in field scene. In past it was also promised that Ramadi was freed but in practice such accident did not occur. Thus, it is the fact that if ISIS is fully defeated in Ramadi and Iraqi forces can maintain it, there will be a hard bite on ISIS, and this operation can leads to ISIS’s complete defeat in Anbar province. Since not only the towns under ISIS will fall but also their inspirations will. Even though in the past ISIS tried to show that it had the ability to attack to some areas again, it does not for being defeated in different parts of Iraq. Thus, this time I desire Iraq Army to keep it under their control after entering and freeing Ramadi.
Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Iran described the latest position of Jalal Talibani, ex-president of Iraq.
Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran concerning of the latest physical position of Jalal Talibani the ex-president of Iraq said the international reporter of Tasnim News Agency that his physical conditions is good now and is staying in Soleimaniya under skilled medical team monitoring accompanied by some Iranians medicals. He added: Mr. Talibani travelled to Germany to be completely checked up and after being so, came back to Kurdistan of Iraq two weeks ago.
The representative of KRG in Iran relating to the role of General Secretary of Patriotic Union in changes of Iraq and Kurdistan said: Mr. Talibani has frequently had a special place in Iraq so that Ayatollah Sistani once said that Mr. Talibani is the safety valve for security and improvement for Iraq.
Meanwhile Dabbagh said that Talibani presently has nothing with political affairs directly due to his physical condition, and all his duties and jobs are carried out by the political and leadership counseling office of Patriotic Union. For final words concerning determination of the substitute for general secretary of patriotic union of Kurdistan of Iraq stated: as of a yet there has been no talk for Mr. Talibani’s substitution, whenever the congress of the party is held, it will deal with it. Jalal Talibani, born in 1933, was the president of Iraq from 2005 to 2014 and now the leader of Patriotic Union Party of Kurdistan.
In 2012, Talibani went to Germany to be cured. In 2013 December, a new photo of Talibani was published by a few Medias showing the improvement of Jalal Talibani’s physical condition. In June 19, 2014, He came back Soleimaniya from Berlin airport.
The reporter of Tasnim News Agency carried out a detailed talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iran of which the outlines follow:
In a response to the first question relating to the concerns of Iraq and the Region was considered by Nazem Dabbagh financial crises resulting from the fall of oil price to $40, pursuing party interests rather than national ones by some political groups, ISIS and the loss of Mr. Jalal Talibani. He specified: in the past, there was coordinate between Mr. Talibani and Barzani, at that time there were more availability and possibility to solve the problems, whereas now this condition has destroyed.
In a response to another question concerning with conflicts in Kurdistan Region and attacking to Parties Offices he replied: no conflicts occurred between Kurdistan Patriotic Union and Democrat Party, Neither will in the future, in my view. However the differences as before, after the change movement or Guran and the demonstrations of other political groups some problems happened. The root of these differences was considered by Dabbagh upon the constitution of the Region, the presidency of the region and the opposition of Democrat Party with the return of the chairman of the Regional Parliament to Erbil.
The representative of KRG relating to differences with Central Government of Iraq said that these differences have still been ongoing. He said: as of yet the KRG has many times heralded his readiness to negotiate with Baghdad, and It was expected on the behalf of Baghdad a time would have been determined. Baghdad put a prerequisite that KRG turned it down and will. He considered the loss of Mr. Jalal Talibani effects in not solving the disputes.
In his view the matter of Kurdistan Region’s oil selling is both legal and illegal. It is permitted according to the constitution that every three provinces or more can form a region which is under Central Government. Every region is just allowed to sign oil contract, then to market and finally sell. But we are agreed that the outcome of Iraq belongs to all Iraqis. The regions which are abundant of oil are southern and northern parts of Iraq. However the hesitation of Central Government occurs and we do not wait its permission. Dabbagh continued that managing oil outcomes of the Region caused improvement and development. Dabbagh said the region does not offer its oil outcome to Central Government and it is for Central Government’s dogmatism.
In the response to this question that if Turkey’s entrance to Mosul was followed by Kurds and Barzani’s support, Dabbgh Said: about this I should say the presence of Turkey in the Region of Kuedistan is not true, but it is according to the agreement of 1983 signed between Iraq and Turkey accordance with which Turkey can enter Iraq and Iraq can (to fight Turkey’s Kurds). Since Turkey entered Iraq’s land it has still remained. The regions of the regions around Mosul in which it has already entered are separated. Dabbagh said some Sunni personifications like Iraq Defend Ministry (who is Sunni) has gone to Baeishghe visited there and Asil Al-Najifi the dismissed tetrarch has come to an agreement with Turkey that Turkish forces trains Sunni Hashad Al-Shabi of Iraq.
In a response to another question about the position of the KRG concerning with the presence of Turkish forces in the north of Iraq Dabbagh said: the government of the Kurdistan Region agrees with of Turkey and Iraq agreement, we do not oppose with Iraq Government’s actions, to defend itself with power, Baghdad can go to complain through international societies such as United Nations and security council. I just said that Turkish Army passed through our region. But in the response to the question relating to effects of the presence of Turkish forces in the north of Iraq Dabbaggh said: the position of KRG is that the entrance of Turkish Army without Iraq government’s permission is the violence of Iraq sovereignty. Dabbagh added: I say that it was not without Iraqi’s aware. In the region of Kurdistan there was necessary coordination some time (between Erbil and Baghad) and the problems and differences were a few at that time, but today there has been loss which requires someone like Mr. Talibani.
Relating to if Turkish forces’ entrance has strengthened this theory (Iraq’s disintegration), Dabbagh expressed his opinion: My own analysis is that United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are seeking for this project (to found Sunni Region and Iraq disintegration). I strongly believe that Turkey’s attempts are accordance with founding Sunni Region in Iraq and Ottoman Empire heredity. He added that: we support the idea of founding regions in Iraq, Kurdistan Region of Iraq was passed in the constitution, there is the possibility of several regions to exist in the constitution and under the Central Government. To found Sunni government in Iraq is not more than a dream.
Dabbagh said Kurdistan Region give the freed regions not belonged to the Region back to Central Government. But he said Kirkuk belongs to the Kurdistan Region. In his view Kirkuk has not historically had Shia, its Sunnis are former personnel of Ottoman government which were supposed to leave there according to the article 140 of the constitution.
Dabbagh continued to say that for Kurds to take part in freeing Mosul some requests have been put by America and we accepted that with some conditions. If the Central government asks us the same, we will accept this with some conditions. These conditions are Central government’s help to Pishmerga, to supply weapons, to train, rights and equipments. In a response to a question Dabbagh stated that Region has not been paid its 17% of the budget. If the Region itself began to not sell its oil we could not have fought against ISIS.
The reporter of Tasnim asked Dabbagh’s opinion about anti-terrorism coalition which Saudi Arabia has formed and he replied: in my opinion we should wait, it is still soon to enter some matters . . . he added: in general I feel that there will be a kind of Warsaw coordination. In my opinion China, Russia and Iran may be the founder of a new treaty like Warsaw. About the reactions of this coalition about Iran Dabbagh said: whatever this is, there is opposition and enmity to Iran, but I said in a meeting that the depth of Iran’s strategic is in Iraq. In general Iran has changed to a power. Iran’s power has caused America and the west to withdraw. 5+1 agreement with Iran has caused conditions that cannot be neglected, however the Middle East regions and Arabian countries of Persian Gulf do not accept it.
Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Region in Iran while stating that the consulting between Oil Ministry’s advisor of Iran and the authorities of KRG is supposed to be continued informed Rostam ghasemi’s trip to Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Reported by the reporter of international group of Ana News Agency, Nazem Dabbagh, pointing Tehran’s and Erbil’s tendency to establish relations in the field of oil and gas, reported announced that Rostam Ghassemi on the behalf of Iran has been selected to carry out the negotiation of signing a contact relating to gas export. Talking with Ana News Agency he said the reporter: Rostam Ghasemi the advisor of oil ministry of Iran is supposed to travel to Kurdistan Region to consult how to exchange gas between two sides and signing some contracts. Dabbagh pointed: this trip is taken to continue the negotiations between Kurdistan Region and I.R. of Iran to develop economic relation and Ghasemi is visiting and talking to the prime minister of KRG as staying in Erbil.
In a response to a question that any contracts have signed between Iran and Kurdistan Region, He said: no contract has been signed as of a yet, but the professional meeting is ongoing so that it can be expected that a contract get signed.
Ankara, Turkey, ( As part of President Masoud Barzani's visit to Turkey, he was received today by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey. During the meeting President Barzani and President Erdogan discussed the latest developments in Iraq and in Kurdistan insofar as the war against the terrorists of the Islamic State is concerned. Presidents Barzani and Erdogan stressed on the importance of continuing and strengthening the coordination between the allies against the terrorists.
President Barzani also discussed the Kurdish issue in Turkey with President Erdogan and reiterated his stance of peace being the only solution for all parties involved. President Barzani stated that neither the Kurds nor the state of Turkey would benefit from attempting to violently resolving the issues.
During President Barzani's series of meeting with Turkish officials, he also met with Mr. Ahmet Davutogu, the Prime minister of Turkey.
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